Ch.32 - Monster

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Although he'd never admit it, not even to you, Kylo Ren was a big baby.

And you had been doing such a good job taking care of him.

It had been a few days since he came home from the hospital and although there were a couple of times when you had to convince him to let you do things for him like helping him take a bath or cleaning his apartment for him, Kylo was starting to get comfortable with having you around in this way.

    When he was released from the hospital, you'd been thankful but not surprised that Kylo's car had been completely cleaned. You weren't sure which Knight had the unfortunate job of scrubbing Kylo's dried blood from the seats and windows, but you were glad that you didn't have to worry about the cops seeing it while you drove him home.

    The doctors told Kylo that he really shouldn't be leaving the house until he was healed. Considering his line of work (which they conveniently avoided talking about), it wouldn't be smart to put himself out there while he was so vulnerable. Kylo was pretty much stuck inside his apartment and you'd been doing your best to make sure that he had what he needed.

Digging the key to his apartment out of your purse, you shifted around the bags in your hands, trying to hold onto everything as you put the key into the lock and opened the door. "It's me." You called out as you entered the apartment.

It was pretty remarkable that this was just something you did now. You didn't find it weird to just walk into Kylo's apartment unannounced whenever you wanted. You two had come so far.

"I'm on the phone." You heard Kylo yell back in a distracted tone from his bedroom.

You made a face of 'oops', as you set the bags down on his counter, taking off your coat in the process. You hung it up on the hook by his door and took off your shoes, trying not to get the water from the snow outside all over his floor.

Quietly, you shuffled over to his open bedroom door, peering inside. He was propped up in bed, in his pajamas, his phone up to his ear and his computer on his lap. Since you brought Kylo home, he hadn't left the apartment, needing to lay low and heal for as long as possible. You could tell that it was driving him crazy, having to do all of his work from the confines of his bedroom and having to trust his men out there to do what he needed.

When Kylo noticed you, his eyes lit up, his lips twitching up in a smile. Although he hated being stuck inside all day, having you come over was his only highlight. He looked forward to your company, it was the only thing keeping him sane. Even if you just sat in bed with him and silently did your homework while he took a nap, he loved having you around. 

After you had his attention, you silently held up a bag of food, raising your eyebrows up as if to ask him if he wanted any of it.

Kylo nodded in response, giving you a brief thumbs up as he continued to talk on the phone, his fingers tapping away on his computer's keyboard. Months ago, he would've been embarrassed that you spent so much time taking care of him, bringing him lunch and keeping him company. But you two were so far past that now. It all felt so natural.

Kylo needed you.

You made your way back into his kitchen. You grabbed the tray that you'd been using to give him food in bed, the one that you bought for him when he first got home from the hospital and didn't have enough strength to make it to the dining room. You put the food that you bought for him on it as well as a glass of water. You carefully carried it into the room, balancing everything.

You didn't consider yourself a motherly person, you never had a reason to be one before. But something about seeing Kylo in such a weak position, when he was always so strong, filled you with the urge to help him.

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