Ch.29 - Reminder

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(A/N: Kylo is gonna consensually degrade you and do some drugs in this chapter. Just saying.)

This morning was the first time you had ever woken up in Kylo's bed alone. You hoped it would be the last. It felt so big and empty without him there.

    You spent the beginning of your morning eating breakfast with Vicrul, both of you enjoying the view from Kylo's apartment.

    "I told you he wasn't going to leave you." Vicrul said to you, taking a bite of food you made for the two of you from Kylo's fridge. You told Vicrul about the conversation you had with Kylo the night before, how he called you before you fell asleep. It felt good to be able to share things like this with someone, even if it was one of his Knights, you always felt so isolated before. You didn't tell Vicrul specifics, Kylo would be so embarrassed if you did, but you just let him know that Kylo wasn't upset with you.

    "I never know with him. Sometimes I think I have him all figured out and I know how he's gonna react and then..." You frowned, "I realize I don't really know him at all." You said sadly, suddenly not having an appetite at the thought of it.

Vicrul sent you a look that said, 'really?'.

You shrugged at his look, sticking by what you said.

Vicrul nodded slowly then, realizing. "You're letting Snoke get to you." He said accusingly. "That's exactly what he wants, he wants you and Kylo to start questioning each other." He said, pointing his fork in your direction as he spoke.

    You thought about it and rolled your eyes. He was right but you didn't want to admit it. "I'm not, this bothered me before Snoke did this." You told him, staring down at your cup of coffee.

    You two were quiet for a few passing moments.

    "You know him better than anyone." Vicrul finally said, "Even if Snoke wants you to think otherwise."

    You looked over at him and were surprised by how serious he was being. "What makes you say that?"

    He leaned back, staring out of the window as he thought about it. "We've never seen him like this...He's so different when he's with you. That's gotta mean something, right?" He didn't want to say too much, if you repeated this to Kylo he didn't want to get in trouble.

    "What do you mean by different?" You asked, prompting him to say more. You knew what he meant for the most part. Kylo was so soft for you, but it still felt reassuring to hear someone else say it.

    Vicrul chuckled, knowing that you were just trying to get him to say it out loud to you. He didn't blame you. "Well, I don't know, he treats you like an actual human being for starters?" He took another bite of food. "Even when he's with someone he respects, he's always just trying to get the upper hand. You're the only person he ever actually talks to."

    You bit back a grin at that. It was something you actually had never thought about before. If Kylo wasn't with you, what did he even have to say to other people? All you ever witnessed him talk about was money or power or a mixture of the two.

When he was alone with you, you two talked about places you've been, the things that scared you, the things that made you laugh...You suddenly felt your stomach twist, wondering how lonely Kylo's life must've been before you showed up in it. You supposed you could say that same about yourself.

    Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of your phone 'ding'ing next to you. You glanced at it and saw Kylo's number. "Speak of the devil." You mumbled which caused Vicrul to laugh out loud.

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