come with me. (jessica!reader)

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You had to say, for your first alien, you sure were handling it very well.

Well, except for the current empty bottle of whiskey that sat next to you on your desk and then the full one that was currently in your hand and resting on the arm of the chair. Staring at the wall, you continued to try and make sense of everything that had happened and the fact that the four people you had helped for almost an entire week, had entered a police box and suddenly disappeared right before your eyes.

The noise, it was like a wheezing, groaning sound something you knew you wouldn't forget for the rest of your life. The breeze that came with it had sent a shiver down your spine and immediately you knew that your life was going to change forever. You thought cheating husbands and women who want to find their missing child was all your life was going to be - alcohol and sleazy bars, one night stands and the occasional interaction with a friend, but somehow a strange woman with blonde hair and weird fashion sense crashed into your life. You didn't know whether or not you could go back to normal.

You had woken up in your bed the next morning, two bottles scattered around you and you had sworn that everything that had happened was a dream. A rather strange and random dream that should have told you to stop drinking before going to sleep but the evidence that was scattered around your apartment was more than enough to convince you that entire week had been real.

A sharp knock at your door pulled you out of your thoughts and your eyes snapped up to see a silhouetted figure standing just outside. Cursing, you almost stumbled out of your chair - placing the bottle of rum on the desk. Whipping open the door you spotted the blonde lady with the weird fashion sense standing on the other side. Your eyes narrowed as her face pulled into a bright smile.

Your name escaped her lips as her smile grew. "Thought I'd find you here! Good to see the TARDIS didn't land me in the wrong time ... again." She continued but somehow being faced with her again, you suddenly didn't want to hear it. Any of it. Seeing her standing slightly in the doorway, with her hands in her pockets and just giving you such a look like she expected the world from you, caused you to panic just a tad. So you did the only thing that you would have done to anyone else.

Promptly shutting the door in her face. You turned around and leaned back against the glass, you tried to block out her voice. Her accent and the fact that it somehow made you feel so incredibly hopeful, calling out to you asking if you were okay. Closing your eyes you took in a deep breath and clenched your fists, which were by your sides. Okay ... you could do this. Heaving in deep breaths for another five seconds - you finally found the courage to turn back around and pull open the door, to see the blonde still standing there with her nose scrunched upwards slightly.

"People usually say hello," She started and you tilted your head to the side.

"Hello." Well, it's what she wanted but then it was silent. It would have been awkward, if the Doctor hadn't suddenly pushed past you and into your apartment. You didn't bother complaining, considering it would have probably just gone in one ear and then immediately out the other. Slamming the door, you watched as the flimsy glass that held your business name across the front, wobble slightly. You really needed to get that fixed. Taking another breath, you turned around and followed the Doctor into your small living room.

"It's ... cozy." The Doctor spoke, hands still in pockets, like she was forcing herself to not touch anything or speak with her hands.

"It's a shit hole." You retorted and you saw the Doctor's eyebrow twitch ever so slightly. Still not a fan of swearing then. "The only thing I can afford in New York on the salary that I have anyway." You continued. Narrowing your eyes once more, you continued to follow the Doctor with your eyes as she noticed how incredibly bare your entire apartment was. "What do you want Doctor?"

But it didn't seem to bother her greatly, since she turned away from your fire place - a beaming grin returned to her face as she made her way to your desk and then promptly sat down. "Well, the fam and I were talking ..." A rise of your brow caused the Doctor to pause slightly, but she otherwise ignored your reaction. "And we all came to the decision that you should come with us."

You stared at her for quite a while. You didn't know if you should laugh or argue, but you the look on her face was serious. Deadly serious. "You can't be serious." Well ...

The Doctor raised her brows again. "Yes!" Standing up from the desk, the blonde moved closer to you but you couldn't help it when you automatically took a step backward. You weren't used to people being enthusiastic around you, mainly because they all gave you dirty looks and mumbled under their breath. Even the people you helped - sure they were grateful that you either a) saved their marriage, b) helped them get out of marriage, or even c) helped find their missing child, but you knew on the side that they gossiped and said that they had no idea how you got anything done around here. And you sometimes wondered that as well, considering the amount you drank. "I'm extremely serious..." Your name sounded weird coming from her lips. But in a good way. "We could use someone with your skills on board. Besides, the more the merrier." Your eyes narrowed once more. You could tell that that statement was a lie, not so much as she didn't want you, but that she was nervous about having too many people around.

A sigh escaped your lips as you shook your head. "I ... I can't." Licking your lips you looked down at the ground, shifting on your feet. "I'm needed here. I actually have clients you know." Then booted feet filled your vision, so you looked up and met the Doctor's gaze. "Besides, the booze on my shelf isn't going to drink itself."

"It doesn't have to be that way." The blonde tried again her hands moving around her. You noticed that she animated with her hands every time she wanted someone to pay attention. "Come with me," once more, she said your name like it was the only thing in the universe that made sense. Sniffing slightly, you shuffled once more. Frowning, you cleared your throat.

"Shit..." you mumbled. What the hell does that even mean? Sure you saw them all pile into the wooden box and then watched it disappear into thin air, but what the actual hell does that mean? Where did it even go? "Ugh," you groaned and scratched the back of your head. She was putting you on the spot here, all you had known were these four walls, this city and the assholes that ran it. Swallowing, you moved your head side to side. "Fine..."

"Yes! Oh, Yaz is going to be so happy," The Doctor beamed brightly once more, it was like she didn't have an off switch. "You also made a huge impression on Ryan. Never heard him speak so fast before." You cut her off as you pointed a finger at her.

"But .. when I say I want to come home, you bring me the fuck back home." You mood seemed to interrupt her excitement, you felt slightly bad about that. "The city doesn't do well when I'm gone for very long."

"You have my word," The Doctor placed her hands on your shoulders and squeezed. "I promise, I will get you back home on time. Trust me."

And well ... so you did.

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