maybe a little less. (jessica!reader)

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you were suppose to be on a stakeout, that was it. nothing alien or out of this world about it. just a man who was cheating on his wife because she wasn't exactly giving him everything that he wanted, plus going out herself every other weekend. it was fair of you to say that they were most likely cheating on each other, but it was only the wife who had hired you and was paying you to look for her husband.

it was the type of case that wasn't suppose to escalate any further. nice and simple. hide in the shadows for a couple of hours, take a couple of pictures and then be on your way but when you felt your phone vibrate in the pocket of your jeans a heavy sigh escaped your lips. you knew that it couldn't be that simple, not since the gang had taken you home almost a week ago. it had been too quite.

like whenever the doctor was away - everyone seemed to just ... hide out, waiting for her return so that they could start making a mess once more.

" i thought you had all gone to see that star go supernova. " was the first thing you said when you placed the phone to your ear. there was a muffled conversation going on in the background, most likely yaz and ryan bickering once more - they had seemed to find they didn't like the same tv show - as much as their teenage debates were slightly amusing to you, you had wanted to get back home quickly, almost as if without you present, your neighbourhood would go to shit.

suddenly the doctor was in your ear.

" we did ! " she exclaimed and you couldn't help the smirk that crossed your lips at the sound of her voice. " but then we got a ping. " a brow raised on your forehead, as you shifted in your spot against the alleyway wall.

" a ping? "

" almost like a space APB. " suddenly using terms that you could understand. how thoughtful of her.

" right ... and? " you tucked the phone between your cheek and your shoulder, before you raised your camera up and snapped a couple of shots, as the husband walked out of the restaurant - his misses following behind him.

" it's coming from your area. " the doctor finally answered and you lowered the camera, to stare straight ahead before a sigh escaped your own lips. " and i am sorry [y/n] but the man you are following ... he's not exactly human. " pulling the camera strap over your neck, you straightened up and held the phone back in your hand again before you started to follow after the couple. you had also given up on questioning the time lord as to how she knew what cases you had managed to score. " he's wanted for multiple crimes across the known galaxy. ranging from petty robberies to murder. "

" great... " you complained but managed to keep a straight face - just in case the ... alien decided to turn around and spot you. " so what is he then? "

" they're called sulliban's. " you scrunched your face up at the name.

" what kind of name is that? " you questioned but you didn't hear her reply. coming to an abrupt stop, you managed to duck into an alleyway once more, in between a 24/7 deli and a pharmacy - you saw the sulliban and the other girl step into one of the up market clubs. a curse escaped you and before you knew it, the sound of the TARDIS could be heard just over your shoulder. you disconnected the call before shoving the phone back in your pocket and turned around to face the doctor as she stepped out of her ship.

" where'd he go? " she questioned, coming to stand right next to you - leaning around the wall.

" into the club. " raising your camera once more, snapping a few pictures of the front of the club and the bouncers who stood out the front - it wasn't long before you managed to spot him at the front window. " he's not very good at laying low. " you mumbled. you heard a huff come from the doctor, before she stood straighter and turned to face you. that look present on her face. " what do you need me to do? "

" what you do best, [y/n] " the doctor smile and you couldn't help but shake your head. pulling the camera over your neck once more, you handed your life line over to the time lord and then threw your shoulder bag onto the ground.

" what if i just break his nose a lil? " the question caused a worried and slightly disappointed look on the doctor's face.

" maybe less of what you do. " she corrected herself and a huff of a laugh escaped your lips.

" right. you got it doc. " you really gotta start getting her to pay you. you were certain that the wife wasn't going to be too pleased when she finds out her husband was an alien all along.

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