someone save me.

476 19 3

Slight trigger wanring for mentions of torture.


You had a bad feeling about this whole thing from the moment you stepped out of the TARDIS and on to the planet. The air smelled wrong, like sulphur and acid and everything bad, had happened here, but the Doctor didn't seem worried. Well, at least she didn't let her friends know that there was something to worry about. So, you all had cautiously taken her lead and followed her through the ruined towns and homes and eventually came upon the first humanoid almost an hour into your adventure.

They had called themselves the Resistance, original, and they were battling against the other occupants of Langara, the planet you stood on. The Doctor's face had gone through two separate emotions and you had trouble trying pin down the right one. So, instead, she covered it up by explaining who Langarans were. A race that had been at war with each other for generations, separated by the north and south of the planet. The north being a lot more technically advanced than the south, which is where you stood now. But sometime in the future, they would figure out their problems and the planet would once again become a peaceful and thriving home for billions. Though right now you couldn't see any of that happening, it was like a wasteland. The Langaran's from Kelowna Provence wanted the Doctor's help in fixing their main reactor, which would eventually help them start making weapons again. Though the Doctor was hesitant, she eventually agreed to help but only so that she could come up with another solution to the fighting in the meantime. Knowing, that any more attacks would make things worse.

And yet, somehow, when things seemed to be going right - if you don't count the ongoing bombing raids, you just had to find yourself trouble. The Bad Guys, so to speak, had captured you as you were walking back to the TARDIS, the Doctor needed something and you weren't about to argue going to get it. The underground tunnels that the Resistance had their headquarters based in was starting to give you a headache. Though, now you wished you stayed indoors, not even five minutes outside and you had already been hit on the back of the head and dragged away.

There wasn't pain anymore. The cuts and the bruises didn't hurt, the pit of your stomach no longer churned with hunger and you were finally able to see out of both your eyes. Ish. The Bad Guys were indeed a bunch of dicks and you weren't surprised to see the Kelowna's fighting for their planet. From the little you could make out when you came too, their side of the war was bad. So much for technically advanced. Everything was either decaying or dead and the people didn't fare much better. Their technology could only help so much.

Your shoulders finally didn't give way every time you swayed with the little breeze that came through the skylight and your legs no longer burned as your feet tried to touch the ground.

Your tears had dried long ago and now there was just ... nothing. Just a numbness, that you knew would take ages to go away if you survived this. There was a slight snort that escaped you as you thought about it. There was no way that you would survive this, it was suddenly one adventure too many. You had called out for the Doctor the first night you were thrown into the cell, your wailing pleads falling on deaf ears as the humanoids ignore you, instead opting to find the best course of torture.

It felt like you had been there for months. But in reality, it had only been a couple of days. Groaning, you tried to push yourself upwards, straightening your back was hard, all your strength had left you and you just wanted to sleep. The Bad Guys wanted to know what was going on with the Resistance, wanted to know if their rector was operational. But you had no idea, but like always, they didn't believe you. Their race was known to be slightly telepathic, which you only found out when the hallucinations started. Your parents, your siblings all visited you and you didn't know what was real and what wasn't anymore.

The door creaking open suddenly made you flinch out of your thoughts, eyes slipping open slightly to see nothing but the tail ends of a lilac coat. Your name floating through your ears and you just shook it off. Another one of their mind games, you could bare the cuts and the bruises but using your friends against you was such a low fucking blow.

"Yaz..." the name made you stir once more. "I found her." that voice was so familiar and you desperately wanted it to be real but you shook your head.

"No ... no." You mumbled pulling yourself upwards with all the strength you had left. "I won't tell you anything. I don't know anything!"

Your name once again. "It's me. It's the Doctor..." Then suddenly hands were on your cheeks and a warm breath against your face. Words in a language you couldn't understand stumbled around you, almost like a swear.

"Language." You managed to slip out as you opened your eyes once more, almost flinching when you realised how close she was. Trying your best to swallow, you couldn't help the tightness that formed in your chest. "You came," you mumbled. "You found me."

"Of course I came," The Doctor stumbled for a bit before she ducked underneath your raised arms and wrapped an arm around your waist, allowing you to put all your weight onto her. She then used her free hand to sonic the chains that were holding you up. The buzzing noise was like music and suddenly you were free, your whole body crumpled down and the Doctor struggled slightly to catch you, but eventually, both arms were around your waist, holding you against her chest. You couldn't help the slight cry of pain that left your lips, as everything suddenly jolted against your wounds."It's okay, I've got you. You're safe now."

Your body felt like it was on fire, your shoulders felt dislocated and you couldn't feel your legs. You knew you should have been crying, but the numbness was still there. "You found me." And you buried your face into her neck as she shifted and moved to wrap one arm underneath your legs before lifting you into her arms.

"Yaz, get the medbay ready." Then you were leaving this place, there wasn't any cries or yelling. No weapons fire and no one coming to stop you. "Just keep your eyes on me..." Your head was resting against her neck still, but you tilted it back slightly, forehead coming to rest against her chin. "Focus on me." And you tried, you really did - but you couldn't help but look over the Doctor's shoulder when you came to the main entrance of the Bad Guys lair. Bodies littered the floor, all of them. Some clutching their heads, others their stomachs, their knees and some didn't move at all.

Your eyes flickered back to the Doctor's face and you noticed the sharpness of her jaw and the stiffness in her shoulders. She did all of that ... just for you. A heavy and shaky sigh escaped your lips before you buried your face into her shoulder again. "Can't go to sleep yet," Your name was spoken so softly that you felt like you were imagining it. "You have to stay awake for me."

But you couldn't, everything was too much and the numbness was starting to fade. You knew that you would be screaming when you came too again.

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