i'm fine. (jessica!reader)

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uhhhhhh. hewwo.

alcohol mention.

anon wanted an angsty - 13 wants to know why jess!reader drinks so much alcohol. but well, reader doesn't give away that information easily.


you didn't think it would become such a problem. the amount of alcohol that you drank. you had always - always managed to drink a couple of glasses of whiskey before you'd pass out at your desk. it .. well it wasn't really something that was medically encouraged, but you knew that your family had strong livers. being a private investigator really took it out of you most days. the staying up into the early mornings, chasing after scumbags and liars and cheaters and the occasional missing kid, you thought nothing of it when you would fill your coffee mug with red bull and vodka instead of... well, coffee.

you didn't think it WAS an issue until that night. dealing with spiders the size of a freaking cat wasn't exactly a thrilling adventure, you knew you had cases piling on top of one another and that traveling with the doctor and her companions weren't something you should be doing, but you just ... well, you needed a break.

and that break led you to the closest pub. which was probably a five-minute walk from yaz's apartment. you knew that splitting from the group wasn't a good idea, lord knows that the doctor was slightly forgetful sometimes when it came to her companion's whereabouts. but you didn't have to worry as the doors to your left were pulled opened and in stepped the time lord. she seemed so very out of place in the dimly lit (and rather... hazy) place, the fairy lights danced off the lilac of her coat and her eyes immediately spotted you.

just as you were downing another shot.

"ah ... shit," you mumbled into your glass. placing it down on the bar, before you looked up, made eye contact with the bartender and he came to pour you another shot, just like he had been doing for the last hour - you'd been there for an hour and half, you thought it might be a good idea to start a tab - considering how often you came to yaz's neck of the woods. "might as well..." you mumbled again, chugging that down once again. you didn't really want to deal with whatever lecture was surely going to happen, so you placed the shot glass on the bar once more and slid off the stool.

"we were wondering where you had wandered off too." was the first thing out of the doctor's lips and your own eyes narrowed back at her. well, that was slightly suspicious.

"well, you found me." god you were an asshole.

"guess i have." the doctor replied her hazel eyes had never once wavered off your face and it was starting to make you uncomfortable. so you shrugged on your leather jacket and then slapped a 20-pound note on the bar, before shoving past the doctor and shouldered your way out into the brisk cold night air, hands jammed into pockets. you almost stumbled over your own feet and the street lights were oddly too bright - they were starting to give you a headache.

guess the haziness of the bar was more you than the actual bar.

"[y/n] !" you heard your name from behind you and you shook your head. you really didn't want to deal with this tonight. spiders and corrupt billionaires, and missing kids that you were avoiding. you didn't want to deal with any of it right now, but you knew that if you blew off the doctor - you had no way of getting home. "you know you shouldn't be drinking so late at night." but ... guess you didn't have a choice.

the doctor may have been shorter than you, but that didn't mean she couldn't keep up with you. she was almost 3000 years old, which still blew your mind and it had been half a year already. "i should really check how your liver is doing." you were certain that was supposed to be for her only, but it caused you to pause and turn around. the doctor had her own hands in the pockets of her pants and her lips pulled into a slight pout.

she was serious.

"i'm fine," you grunted shrugging your shoulders and then sniffing. clearly, you weren't fine - because you suddenly found that standing in one spot was difficult.

"you're not fine." the doctor almost snapped. but she held herself rather well, especially when her hand came out and gripped onto your arm to keep you from falling over. "you can barely stand. [y/n] why are you doing this to yourself?" the question seemed like a slap in the face. or like a cold bucket of water and your whole body straightened up.

you needed another drink.

"doing what?" you questioned - tone sharper than usual and the doctor picked up on it right away. shrugging your arm out of her grip, you turned on the heel of your boot and started walking back towards yaz's. "i'm perfectly fine."

"it's not perfectly fine for me to find at least five bottles in your bedroom alone and that doesn't count the one you had in your bag this afternoon." that caused you to pause again. turning once more on your heel, your brows furrowed and you could feel your heartbeat faster in your chest.

"you went through my room?" what should you care? it was a room you only used when you went with them. it wasn't like it was your proper bedroom (which held a lot more) in your proper apartment. the doctor was silent then, her hands falling out of her pockets before they came to cross over her chest.

"i'm worried about you, [y/n]" the time lord continued but you were still seething from the fact that she went through your room like you were a child.

"well quit it. i'm fine." and with that you turned around once more and stormed off, leaving a rather concerned and annoyed time lord following you from a distance. you knew that the doctor wouldn't let this go, not until she found out WHY you drink as much as you do. but you weren't going to make it easy for her, you wondered if the tardis would help you install a lock on your door.

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