Ch. 15 - Weak

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Hux's words had hit you like a ton of bricks.

"I need you to help me take down Kylo Ren."

This meant more than just betraying a man that had spent so much time inside your mind and body.

This meant also betraying Snoke and betraying the entire mob, which meant an entire tidal wave of repercussions.

Clearly, this had been something that Hux wanted to ask of you for a while now but didn't want to put that amount of pressure on you. After you pissed him off so badly, he decided that it was time. If you felt comfortable cheating on him then he felt comfortable asking for something dangerous from you.

You hesitated when he first asked but knowing you didn't exactly have a choice, you agreed.

You had asked Hux what he exactly meant by helping him. He informed you that he'd let you know when he needed you to do something specific but for now, he just needed you to agree to watch Kylo's apartment and let him know if you ever saw anything suspicious coming or going. He told you that he had plans coming up that you'd be an important part of but left it at that.

Hux said if everything went according to plan, that by the new year, Kylo Ren would be gone.

Christmas wasn't too far away, New Years would be coming up before you knew it.

You weren't sure if Hux was going to be able to pull off whatever plan that he had but if he did, you were never going to see Kylo again once this year was over. And you'd have to live with yourself knowing that you had helped bring him to his demise.

In the back of your mind, you knew that if this plan didn't work out that the opposite would take place... By the new year, Hux would be gone. If Kylo were to survive whatever was planned for him, no doubt, he would kill everyone who betrayed him. You realized you'd be included in that group.

As this information processed in your mind, you realized, no matter what happened...You were going to lose either Kylo or Hux. And maybe even your own life.

The next morning, you were staring at yourself in the mirror. You had spent the night alone with your thoughts.

You were lying to everyone, you realized. You weren't sure how you would be able to keep it all straight.

You were lying to Hux, to Kylo, to your friends, to Snoke, to the police...

Your eyes narrowed at your reflection, growing suspicious. Were you even lying to yourself?

When you got back from class, you smirked when you saw what looked like a card taped to your front door. Hux must've bought you a gift. Even though you were the one to fuck up by cheating on him, it didn't surprise you that his first thought to end this argument would be to buy you something.

But as you opened the envelope, your hand went over your mouth in surprise.

Inside were pictures. Of you.

They had been taken over the last several days that you'd been back from saying goodbye to your mom. It seemed like someone had been following you every single place you went outside of your apartment. There were photos of you walking to class, in the art studio painting, at the party...

There was a note too. 'Call Me- Officer Dameron' was sprawled on it along with a phone number.

The cops were following you. And they wanted to talk to you. The photos were a threat. If you didn't call them, they'd find you.

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