a hand to hold. (oc!ana)

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she had fought against so many different kinds of aliens. dalek's, cybermen, stone statues and even the occasional giant vulture. but what she was facing now was the worst experience she would possibly ever have to face. and fight against.

the sun was boiling (even with the light rain that fell from the sky. sun showers were coming in queensland during summer) and ana knew she shouldn't have worn her jacket, but there was no way she was turning around now. if she left, if she turned and walked back to her car - there was a high chance that she wouldn't come back anytime soon. squinting up towards the massive building in front of her - ana felt her chest tighten. this was her fourth visit in less than 24 hours, it was strange how everything seemed to stop moving and the world and the galaxy seemed pointless when your child was in danger.

when your child's life was being threatened.

the hospital was huge and green - located in the heart of brisbane city, ana knew that she would take a dalek invasion or another witch trial, if it meant that her daughter was not in intensive care. the bustling of the street just seemed like background noise - the sound of cars honking and the voices, some where loud and others were screaming. the light patter of rain against the footpath however, was enough to lure her into a false sense of security.

all it had been was a burst appendix that was all - then they found something wrong with leah's heart. ana had been too numb to even remember what it was - something to do with one of the valves not being big enough anymore. she wasn't getting enough blood to her heart and if it wasn't fixed right away, there was a high chance that the ten year old would die.

ana was all that leah had. her father wasn't exactly from this century and he most definitely had a starship to look after - there was no way that ana was going to defy all the rules of time travel just to bring him here (though later on she knows she should have). jim would have wanted to know that is his little girl's life was in danger.

the presences next to her wasn't unwanted but ana was surprised to even see her here. rain basically fell off the lilac coat and her hair was wavy from the humidity. ana was amazed that she didn't really feel the different temperatures. not the cold nor the awful australian heat. it was then that ana noticed a hand being held out just in front of her. green eyes focused on the slightly smaller hand before they traveled up the arm and rested on the face of her time lord.

" grab my hand. " was the first thing out of the doctor's mouth and ana all but surged forward to grip onto the hand like it was her lifeline. in that moment, she kinda guessed that it was. fingers intertwined with each other and ana suddenly felt the stress that had been piling on her shoulders, disappear. the bag that had been slung over her shoulder, which held a pair of leah's clothes, a couple of her favourite books and her favourite stuffed dinosaur. a purple t-rex that yaz had gotten her for her tenth birthday a couple of months ago.

" i don't know if i can do this. " ana finally spoke up. the sound of cars passing by almost drowned her out - but the doctor had excellent ears. she heard everything. her grip tightened on the human's hand and the time lord pulled ana to face her. they were practically the same height now - ana's mouth was just slightly higher then hers and it most certainly was a strange difference to remember. " what if she doesn't ..."

the blonde's right hand came up and rested on ana's cheek. " leah is a strong girl. " the doctor spoke softly - leaning her head closer to ana's so that no one else could hear their conversation. hazel eyes brimming with hope and wonder and just a hint of tears. " if there is anything that little girl can do, it is survive. " ana let out a shuddering breath. tears brimming in the corners of her eyes and the doctor surged forward herself - letting go of ana's hand so that she could wrap her long arms around the brunette's shoulders.

another shaky breath and ana all but folded into the time lord. hands gripped the back of her shoulders and nails dug lightly into the fabric of her coat. tears escaped her and a sob wracked through her body. the doctor hummed softly in her ear. from there, it just felt like the two of them - standing on the footpath in the middle of brisbane city, rain lightly drenching them both.

but they didn't care. one was trying to calm down the other.

if the doctor hadn't of been there that day - ana just knew there was no way she would have made it into the hospital and at leah's bedside, where the human doctor delivered the good news. but ana's hand never once left the comfort of the time lord's when they had made their way inside and really, the doctor didn't mind at all.

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