new orleans.

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at this point in your life, you really should have learned by now that if anything could go wrong - it most certainly will go wrong. somehow you should have realised not to jinx yourself, but well you couldn't help but be a little bit optimistic at every new place you visited. new orleans, in general, was such a beautiful place, with so many different people and music and food. it was the greatest city, in your opinion, in the country and you had been begging the doctor for the past couple of weeks to come and visit.

there had been multiple (tried) trips to new orleans however, but not to the one you had been really wanting to see. new new earth had finally established more countries from the last time you had visited, but that wasn't exactly what you had been expecting. then on one trip going to the city, the tardis had decided you were needed somewhere else. it was then new orleans in the 17th century, that hadn't exactly been a fun experience, not when the situation with the witches back in england that had just happened. you were almost going to give up on ever going when finally finally this trip - this one trip when you had stepped foot outside the tardis, you almost squealed in delight.

the dazzling lights and the sounds of jazz filled your ears. running to the end of the alleyway, your eyes focused on the people mulling about - the street lamps filling the void of the sun and the ambiance was everything you had expected it to be. turning on your heel, you looked back down the alleyway, wearing a massive grin. " you did it! " you shouted, bounding back towards the tardis. yaz couldn't help the laugh that left her lips as she slipped out of the tardis, and came to stand next to you.

" told you i'd get you here eventually. " the doctor replied, a smile crossing her pretty features. you couldn't help but bounce on the spot, before almost leaping over and wrapping her in a hug. you knew that she was caught off guard when she didn't exactly hug you back but before she had any time to react - you had bounded backward, coming next to yaz and faced out towards the street again.

" oh man, i've always wanted to travel to america. " yasmin spoke up as she glanced down the alley as well, catching glimpses of the people in the french quarter. it was honestly a lot more amazing than what the tv does for it. " san francisco would be my destination. " the two of you turned back around and faced the doctor once more.

you gave her expectant glances and her hazel eyes flickered between the two of you. graham and ryan had somehow gotten sick - a bad case of food poisoning from satellite seven, so they were staying behind on the tardis to try and recover. though, it would have been a fast recovery if ANY of the medication worked with their human systems. the doctor had grumbled, to herself mostly, that she really needed to top up on human edible medicines.

you and yaz grinned up at the doctor, who gave a soft sigh and a roll of her eyes, before she stepped out of the tardis, shutting the door behind her and stood between the pair of you. it was then that she pointed her elbows out and offered her arms to you. yaz grinned over at you and you returned it with one that was even bigger. before you lopped your arms through the doctor's

" want to see what kind of trouble we can get into ? " the doctor suddenly announced as the three of you wandered down the alleyway. coming to stop on the sidewalk, watching a jazz band stroll past playing their instruments and deciding on which direction to head. you looked up at the time lord and couldn't help but roll your eyes.

" oh god, " you mumbled, your bright grin dropped, but it still held a smirk, betraying your monotoned voice. you couldn't help but lean your forehead against the doctor's shoulder. " we're going to die, aren't we ? " you questioned, to which yaz gave a startled laugh at your response. you weren't usually one to be so abrupt or blunt with your answers. while the doctor snorted and tugged on your arm.

you lifted your head and watched the alien, who shook her head in response, eyes suddenly focused, however, on something across the street. it wasn't even five seconds before she looked back down at you and beamed once more. it was then that the three of you took off to the left of the alleyway.

" it's a tuesday, " the doctor replied - looking between you and yaz. " i know how to restrain myself. "

" you absolutely do not. " it was yaz who answered this time and the doctor pulled a face, her mouth dropping open for a quick second before it snapped shut and she sniffed.

her face eventually scrunched upwards. she was still contemplating yaz's response you guessed.

" alright, pick on the only one who can show you a good time. " of course it wasn't long after that conversation when you had stopped at one of the bars that a scream had caught your attention. you had all looked at each other, before yaz and the doctor were up out of their seats and rushing out of the bar. you had grumbled softly to yourself before you chugged the rest of your beer and then chased after them.

well - you wouldn't have had it any other way you guessed.

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