aside from the wound. (dhawan!doctor) (disaster!reader)

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okay so - this just appeared in my head after a conversation in the doctor who dis.cord server. anyway first post of the new year, I hope y'all had a good christmas/holiday and you all have a swell 2021 !!

warnings: blood mention, injury, detailed wound


If someone had told you last year that you'd be stuck in a parallel world, with a version of the Doctor that looked like the Master, you probably would have laughed at them. Like full on kinda mental breakdown kind of laugh, though even the idea of time travel and aliens was still an entirely foreign concept to you at that time. But yet here you were - exactly 12 months later, with your hand clasped firmly in his grasp as your legs tried their hardest to keep up with him.

It was still kinda surreal that HE was standing in front of you, looking so much like YOUR Master and yet he wasn't. He was kinder, softer, his dark eyes didn't seem scary anymore when you looked into them and touch certainly wasn't that big of a deal anymore. He reminded you so much like your Doctor that it was kind of freaky, almost like their entire personalities had switched. And that was the right assumption, considering you had met this universe's Master not that long ago - looking like HER and your brain had a hard time trying to wrap around everything that had happened during that week.

With the ability to get back to your own universe very slim, you had decided to join the Doctor on his travels, much like you would with your Doctor back home. Might as well stick around just in case he miraculously finds a way to send you home. Though really, you should have come to terms with the fact that sooner or later you would run into an adventure that could possibly get you both killed. The pair of you had caused a little bit too much trouble on this particular planet and of course, the guards that were chasing you out of the town weren't so forgiving, a giggle left your lips as your hand shifted in his ever so slightly. The Doctor looked back at you - tightening his grip on you, a manic grin crossing his lips and you couldn't help your heart as it skipped in your chest.

"Stop in the name of the emperor!" The loud shouts and calls from the guards caused you to look behind you and to be honest, you knew that while everything had been going so smoothly the last couple of months, something was bound to happen that would bring all of that good feeling crashing down. Your eyes widened ever so slightly when you spotted the weapons in each of the guard's hands - most of them aimed towards you. They looked like a cheap version of a Star Trek phaser.

"Doctor!" Your voice seemed to be drowned out by the villagers around you, who were all spilling out into the streets, wondering what was happening - the low murmur of their voices getting louder and you tried to keep your focus in front of you. The TARDIS came into view then and your whole body relaxed.

"Come on," Your name left his lips as his free hand moved to reach into his vest pocket and pull out the TARDIS key. Then there was a tickle at the back of your head, telling you that something was going to happen, that's when you saw it - the bright orange light left one of the weapons, sounding like a firecracker as it raced through the air towards you. The initial impact didn't hurt and you thought that it must have missed - but it wasn't too long until your whole body felt like it was on fire. You didn't have time to realise you had been hit, or even react properly when you spotted the TARDIS doors slam open and the pair of you fell inside, doors slamming shut behind you. Jumping when the banging against the doors filled your ears.

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