Ch.20 - Always

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Warnings: Sexy time includes: degradation, dubcon, and pain. Hehe.   

    Getting into the back of Hux's car so that you could go to dinner together, was like adding a thousand pound weight onto your shoulders. You didn't want to betray anyone, you didn't want anyone to die. But this was your life now. This is just what you had to do. It was exhausting.

    "Hi." You said to him, hoping your voice sounded steadier than you actually felt as you got comfortable in your seat, putting the seatbelt on. Well, as comfortable as you could be considering the situation.

    "Hi, honey." Hux said to you. You watched as his eyebrows raised while he looked you over. "Is that leather?" He asked, pointing to your skirt.

    You glanced down, remembering what you were wearing, the skirt Kylo picked for you, and nodded. "It is."

    Hux chuckled a little, taken back, "You do know we're going to dinner, right?"

    You realized what he meant, "People wear leather at dinner sometimes, I'm sure."

    Hux couldn't help but actually laugh at that. He leaned back in his seat and stared at you wistfully. You did the same with him.

    He had bags under his eyes, you noticed a few new wrinkles on his forehead as well. He looked stressed, more stressed than you'd ever seen him look.

    And you had definitely never worn something like this to dinner before. Usually, you tried to wear something nice but something that would blend in, not wanting extra attention from any of the men that Hux was meeting up with. Clearly, that wasn't the case now.

    Suddenly, it dawned on the both of you in that moment how different the two of you were becoming. You hardly recognized each other. Neither of you said it out loud but there was a clear tension in the air after this realization. The two of you both knew your relationship was hanging on by a fine thread, everything was changing.

    "How long has it been since we've gone out together?" Hux asked you. His tone was soft, almost sad. He used to take you out on dates all the time, you barely had a moment alone because he always had something planned to try and romance you. But recently, you'd go days without even talking to him.

    "I don't know." You shrugged, just as sadly as him. His question forced you to think about memories with him, of nights when you were so happy to be with him. It was so different now, so much more complicated.

    You felt like you had been asleep for the past year and only woke up when Kylo came back. You had been so complacent with Hux, thinking that he was the best you could do. Now, you knew better. It was sad to you that Hux didn't have this same awareness, he was still holding onto you, hoping it would just fix itself and this would become the perfect relationship.

    For a few moments, the only sounds that could be heard was the radio playing quietly in the background and the cars driving past the one you were in.

    "What are you doing Thursday night?" Hux asked you, breaking the silence.

    You frowned, knowing he was going to ask you to do something with him. "I might have plans." You lied, you didn't have anything.

    "Cancel them." Hux said and when you looked at him he was smiling at you. "I want to take you somewhere, where ever you want. Like we used to."

    Your stomach twisted in guilt. You didn't like when he was nice to you, it made this harder. "Okay." You agreed, trying to show him that you appreciated it but you just felt so bad. You knew that Kylo would want you to go on the date, it would give you more opportunities to learn things about Hux's plan. But this was far from easy for you, you just wanted it to go away.

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