they lied to us. (oc!ana)

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"She's finally asleep," Ana spoke as she stared down at the baby monitor in her hands. It was difficult to juggle having a child and still travel with the Time Lord, but somehow Ana managed it.

Maybe it had been the last ten years of her life, alternating between being super mum and trying to save the planet with Torchwood. As well as tackling the father of her first daughter, or should she say, mother? Ana didn't really get how that worked out when Time Lord's regenerated, but Grace knew that no matter what Oliver would always be dad. Or the one she can go to if she has something incredibly naughty planned.

Leah, the newest member of their strange family had been staying with one of Ana's work friends (the job at the hospital, with Torchwood being disbanded, Ana didn't feel comfortable forcing Gwen to look after a baby again.). To her friend, Ana had only been gone a day and a half, while in reality she had been gone almost four days. The thirteen-month-old didn't think anything of it, she was just happy to see her mother again.

Her room was set up the way it was on Oliver's TARDIS. Just something the Australian wondered was a telepathic thing between the sentient ships as well or if Sexy just really knew her by now. It wasn't until she almost tripped up the step in the console room that Ana finally looked up. Stumbling to a sudden stop, Ana noticed that the mood lighting was no longer the bright orange that it's supposed to be. "Doctor?" Ana called out, turning on the spot - trying to spot the Time Lord, but instead a rather deep blue.

That's when she noticed her almost curled up on the step. Her frown deepened, placing the monitor on the console, Ana hurriedly came to stand in front of her. But the Doctor hardly noticed her, her hands curled into a fist, staring straight at the TARDIS doors. Ana knelt then, coming to rest on the step and letting her hands lightly touch the Doctor's knee. "What happened?"

That's when the Doctor's eyes snapped up, fists tightening. Ana noticed that they were starting to turn white. "They're gone." her voice was soft like she didn't want to speak too loud. Ana leaned in closer, she didn't know what she and the Master spoke about in Paris, the Doctor had told her to stay with Ada and Noor, make sure they managed to use the phone properly. Ana knew it was just the Doctor's way of keeping her from the other Time Lord. Too much history between the pair of them, the Doctor knew she would have a hard time restraining Ana from not pushing him off the top of the Eiffel Tower. "All of them. Gallifrey ...falls"

"Oh..." Ana spoke a hand pressing against her mouth. "Doctor ..." for someone who had been around since the early days, Ana knew how important Gallifrey was to them. Even Oliver said that her memories of the planet may not have always been pleasant, but that was her home. Where she grew up, learnt to walk, write, talk. Learnt how to fly a TARDIS. "How? I don't understand, I thought after ... I thought you saved them all." The hand pressed over her mouth, came back and lightly gripped onto the Doctor's pants. She didn't answer then, not that Ana was expecting a response anyway.

But before either of them could break the tension, a soft jingle sounded from the Doctor's coat pocket. The Time Lord pulled out a circular device and stared at it, Ana followed suit and just waited, she knew the Doctor - she's known the Doctor for almost her entire life, Ana knew when silence was best. The device lit up and his voice sounded in the room.

"Geo-activated." The Doctor looked behind her, towards the funky new set up that the TARDIS had suddenly decided was a cool feature to have. And fading into sight, standing on the steps was the Master's hologram. Ana frowned, letting her hands fall away from the Doctor's leg as she stood up and rushed over to the hologram. "If you're seeing this you've been to Gallifrey." Ana swallowed and turned her head to look at the doors.

They were black now, not the colour of a red sunset that she was expecting, which means they were already back in space and not on the planet. Standing up slowly, Ana kept her distance from the Time Lord, knowing that this ... this was going to a tough one.

"When I said someone did that obviously I meant ... I did." A scoff and Ana didn't care about giving the Doctor space anymore. Moving so that she was still standing on the floor, Ana reached out her hand then and let her fingers lightly brush over the Doctor's. It was hesitant at first, the blonde not even looking away from the Master's face, but she let her fingers grasp onto Ana's. "I had to make them pay for what I discovered. They lied to us." Suddenly the Doctor tightened her grip, now properly holding Ana's hand. Ana could do nothing but look up at the hologram and keep the Doctor grounded. Because she knew that if she let her drift and go through this alone, there would be no turning back. "The founding fathers of Gallifrey. Everything we were told was a lie." And it was in that moment, that Ana noticed the Master didn't look evil or like he wanted to destroy the world, to Ana he was suddenly just a scared and alone little boy who suddenly felt betrayed by his entire family.

"We are not who we think, you or I." Ana's heart stopped beating suddenly, when she noticed the Master casting his eyes downward and to the right like he knew she would be there, in that exact position. "Or even my dear sister. The whole existence of our species built on the lie of the Timeless Child."

"Oh no..." Ana breathed out letting her gaze flicker over to the Doctor, who was watching the Master with an almost strained look. She was trying to hold herself together, but the tears were pooling at the corners of her eyes. She wanted to cry, but she wouldn't. She wouldn't allow herself to break down, not yet anyway.

Suddenly, her hand was ripped from the Doctor's and she keeled over, a gasp of pain escaped her, as the palm of her hand pressed to her forehead. Ana stepped up, now taller than the Time Lord, turning her back on the Master's hologram, her face pulled into a look of worry. The Doctor pressed her hand lightly into Ana's stomach, palm flat like she was trying to hold herself up and Ana took in a deep breath, letting her fingers wrap around her wrist.

"Do you see it?" He continued, but Ana wasn't paying attention anymore. She was holding onto the Doctor like her life depended on it. "It's buried deep in all our memories, in our identity." He sighed and the Doctor dropped to the floor, Ana following after her, still holding onto her arm. "I'd tell you more ... but," The Master straightened up then, his eyes turning cold once more. Ana looked up at him as well and her breath caught at the back of her throat. The scar above her brow twitching ever so slightly.

He had placed his facade up once more. No longer was he a child of Gallifrey, worried for his best friend. No ... he was the psychotic murderer that he had turned himself into. "Why would I make it easy for you? It wasn't for me." And then he was gone and suddenly the grip on her shirt tightened, it was tugged on. The Doctor looked away, her breathing doubling.

And with the remaining strength that she had, the Doctor yelled out and chucked the dial across the room. Heaving in a breath, Ana stayed silent, though when the Doctor turned back - she lunged forward, wrapping her arms around the Time Lord. "I'm sorry..." she mumbled into the blonde's hair. "God, I'm so sorry."

The Doctor didn't move for a couple of seconds, still in shock, her face pulling into a mix of upset expressions and the slight curl of her lip as she seethed on the step. But, she finally pulled herself together - letting her arms move from between them, to wrap around Ana's skinny frame. Her hand coming up to cradled the brunette's head, her nose burying deep into her hair. Lips pressed against her temple, but the Doctor never said a word. It wasn't until the sudden cries of a baby broke the pair of them up.

Ana heaved out a broken huff - something crossed between a sob and a sigh, pulling away, the Australian quickly pressed a kiss against the Doctor's lips. Eyes sliding shut, as the Doctor buried her nails into her skin. "I'm here if you need me," Ana mumbled against her lips before pulling away once more, standing up and racing back to grab the monitor and then disappearing down one of the many corridors.

The Doctor stayed where she was, a hand pressed against her lips. Eyes closing she tried to bring her emotions back into check, they all needed a holiday. Maybe, Risa, she hadn't taken the fam there before and Ana always loves visiting - she even has a couple of friends there she could visit, show off that new baby of hers.

So that's what the Doctor did. She planned their next adventure, trying to hold herself together. Her hearts feeling heavy in her chest the entire way there.

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