Ch.37 - Safe

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(A/N): Last chapter was crazy so here's some nice calm fluff so we can all take a deep breath. Enjoy!)

You couldn't remember the last time you and Kylo were this quiet.

Although you were okay now in Kylo's car, fleeing the scene, you didn't exactly feel okay.

A few of the knights showed up at the warehouse momentarily after Kylo arrived. It wasn't the most disturbing thing you'd ever seen but watching the way they handled your captor's body like he was a doll, had been jarring. It all happened so fast. The same stranger who had chased you down the stairwell and held a gun against you, was the same man that you saw the knights toss into a body bag, joking and laughing while they did so.

Kylo got you out of there as quickly as possible, trusting his men to take care of the body. Right now, Kylo needed to take care of you. He knew that.

As his car sped down the roads leading to your apartment, the only sounds that could be heard were the passing noises of the city, honking, conversations of strangers on the sidewalk and the low hum of his vehicle rushing through the traffic.

The two of you were in a silent haze, thinking over everything that had just transpired over the past couple of hours.

It felt almost comical to think about it. You had been kidnapped. It was such a dramatic act, something that you'd only heard about in movies or books. When you woke up that morning, it was the last thing you thought was going to happen to you. You could've never considered it an option.

Often, you two talked about how dangerous all of this was but it was always in theory. There was no denying it or downplaying it now. You had been kidnapped and if Kylo hadn't been around to save you, you would've been killed.

It was all Kylo could think about too. If he hadn't reacted as quickly as he had, you would've been killed. If he wouldn't have answered his phone, you could be dead. It was his fault, all of this was.

He took a deep, shaky breath as he pulled into the parking garage, finding his reserved spot. As he pulled the parking brake, he glanced over at you, meeting your eyes.

You were both so exhausted, there were so many thoughts on both your minds but there was no energy to focus on them specifically. Just a tired, anxious fog.

Kylo's eyes went up and down your body, unable to process that you were there in front of him and safe. You still had your little pajamas on, various rips and stains of dirt and blood on them, barefoot. There were a few visible injuries on your otherwise flawless skin, hair messy. It broke his heart.

You involuntarily winced when Kylo's hand gently reached for your cheek, still shaken up from the way you'd been touched earlier. When it dawned on you that it was just him and he wasn't going to hurt you, you relaxed against his touch, briefly shutting your eyes.

"Let's get you inside, okay?" He said to you in a soft voice, his frown deepening when you let out a small, 'okay' in response. He hated seeing you so defeated, you usually always had something sarcastic to say even in stressful situations. But this was much more than that.

Kylo got out of his side of the car and walked to the passenger side, opening the door for you. He leaned forward and unbuckled your seat belt. "You want me to carry you inside, princess? You don't have your shoes." He asked you in a quiet, deep voice.

You shrugged. You felt numb.

He sighed slightly as he lifted you out of the car, holding you close to his chest as he entered your apartment building, going to the elevator. He was thankful that no one was around in the parking garage or in the lobby. If someone saw him with you, he would've had to...take care of them later. He didn't want to take any chances of Snoke knowing where you were.

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