trust your gut. (jessica!reader)

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"What do you think?" The flask almost fell from your lips as the voice cut through the silence of the console room. You didn't expect anyone to be finished getting ready so soon, it wasn't hard to actually beat everyone else when it came to dressing up 'fancy'. There was no way in hell that anyone would persuade you to wear a dress, the pantsuit that you had found lying on your bed was kinda close to what you would normally wear in this kind of situation. Because the last time that you tried to enter a party hosted by rich people, wearing your normal jeans and a leather jacket you were thrown out.

Could have also been because you came on rather hard and strong accusing the host of cheating and also murder charges. Which is how you would have done this, considering it was right up your ally, but you had the Doctor now breathing down your neck again. You had to make sure that you did any and all investigating her way, lord knows you don't need another hour-long lecture. Dark eyes lifted before they landed on the Doctor who was standing in the doorway, shoving the small flask behind you, fumbling around until it caught on the edges of the console, you wiped at the corner of your lips with the tips of your fingers and frowned. Her arms were stretched out either side of her waiting patiently for you to acknowledge the outfit.

Replacing the regular lilac coat was one that was made out of the same material as a regular suit jacket, you seriously wondered if she had these all hand made, the blue three-quarter pants were now black and she was wearing a clean white shirt and a freaking bow tie. "Oh Jesus," you mumbled to yourself as the Doctor came to stand next to you, plotting in the destination that Ryan had given her. "The bow tie really?" At least you had the decency to leave your scarf in your room.

The Doctor looked up at you, her face scrunching upwards as a hand moved away from the console and straightened the tie. Brows furrowed as her lower lip poked out. She was actually pouting. "Oi, don't knock the bow tie." She snipped, just as the rest of the group and the newly recruited Oh made their appearance. "Bow ties are cool."

A huff escaped you, but you couldn't help your lips as they curled into a smile. Shaking your head, you noticed Oh shift closer to you and the Doctor. Your eyes narrowed at him just slightly, you knew that the others and the Doctor all seemed to trust him but there was something in the pit of your stomach that screamed at you to not do exactly that. "Believe me if it was on anyone else I would personally remove it." Yaz snorted as you folded your arms over your chest, leaning back against the console.

"I think the bow tie is rather cool, Doctor." Oh butted in and your gaze snapped over to him. She couldn't help but do the thing she does when she was really happy or excited or just generally stimulated, her face scrunched up in a smile and her whole body leaned backwards before she focused on you again.

"See? At least someone has a good fashion sense."

"He's new he doesn't get a say." You almost snapped back. But you restrained yourself and shifted on your feet. The sway of the TARDIS almost made you sick, maybe you shouldn't have been drinking, but if you were to get through this party, you needed all the alcohol. A hand reached behind you and tried to grasp the flask that you knew was behind you, but ... it wasn't there.

"Come on." A nudge to your shoulder suddenly snapped you out of your train of thought. Maybe you should stop disappearing into your head because you suddenly realised that everyone had already exited. The Doctor let her brows furrow as she looked at you. "You alright?" hesitantly the Doctor let a hand reach out and rest on your bare forearm, you knew how she was when it came to touching someone else. She was always hesitant and worried - you swallowed looking down at where the pair of you met, the skin underneath her hand suddenly felt extremely warm.

But you were a professional, you knew how to handle yourself undercover. Shaking your head, you lifted both hands and straightened out the Doctor's bow tie. "I'm okay. Just thinking," you mumbled. The hand that was still on your arm moved and rested against the base of your neck, swallowing again you had to drop your gaze. So much for the strong, silent pi type you had going for you back home. Suddenly surrounded by the Doctor again made you putty in her hands.

"Come on, we're going to need those PI skills!" The Doctor clasped onto your hand then and pulled out of the TARDIS and into the blazing sun. God, here goes nothing.

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