save her. part two (jessica!reader).

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now you found yourself sitting on one of the many beds in the med bay aboard the tardis. you said that you had enough medical supplies back at your apartment, including a generous amount of alcohol that you could suddenly ingest. ignore the searing pain from the cut on your leg and your face and just sleep it off, you're body would heal itself by morning, but the doctor was having none of it. the blonde had grasped your chin in her hand and tilted your head to the side, revealing the massive cut and blood that littered your cheek and forehead.

" this isn't just something you can sleep off, [y/n] " she had mumbled hazel eyes so intense that you had to look away suddenly. and she was right because it hurt like a bitch and the cut on your leg caused you to hobble the whole way back to the tardis, which was just around the corner.

it wasn't every day that you let yourself go and get taken in by the urge to protect everyone around you. but you guessed that's the problem when it comes to your line of work. you are literally paid to go out and find people. save people - make sure that they either come back home alive or well ... at least allow their families a moment to come to terms. so when you felt like you were going to lose the one person that had suddenly made you feel something this year, you just wanted to beat the persons face it.

you were broken out of your trance when the doctor came into the room. her coat was off and the sleeves of her white undershirt were rolled up to her elbows. welp ... she was serious then, moving from one side of the med bay to the other, collecting a few bits and pieces before she came to stand in front of you.

" take off your pants. " your brows suddenly rose and you had to force yourself not to choke on your own saliva. standing from the bed - you kept your gaze on the doctor, who was suddenly fiddling with a device that kind of looked like an epipen.

" i usually like a little more romancing first. " you couldn't help yourself. but when you got no reply from the time lord, you heaved out a sigh before unbuttoning your jeans and pushing them down your legs, before sitting back down on the bed. the cut ran from one side of your leg to the other and you almost winced at the amount of blood that had pooled around it.

and even more so at the amount of blood that dried down your leg.

" that was entirely too reckless. " the doctor suddenly spoke. your eyes narrowed at the top of her head, as she ran the epipen looking device over the cut on your leg. " what makes you think that i didn't have a plan? " a sting flooded up the length of your leg and you couldn't help but hiss out in pain, twitching slightly - looking back down you noticed that the cut was entirely gone, must be some kind of super-advanced healing device then.

" getting infected by that creepy ass looking slugs? " you grumbled out. " that was the plan? "

" well - not exactly... "

" listen doc, " you started once more, moving your leg away from her once she had finished cleaning up the dried blood around the wound and down the length of your leg. you couldn't help but let goosebumps appear when you felt the doctor's cool fingers brush along your thigh and calf. it was a few more seconds of silence, before she moved onto your face, this time with only a human-looking alcohol wipe - even though you were getting a little bit more antsy with her now, your breath couldn't help but catch at the back of your throat when she stepped closer to you - you could feel her body heat - something that was twice the temperature than a regular human. " it's crap-ass luck that the universe, for some goddamn reason keeps bringing me back to you. " you weren't angry so much as just tried. also extremely hot and bothered, you wondered if it had something to do with that alien device that she had just used on you. " so if i don't do my duty of looking after you and the others - than what the hell am i good for? "

swallowing suddenly you let your eyes linger on the floor over her shoulder. the only thing that you could hear between the pair of you was your shallow breathing before the doctor let out a soft laugh. a frown crossed your face as she stepped back slightly, a hand gripping your chin lightly, before her other that still held the wipe, came up to wipe away the blood. " oh, [y/n]. " she mumbled. " you are good for so much more. " eyes focused on you and you were glad that your cheeks were red already. " you are there when others need you, you take it upon yourself to look after so many different people. people who deserve it and quite frankly people who do not sometimes. " a snort escaped your lips then. " but at the end of the day, you do your duty. it doesn't have to always be me - i can look after myself. " the doctor's hand stopped suddenly, moving away and placing the wipe down on the bed beside you and letting her now free hand to cup your other cheek. " i'm over 2000 years old. i am perfectly capable of looking after myself. "

it was then that the doctor leaned forward once more, you wouldn't say that you were hoping something would come out of this but the kiss against your forehead was ... nice. you stilled underneath her touch, swallowing once more, you didn't know if you should move away or not. so instead you just allowed her to linger against your skin, eyes snapping shut. " you get into more trouble than ryan. " you finally spoke up and you were relieved when the doctor didn't move away, only that you felt her shift slightly and place her forehead against yours.

her breath lingering against your still healing face. it felt nice.

" well, it's a good thing you're staying then. " guess you had to now. your services were needed here, on the tardis. hell's kitchen can wait another week or two.

hell, that's what a time machine is for right?

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