the snow is evil.

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" this should help to warm your hands up. " her voice forced you to come out of your thoughts. it was almost too cold for you that you could still feel your whole body shaking, even after you had thrown your hood up and over your head. you had been standing just behind the doctor for the last thirty minutes (trying to use her taller body as a shield from the freezing cold wind), arms crossed over your chest and your hands were shoved underneath your armpits. you couldn't remember exactly what she was doing but it must have been something really important, considering she hadn't spoken a word for at least twenty of those thirty minutes. somehow you figured that this trip wasn't going to be as relaxing and calm as you had been hoping for. yaz had wanted to go home to celebrate the holiday with her family, while graham and ryan had been invited along. you and the doctor had been as well - but you weren't going to arrive until a little later (the joys of a time machine) there was something you had always wanted to do near christmas and well, the doctor was finally giving you that present. the blonde in front of you had only really seemed to notice that you were still shivering against the cold when she looked over her shoulder, to double check you were still there.

a frown had settled on her forehead before she faced the console again, standing up straighter, she proceeded to rummage through her coat pockets. they were bigger on the inside as well apparently. it was only a couple of seconds (and a few different scrunches of the face) later, that the time lord produced woolen gloves.

your eyes squinted at the black pair and then you turned your gaze to stare up at the time lord, your eyes just peeking out from underneath the lip of your fluffy hood. a heavy sigh escaped your lips, as a brow raised.

" you've had those the whole time? " you questioned - only for your arms to snap out and snatched them from her grasp. pulling the gloves over your hands, you almost relaxed back into your coat as your hands seemed to warm up instantly. of course they fit perfectly also - everything she seemed to produce from her coat was your size, well - at least you thought they were, time lord technology still messed with your head. the doctor let her lip slip between her teeth for a second, before she sniffed and shrugged her shoulders.

" i only just remembered. " her tone was apologetic and well, you really couldn't stay mad at her for long - no matter what she did. in the end, you couldn't help but roll your eyes, before your arms crossed over your chest once more. you tried to keep the smile off your face, but she caught sight of it before you could wipe it away. the doctor beamed down at you as her hands came up to rest on your arms. she started to rub them up and down, trying to gain friction through your puffy jacket. to warm you up faster. " you should really take my coat, i'm fine. " the blonde tried to convince you but you looked at her like she'd gone crazy - the snow had started to blow inside their little alcove and the winds had managed to get around your raised hood.

no matter how much of an alien she truly was - the image of her in her lilac coat was enough to keep you warm even more. it was strange but well ... just go with - it must be a mental thing.

" for a planet where it's christmas all year round, " you began, choosing to ignore her request. " they do seem to suck at keeping it warm inside their buildings. " this is where you wished that you had asked for a trip to australia, or somewhere were it was summer at christmas time instead. you could have spent it at the beach - or hell even a water park, christmas at a water park would be pretty freaking sweet. but no you had to ask to go to the most prettiest planet that had christmas all year round, snow and lights and songs. the occasional christmas pudding and cake. just the embodiment of your childhood all the time, you really should learn to stop asking for nice things. the doctor watched you with a curious look and you heaved out a sigh, your own hands uncrossing from your chest and grasped a hold of one of the lapels of her coat, before giving her a wide smile.

" i am going to fix this, [y/n] " she replied, hands coming to rest on your shoulders. you nodded your head in agreement, you knew that she would. fix the city's weather machine (however, you both figured out it was a lot more sinister than a broken machine) but at the time, that's all you really thought it was, they just needed help with essentially their air conditioner. " like i always do. no need to panic. " your eyes squinted at her and your lips pursed.

" what why ? why would i panic ? " your questions seemed to fall from your lips faster than you could force yourself to stop and your grip on her coat tightened. stepping closer you watched her face - as it scrunched upwards again. " what's wrong? "

" nothing ! " she exclaimed a smile crossing her face. your eyes squinted up at her. " everything's fine ! " you opened your mouth to argue with her but she leaned forward and pressed her lips against yours. you stood frozen and everything you were about to say immediately fell out of your mind. pulling back, the doctor placed her hands on either side of your face and you looked up at her, with an intensity behind your [e/c] eyes. " i will keep you safe. i promise. " then she pulled away from you and focused back on the console of the weather machine, her sonic whirring and all the while you couldn't help but feel hotter than before.

why was she like this ?

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