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i don't want to play no games
i'm tired of always chasing, chasing after you.

You had wanted some downtime, just a few hours to yourself in your bedroom, away from everyone. Take a shower, have a bath, sleep for more than an hour at a time. You also needed to dehair after the weeks of being on the run, captured and then on the run again from a rather vicious race. If you never saw a Wraith again, it would be too soon. Even your bruises had memories.

The bathroom was foggy and you had been enjoying a nice hot shower. Key word there was had. Shaving your legs had actually been satisfying after the couple of weeks you'd had, but the turbulence wasn't. At a rather nasty bump into the tiled wall, a hiss escaped between your clenched teeth, as the razor nicked your skin. "Ow, son of bitch," you mumbled. Waiting a couple of seconds to see if it was the Doctor landing the TARDIS - when nothing happened, you continued. That was until about three minutes later another bump caused you to fall into the opposite wall, nicking yourself again. "What the hell is going on?" You heaved out a sigh and shut the shower off, hoping out and wrapping the fluffy towel around your body - barely noticing the pain in your leg.

The TARDIS must have realised how annoyed you were because she didn't mess with you on the way to the console room - in fact, she created a direct route and didn't even complain when you dripped water on the floor from your wet hair. Barging into the room with an annoyed sigh on your lips. "Listen, Doc - are you sure the TARDIS has inertial dampeners? Because I've been trying to shave my legs for the last twenty minutes and so far I've cut myself twice and only have one leg shaved." You had no idea how you could have not noticed him, his presence was absolutely suffocating. Plus that stupid purple suit was rather eye-catching.

"I think I have an app for that..." His voice caused your eyes to snap upwards and freeze in your spot, half up the step. Mouth agape, you almost forgot that you were literally wearing nothing but a towel and were still soaking wet.

"Oh, God!" Your hands tightened against the towel and pulled it even more around your chest, it suddenly seemed so incredibly short at the moment. The Master was leaning against the console and the Doctor was holding the stance you knew oh so well (she didn't like him being here) her face unreadable.

"Not God, love - Master."

i don't give a fuck about you anyways
whoever said i gave a shit 'bout you?

"Ah, ah ... what ... what?" Your voice rose in pitch as you stumbled over your words. Eyes snapped to the Doctor, before you rushed over to her, still leaving a trail of water. You could feel the Master's eyes basically burn a hole in your body and you suddenly wished that you had gotten dressed. The Doctor was a little preoccupied to even notice your lack of attire, she must be rather desperate if she allowed the Master to be onboard. "What's he doing here?" you whispered in a harsh tone.

"I've been recruited..." He spoke up - causing you to turn slightly in his direction. You noticed the shit-eating grin crossing his face. You wanted to flip him off, but you knew that wouldn't help the situation, so all you did was scrunch up your face and turn to look back at the blonde.

"No, really - seriously ... what's he doing here?"

"We need his help." The Doctor finally spoke up and the loudest laugh escaped your lips. But the longer you stared at the Doctor before you turned to look back at the Master, you couldn't help but feel the coldness that always comes when the Master's near, settle in the pit of your stomach.

"Shit..." A giddy laugh sounded over your shoulder and you felt as the Master slithered up next to you.

"Oh come on ..." Your name slipped from his lips a little too easily. "This is going to be fun!" A manic smile this time. "Without me, people are going to die..." An arm slipped across your bare shoulders and you tried your best to keep the shiver to yourself. But the Doctor had her hazel eyes trained on that arm as soon as it moved.

"Don't get too comfortable, Master." The Doctor finally snapped out of her trance. Her own eyes holding a sort of manic expression and it wasn't glee. "Once you've done your part, I'll be dropping you back off to your own TARDIS." Her hand suddenly shot forward and grabbed onto your forearm - forcing you to grab a hold of the towel in one hand, a soft whine escaped your lips as you were pulled away from the Master's rather warm presences and the fact that you almost lost the towel. "And you'll leave us alone." Suddenly your vision was filled with dark blue - the Doctor's sweater. You realised that the Time Lord had put herself between you and the Master.

"Oh, Doctor - if that keeps you sleeping soundly at night..." Peeking around the Doctor's shoulder, you noticed the Master's smile had wiped from his face and his eyes seemed even darker - not happy that you were pulled away from him. Oh boy. "Just know that my part is a lot bigger than you think." You could basically feel the scoff as it left the Doctor.

You snapped back to reality when you heard your name, suddenly realising that the Doctor had now turned her back on the Master and was looking down at you. "Go wake up the others..." She said, hands coming to rest on your arms. "Let them know that they'll need to be ready."

"But -" You started, frowning as your eyes caught the Master's once more.

"Just ... wake up the others ... and get dressed." Then she was gone from in front of you and was then pulling the Master (by the arm) away from the console room and you. He was not too impressed by being manhandled - whining about the fact that he knew where to go. They disappeared into the corridor and a sigh escaped your lips before you laughed.

"Oh my god...." This was going to be a long day. You still need to shave your other leg.

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