a target.

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you weren't exactly sure how it happened, wasn't exactly sure how the person had even ended up in your kitchen but the gut feeling you had felt when you ended up defending yourself was very strong and very much that they were trying to kill you.


true you had made a couple of enemies since becoming a PI, but you didn't think it had warranted any of the parties involved to seek you out and try and kill you. the competition wasn't that high and most of your clients all made sure to never disclose your name to their husbands or wives, or girlfriends etc. but you could never be too certain. a heavy sigh escaped your lips as you pushed your [h/c] hair out of your face. bloodied hand still gripping the knife you had used, facing scrunching just slightly as you looked down. " shit. " you cursed before you looked up at the ceiling. god, you were so screwed, the cops around this part of town didn't exactly like you that much, considering that many people who should have gone to the police instead wind up at your front door. (it wasn't strange considering you ended up giving better results).

the knife fell from your hand and clattered onto the floor - your chest rising and falling as you tried to catch your breath once more. you groaned as you raised to your feet and rubbed at your forehead with the back of your hand, trying not to get the blood all over your face. your nose scrunched upwards as you moved to the left and pulled open the fridge door before you grabbed a can of one ridiculously cheap beer. you prayed it wasn't flat. you didn't want to be sober right now. [e/c] eyes flickered back behind you and to the masked figured who laid on the tiled floor of your kitchen.

standing straighter, you cracked open the can and took a swig. god, that stuff was awful but you couldn't exactly afford anything better. with another sigh, you moved over to the counter on the other side of the room and hoisted yourself up. kicking your legs against the cabinets, you took another swig of your beer, eyes focused on the body and your brain trying desperately to figure out what the hell you were going to do with it. though, first of all, you had to figure out who the hell he was and why he tried to kill you.

your instincts told you that he was probably hired. so they had to be rich, you hadn't exactly helped a lot of rich people lately - they mostly didn't come to this part of town and if they did it was because they had no other choice. due to the fact that you were trying not to have a mental breakdown in your shitty little apartment and its even tinier and shittier kitchen, you missed the groaning wheezing noise just outside your window and almost minutes later the sound of your front door dragging along the wooden floor.

you really had to get that front door fixed.

it wasn't until your eyes saw booted feet that you jumped and almost whacked your head on the cupboards above you. " jesus, doc ! " you exclaimed jumping off the counter and rubbing at the back of your head. you let your eyes focus on the blonde, who's own hazel gaze was focused on the body. " don't you know how to knock? " you griped, trying to get her attention, but she wasn't having it. you took a last swig of your beer - wincing as it went down hot as the doctor frowned and took out her sonic screwdriver.

" is that a dead body ? " she questioned and you really had to force yourself not to roll your eyes. a time traveler and an explorer and she still doesn't know what a dead body looked like?

wow okay then, that wasn't true - god you were an asshole.

" maybe ? " you retorted, chucking the now empty can into the bin just next to you. the doctor finally let her hazel eyes lift and focus on you, as her brows rose even further into her browline, she must have noticed your bloodied hand, tank top and quite possibly face.

" it is. i can see it right in front of me. " she continued, flicking on the sonic and whizzed it over the body. the time lord moved around and came to stand next to you, careful not to stand on any of the pooled blood. she squinted at the silver screwdriver and then looked back at you.

" i promise i'll clean it up before dinner. " you joked and the alien next to you let her brows fall into a frown, this time you really did roll your eyes and you stalked out of the kitchen, stepping over the body - into the hallway, you then made your way to the bathroom. the apartment was quiet except for the noise of traffic and people walking from outside. " i think i have a target on my back. " you finally called out. " must have pissed off someone rather important. "

" come back to the tardis, " you weren't surprised when her voice was all but in your ear. of course she had followed you into the bathroom and taken over from wetting the hand towel. you let your eyes focus on the tiled floor. " you'll be safe there while we figure out who tried to kill you. " a slender hand gripped your chin then. tilting your head upwards slightly, you were surprised, however, to see that she wasn't mad.

the look in her eyes was - unreadable.

" thought you'd be livid. " you commented, your own brow raising. " thought you had wanted me to stop doing all of this. " the doctor shook her head, as she let your chin go - the rush of warmth that filled the spot from where her rather cold hand had rested caused a shiver to rush down your spine.

" never said you had to stop, " the time lord mumbled, she had now reached for your bloodied hand and looked it over - trying to see if you had gotten any wounds from the fight. though it wasn't much of a fight - he got a few left hooks in before you kneed him in the sack and stabbed him through the heart.

you didn't LIKE killing people. but well - it was either his life or yours and you were fairly certain that you valued yours a hell of a lot more. " just that i hoped you'd be more careful with who you chose to take on. " a snort escaped your lips.

" yeah well - if picking and choosing could pay the bills then i would. " the doctor stepped back and threw the towel in the sink, she looked you over once more - you knew you looked like a mess and wondered why she was even still here ? why the hell did she care about someone like you - worked all day, rarely slept and had a slight drinking problem, as well as cursing like a sailor that had the blonde grimacing and scolding you like a child. you most definitely didn't fit the criteria of being a ... companion.

guessed she thought there was a way to ... help you. charity case from an alien who traveled through time and space. wonderful.

" come on you, " the doctor reached out and grabbed your hand before she all but pulled you out of the bathroom, and down the hallway - to the slightly ajar front door. " back to the tardis. " you stumbled after her, only to pause by the kitchen again.

" what about him? " you pointed and the doctor looked over her shoulder. a frown on her face again before cursing in a foreign language. " i have no idea what you just said, but i feel like i need to say you kiss your mother with that mouth ? " you were met with nothing but a hard stare and you couldn't help the nervous laugh that escaped your lips. " sorry. "

" we'll still head to the tardis, i know someone that can help with this. " so the doctor had friends in other places, this should get rather interesting. so you followed her out of your apartment (not before picking up your laptop) - trying as much as you can to slam your broken front door shut behind you.

while she was doing that, you just had to figure out who the hell was trying to kill you. maybe yasmin could help, she was police after all.

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