booze isn't the answer.

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it had only been exactly 10 hours since you had run into the strangest woman in the entire city, hell you guessed the entire country - probably the planet ? blonde, slightly shorter than you and one heck of an accent, plus with friends, that seemed to follow her like they were loyal dogs and when wherever she went. it was strange how you had all ended up together, it seemed like fate if you were truly being honest, but, you never really believed in that kind of stuff. it could have just been the fact that you had bumped into the younger girl, dark hair and even darker eyes - you weren't nearly as drunk as you had hoped for that time of day - but you knew that you had better coordination even when tipsy. the drink she had in her hand spilt, just barely missing her shirt.

" oh, jesus. " you exclaimed. " sorry - i ... shit. " you trailed off as the girl in front of you gave a soft laugh and just shook her head.

" no, it was my fault, " she started. " i wasn't watching where i was going. " you knew that much, but you didn't let it get to you - considering you had taken most of the liquid, you offered to buy her another drink, yaz she had introduced herself as, before you were pulled over to meet her friends. you managed to slip away, the bottle of alcohol you had come to claim in a brown paper bag, shoving it in the bag around your shoulders - you had left towards the hospital. someone had paid you to look into the disappearance of their daughter, who had been admitted for a rather rare cancer - and it was only three weeks into the stay that the parents had not been allowed to see her or even speak to her.

it all came to a head when you had been snooping around the halls that you had run into the group again. literally. this time it had been the blonde in the lilac coat.

really all you had wanted to do was go home when things started getting weird. you just wanted to have a drink and sleep off this crazy and rather vivid hallucination. maybe someone had spiked your drink when you were at the bar, probably with lsd, weed or hell even roofies. dreamt the whole thing up and to be honest you had been waiting for yourself to suddenly snap out of it - wake up and you would find yourself on a bench somewhere. but sitting at your desk for almost two or three hours, you suddenly came to the realisation that everything that had happened earlier in the evening had been real.

snapping into action then, your pi instincts immediately took over and you were busy looking through the internet for any sources. the doctor you recalled the blonde saying was her name ... title ? but you couldn't find anything, but there was nothing about the woman - or anything else to do with it. there were some murmurs of a man who constantly wore a pinstriped suit, someone with a horrible fashion sense but nothing about the person you had encountered the night before.

a sigh escaped your lips - you rested your chin against clasped hands and stared at your screen, eyes scanning over the empty words. the scrapes on your cheek and left temple had started to sting, something that nasty woman had given you before the doctor had to literally grab you from underneath your armpits and haul you out of the way. you were more than equipped for anything, but the doctor had been by your side almost the whole time you were there - in the end, you didn't really get to see what had happened in the end. something knocked you out and when you had come too, you had found yourself back at home on your couch - hence why you thought it was all a dream.

leaning over then - you reached for the bottle of gin that sat next to your computer. picking it up you realised you didn't have a lot left, cursing under your breath - you unscrewed the cap, before putting it against your lips and sculling the rest of the bottle. the alcohol burned against the back of your throat, but it wasn't really anything new. you knew you had another bottle around your apartment somewhere, you just weren't in the right head space to get up and search for it.

you knew that the clock on the wall behind you read 2:15 am and that you should be in bed, but with everything that happened the previous day, your mind just couldn't focus. figuring that you wouldn't get anything from the computer, you cursed again and chucked the bottle over towards the rubbish bin - only for it to hit the wall above it and shatter into pieces.

" son of a bitch ... " you mumbled, pushing away from your desk and standing up - might as well go out and search for the weird woman and her team.


it was only when you came to the end of your street that you were forced to come to a complete stop - eyes followed the familiar figure of yaz, as she raced past you. a dead-on sprint, with no signs of slowing down. you frowned and turned to watch her. " hey ! " you called out but the english woman didn't stop. the brunette had then turned around a corner and disappeared behind the building that was to the left of you. " what the hell was that ? " you asked yourself out loud and it was then that you suddenly felt a hand take yours. " what the hell ...? " your whole body was pulled in the opposite direction you had been standing.

" [y/n] ! " the bubbly accent caused you to stutter and almost trip over your feet as you focused on the blonde who was now pulling you down an alley which sat between two four-story buildings. " fancy running into you again. " the doctor heaved and ending up pushing you behind her. a frown fell onto your face, you were going to ask the woman in front of you what the hell was happening (and how the hell she had found you) but you cut yourself off when you noticed that in the middle of the street, were graham and ryan, as well a large humanoid creature. to be honest it looked like a centore and you raised an eyebrow.

you tried to step backward, but the grip on your hand tightened and you almost let out a small whine. your head was starting to pound, but you knew that you weren't as far gone as you hoped you had been.

" i am nowhere near drunk enough for this shit. " you murmured under your breath as you stepped back closer to the doctor, you had hoped the blonde in front of you hadn't heard but she turned around anyway and gave you a look that felt like your mother when you had done something wrong as a child.

" oi, there's no need to swear. " the blonde scolded you and a scoff escaped your lips. " frank isn't all that bad, nor is he the one we should be worried about. " why the hell was she taking this so calmly ? you thought to yourself. " - it's the slitheen that you and well all of us need to worry about ! " the doctor jabbed a thumb over her shoulder and your eyes followed - to where you saw three large and green creatures, with huge clawed like hands jogging down the street.

" i think i need a better brand of booze, " you replied and the doctor stood up straighter. her face scrunched up before she turned back around.

" come on, [y/n] ! " the doctor tugged on your hand as the slitheen ... apparently came into sight. " you are exactly what i need. " the doctor looked back at you over her shoulder and beamed. you didn't know whether to feel excited or scared - or maybe you were just incredibly tipsy still ... all you had just wanted, was more booze, not ... whatever the hell - this was and was going to end up being. " let's get a shift on ! "

well ... shit.

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