rescue me.

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it wasn't the type of adventure that you had actually wanted. the last few weeks had been great, they had been calm but just so very ... boring. but this - this wasn't what you had wanted, to be ... accused of something, of a crime that you KNOW you didn't commit. the planet you had visited, was filled with a telepathic race, who had outlawed violent thoughts, and in turn, violence full stop. everything was peaceful, even when someone had a problem, nothing became over the top or ended in violence. well - that was until you appeared. it was ... weird, the person had bumped into, his shoulder whacked into yours, causing you to almost fall over and you had just gotten so ... mad. you had growled and made a move towards the man, ready to strike back but the doctor had grabbed your arm and pulled you away.

" [y/n] ! you alright ? " the doctor had turned your whole body to face her, she was checking you over - eyes sharp and ready to spot the broken part. your hand had wrapped around your arm and you couldn't help but let your lips pull into a snarl. your eyes focused on the man who was apologising, seemingly confused by your reaction. why the hell were you so ... upset by this. " [y/n] ? " the doctor repeated your name, which finally managed to bring your attention back to her. your eyes found her own, before you shook your head, while you mumbled your reply. the others looked worried.

you had no idea why you acted so ... out of character - but it happened. to which things would only start to get worse. the next day found the man to be dead. a stab wound at the back of his neck and the obvious finger pointed towards you. of course, you had decided to go off on your own the night before, you just needed to clear your head and process everything that had happened. the doctor had wanted to go with you, but you had told her that you needed some space. that was a bad decision. the only four guards in the whole city had taken you to a room that looked like it once was holding cells. they were going to put you on trail, which - wasn't really a trail, instead it was a machine. a probe ... of sorts. it'd sift through your memories, to find out what really happened and then would proceed to wipe those memories from your brain. to which the doctor had been very much been against.

" no, no way ... " the time lord had shaken her head, hands rested on hips and just beneath the surface of her eyes, the oncoming storm lingered. blonde hair fell in front of her face. it was only her, you and the head examiner in the small room, while your other companions sat outside.

" doctor please, this is a very strange circumstance. " the lady was also head of security. nimira had looked upset by the events, but well - you couldn't blame her for doing her job. arms folded over her broad chest. her presence scared you, which was why you stuck close to the doctor, a hand lingered just against her back, fingers gripping onto the light blue material of her coat. " but this is the only way that we can make sure something like this never happens again. "

" have you even used that probe on another being before ? " the doctor questioned, a hand stretchered out and pointed to the machine. your eyes focused on counting the number of stitches in the back of the doctor's coat.

" we haven't needed too. we've been peaceful for the last thirty years, " nimira argued back, you couldn't help but wince. the cut on your lip had started to bleed and you couldn't help but let your teeth bite down even more. the metallic taste on your tongue caused your nose to scrunch.

" right. and you want to put [y/n] through that process do you ? " she was getting angry, you could tell, her shoulders had tensed and her hands had dropped from her hips. but nimira had put an end to the discussion quicker than you would have liked.

as you sat with your back against the wall and your arms wrapped around your knees, you couldn't help but feel like - you were going to die here. it had been three days. three whole days of being locked in the 'prison', away from the doctor and the others. the only chance you had to see them, was when the examiner had pulled you out for questioning.

the cut on your forehead (even your lip) was still dripping blood. you couldn't remember how you got it, but the smell of the blood was strong and you wanted to vomit. that metallic tang in the air, and the saltiness on your lips - wasn't doing your stomach any good. resting your forehead, gently, on the top of your knees, you heaved in a deep breath, which came out in a shuddering exhale. tears pooled at the corner of your eyes.

that was until the door to the left of you unlocked. your head snapped up, a couple of tears falling onto your cheeks. it opened and you were so ready for the other guards to arrive, ready to finally probe your mind - but your whole body melted back against the wall when you spotted who it really was.

the doctor. she wasn't even wearing her blue coat. a frown fell onto your face as you sniffed back more tears. she must have really been trying hard.

" oh [y/n] ... " she whispered stepping into the room, her voice - her eyes. god, you had missed her so much that you just burst into tears, a hand slapped over your mouth as you all but fell forward, which forced the time lord to practically throw herself down in front of you, catching you at the waist. you wrapped your arms tight around her shoulders. she smelled like the tardis, and books, just something so incredibly familiar. you buried your face into her neck. " i'm so sorry. " she mumbled into your hair. " i'm sorry it took me so long to help you. " one of her hands came up and rested at the back of your head. " but we did it. we figured out who did this to you. "

a shuddering sigh escaped your lips as you continued to hold onto her tighter. that smell of blood had disappeared. replaced by HER and that's all you could have asked for.

" let's get you home. "

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