a little bit of blood.

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" is that blood ? " you hadn't really seen the doctor like this. almost bursting through the library doors and not making a sound while doing so. you were suddenly concerned about what the hell she had been up too. the others hadn't returned yet (or so you had thought) and you were starting worry about what the hell had happened, you cursed the fact that you had gotten sick and was stuck in the tardis, but you knew that if you made any move to go outside either the doctor was going to lock you in your room again or you were going to get even sicker. most likely the former but you weren't willing to risk the latter, your body seriously hated when you got sick and decided to fight the infection every way it knew how which usually meant painful times for you. sitting up on the couch, you watched as the doctor made her way over to the sink - somehow the library had decided that the swimming pool being there wasn't good enough and decided that a full-blown kitchenette was needed.

it was like she thought you all lived inside the library - which was kind of true from your point of view. shoving the blanket that was over your legs aside, you got up from the couch, trying not to fall over your unstable legs and made your way over to her.

" No? " a brow raised on your forehead at her short response, you watched her face in the mirror and noticed that it was scrunching up a lot, a sign that indicated she was either a annoyed at something or b in a lot of pain. if the scronching persisted it meant that it was a combination of the two. crossing your arms over your chest you leaned against the small dining table just behind her.

" that's not a question you're supposed to answer with another question. " you almost snapped back. the doctor ignored you then and proceeded to pull off her coat, chucking it onto the floor and for a minute you just stood frozen - in awe at the fact that she practically discarded it. you had never once seen her act so careless about that coat but it wasn't until you noticed the blood that was staining it, darker than a humans and much more worrisome, time for a new one you guessed. " jesus christ, doctor what the hell happened ? " you moved away from the table and closer to her, never once letting your eyes drop from her person - worried that if you did so, she'd wind up hurting herself again. not another word - she was too focused on suddenly mixing up something, after a couple of minutes, she placed the kettle on the small stove and the blonde continued to take off her clothes.

by that i mean - she pulled the suspenders off her shoulders and hiked up her blue shirt and you couldn't help the soft gasp that escaped your lips upon seeing the wound that caused so much trouble. it looked like a stab wound - just above the ecto-spleen, and you were grateful because you really didn't want a repeat of what happened on that day on the medical ship. " why are you bleeding ? " you tried once more and it was another five minutes (of the kettle boiling and the doctor mixing what appeared to be some sort of weird paste) before she answered you.

" the villagers have incredibly good aim for a species that haven't even invented the wheel yet. " your eyes widened and the doctor's hazel gaze focused back down on her stab wound. moving her left arm but it caused the time lord to hiss through her teeth. you could hear her say something under her breath and you wondered if it was gallifrayen before she turned to look over at you. " y/n, i'm gonna need your help with this one, the head of the spear is still in there and i can't get it out - i mean i could, but it hurts and i don't really want to risk it moving any closer to my ecto-spleen. " you hesitated for a couple of seconds, wanting to chew her out for being so incredibly reckless but also wanting to ask where the hell the others were. " they're okay - they came back with me - they helped me back actually. " she rambled, her face squishing again as pain shot through her body . " back in their rooms. none of them were hurt. " you forgot that she had gotten scarily good at reading your facial expressions.

you stared at her for a couple of seconds more - her hair was a mess and she seemed paler than usual, you suddenly realised that you really had no real understanding of gallifrayen anatomy, but you huffed and this time stepped right in front of her. " okay ... okay fine, but if you suddenly start bleeding more that's not my fault. " she heaved out a laugh, as she let her shirt drop back down her stomach and instead pushed the sleeves up her arms. her hands were bloodied and you ducked backward as she tried to press them on either side of your face.

" i won't blame you. might curse you out, but will never blame you. " oh great - you felt so confident already.

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