you're back.

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yooooo 20k views !!! thank you so much everyone.

i appreciate each and every one of you that read and comment and vote and just actually enjoy my writing xx



It had been an entire six months. 182 days, 4380 hours and 15 768 000 seconds. Not like you were counting or anything, but being dumped back on Earth after everything that you had been through was a bit jarring. You had wanted to follow the old man after he disappeared, but you weren't quick enough and the alien ship had already started to take off. It had left you reeling, saying goodbye to the only person that you had known for the last two years was heavy, especially when you knew it could be the last time. An emptiness filled your chest and you felt like you were going to cry like you had lost something so incredibly important.

But when you had all landed on Earth, the four of you decided that it would be best not to linger around the new TARDIS. It was meant to blend in and if seven idiots were lingering out the front staring, it would eventually cause people to wonder what was inside it. Blending into the street, you also agreed that it would be best for Ethan, Ashad and Ravio to live there and to call it a home, not only was the chameleon circuit working but it due to it being bigger on the inside, it allowed them space if they needed it. Of course, it was a little difficult for them to settle, like you were expecting, but you knew that they much preferred your time over being hunted by Cybermen.

Eventually, the three future humans had made a home, it was quite scary at how well they adapted, you guessed once again that a little bit of normalcy was good for them. They weren't calling on you four, for every little thing and you were pretty sure that Ravio had gotten a job and that Ethan was going to free classes about mechanics. You were glad that they were able to have the life they always wanted and it put you at ease when you saw that even after everything they had been through, they could go back ... or have a normal life.

So, finally, after a week of moping around the house, you decided to go back to work and uni. It was hard not to mope, for all you know the Doctor did die on Gallifrey and you were waiting around for nothing. Though you weren't the only one who was still waiting, Yaz would come by every other week, just to check-in. Have a cup of tea, or lunch, or get incredibly wasted on a Friday night and eventually turn up home on a Sunday afternoon. Ryan had gone back to school as well and Graham was back to work. It seemed weird that everyone had fallen into their old lives so easily.

Your parents were concerned, they wondered why you spent so much time out in the backyard, looking up at the sky. You had told them you were just watching the stars, truthfully you were waiting to catch a glimpse of the TARDIS, or at least something out of the ordinary. Your mum was supportive of you actually getting some night air, boy if only she knew what you had been doing for the past two years. She would come out with a blanket and something warm for a little midnight snack. Your dad hated the cold, but he appreciated the fact that you would sometimes take photos through your telescope.

He liked the different planets you could see.

It wasn't until one Saturday afternoon (after your birthday), you had just gotten off your eight-hour shift at work, ready to fall into bed and sleep until dinner time, when you got a frantic message from Yaz.

Need you over here asap.

You frowned and groaned as you rolled over onto your back and stared up at the screen until another green bubble appeared on the screen.

Very very important.

Barely managing to read through her messages, another appeared.

She's back.

You shot up into a seated position. Oh. Oh. Not even bothering to change out of your work uniform, you slipped your shoes back on your feet, grabbed your keys and called out a goodbye to your confused parents.

"Pick up milk on your way home please!" You could just hear your mother shout from the kitchen. You couldn't remember if you responded or not, all you could think of was seeing the Doctor again.

It didn't take you that long to get to Yaz's, awkwardly parking in the car park underneath the apartments. You almost tripped over your untied shoes as you bounded up the stairs and banged on Yaz's front door. Your leg started to bounce up and down, your teeth gnawing at your lower lip. You banged at the front down again until you could hear shuffling of someone behind it. Once it opened to reveal Yaz's mum, looking confused, you rudely groaned.

Your name left her lips and you knew that Yaz wasn't there. Turning on your heel, you peeled back towards the stairs and took two at a time, basically jumping off the last three steps. You didn't go back to the car park, but to the front of the complex and there it was, sat in all her glory - plus a bit of aesthetically pleasing sunlight.


Your breathing started to get shallow and you had to swallow the lump that formed at the back of your throat. You couldn't believe it, six months ... six whole months of wondering if she survived, of if she died and whether or not you would never get to see her again. The TARDIS doors opened and out popped Yaz's head.

"Come on!" She waved you over, a massive smile crossing her lips. "We've been waiting for ya!" Pulling herself back inside, you sprinted over to the ship and bounded inside, almost tripping over once again as you remembered that ... well, it was bigger on the inside. Your eyes were too distracted by the interior to notice the Doctor standing hunched over at the console.

"Ah, took your time then!" She called out, not even looking up from whatever it was she was doing. "Yaz said you'd just gotten off work, but honestly - thought I was more important to ... Oof. " The sentence faded away as she was cut off as you practically slammed your body into her side. Wrapping your arms around her, you squeezed tight.

"I think someone missed you,"

"Yeah, got that Graham thanks." You tried not to cry, even going as far as squeezing your eyes shut, when the Doctor eventually got herself working again, you felt her shift - moving in your arms so that your head now laid on her chest and your arms wrapped around her waist. The steady four-beat pattern of her hearts were comforting. "It's okay, I'm here." She mumbled into your ear, feeling hair tickle against your forehead. Opening your eyes, you noticed that you could barely see through your tears.

"I thought you were dead." Her slender hand moved to brush through your hair. Fingers carded against strands that had fallen out of your ponytail, you could feel her chin resting on top of your head and everything just suddenly felt right in the world once more. "Thought that was going to be the last I'd ever see you..." A shuddering intake of breath moved through your body and the Doctor tightened her arms around your shoulders, other hand cradling the base of your skull.

"Nah, not me." She responded. "Can't get rid of me that easily." Swallowing, you lifted your head, licking your lower lip.

"Promise?" You questioned and her eyes shone with amusement that you hadn't seen in a long time. Whatever she had found on Gallifrey must have fixed her bad mood.

"I promise." Leaning forward, the Doctor placed a kiss on your forehead and she couldn't help but linger. Cradling you against her and you weren't going to let go anytime soon either, not even caring that the others were watching with an amused look of their own. You were just glad to have your Doctor back finally.

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