i missed you.

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it had been exactly seven hundred and thirty days since you had last seen the doctor. a whole two years without her - without the others as well but you had felt her absence the most. she had told you that she would give you one year. one full year to think about what you wanted to do and then at the end of that year, on december 31st, she would come back and ask you one more time if you wanted to fly away with her, wanted to leave your old life behind and travel the universe with her. you had asked for this, you had wanted to go home. you didn't exactly feel like running for your life every time you stepped outside the tardis, but it was as if the doctor was some kind of drug.

she was addictive and very hard to get over.

no matter how long you had known the time lord, it was still hard to let her go. but you had to, you almost died - twice. your sister just had a baby, your dad was missing you and your mother didn't exactly want to look after him all on her own. it was so incredibly hard to choose between the life you desperately wanted and the life you knew you couldn't leave behind.

but now - here she was in your backyard, 4:15 pm on december 31st a whole year after she promised she would return. looking no older or any different than from how you last saw her. you, on the other hand, did look different - you had a new hair cut and a different colour, you had almost wanted to change your whole entire appearance when you got home so that nothing could remind you of the adventures you had with the doctor. but hair was enough for one life time.

" new colour? " was the first thing she said to you. pointing at your hair, a frown settled on your face and a hand came up to try and flatten down your ponytail. great seven hundred and thirty days without her and the first thing she comments on is your look ?

did she enjoy your [h/c] hair better?

" why? what's wrong with it? " you tried not to think about how much your voice shook, felt like it was tripping over itself. because you knew the answer to the oldest question she had asked you would be yes. always yes. a grin broke out across her lips and she came closer to you - she'd left her coat in the tardis you presumed and the other companions as well.

the breeze blew loose threads of your hair in front of your face but didn't exactly want to move them out of the way. you were too scared to move - that if you did, you would possibly wake up and all of this was a dream. but you knew that even if it was a dream - you'd throw caution to the wind anyhow.

" nothing. i love it. " and you supposed that's what did it for you. you surged forward - almost knocking a chair over, taking the doctor completely by surprise, for once, and stood on the tips of your toes as you pressed your lips against hers. god, you had missed this, missed her.

it didn't take the time lord long to realise what was happening. her hands found your waist and her fingers dug into your sides, dragging you closer to her body. a soft moan escaped your lips as you fell onto your feet and your back arched inwards slightly - pressing against her legs even more. teeth grazed against your lower lip and you couldn't help but huff out a laugh, your hands found their way up and around her neck - as she was dragged down to your height.

" yes. " came the mumbled reply and the doctor froze. your eyes snapped open as she pulled back, her arms moving to wrap around your waist then, bringing you forward once more - so you were properly flushed against her chest.

" okay. right, good - yes. " she rambled and you couldn't help a laugh escape your lips this time. the crease that always appears between her brows when she frowns was there and the time lord shook her head. " sorry, what was the yes for again? "

you couldn't help but roll your eyes, smile still planted on your lips as you stood on the balls of your feet once more - wrapping your arms tighter around her neck, letting your fingers bury into her short blonde hair. " i'll come with you. " you whispered into her ear, leaning down and planting soft kisses to her neck. which caused the doctor to not say a word for a couple of seconds, probably not use to you being this forward until she snapped back to reality and her arms tightened around your waist once more and you were picked up off the ground and spun around.

" oh, [y/n] [l/n] ! i knew you couldn't resist ! " she beamed and a slight squeal escaped your lips as you buried your head into her neck. planting you back on the ground, you pulled away and let your teeth bite into your lower lip.

" well - you weren't really going to take no for an answer were you? " the doctor let a sheepish look cross her features before her nose scrunched upwards. you would take that as a yes.

" see i told you she'd be back ! " you looked behind you and spotted ryan and yaz leaning out of the tardis - looking rather naughty before they caught you staring and ducked back inside the time machine. you looked at the doctor once more, who couldn't keep the grin off her face - before she leant down and placed a kiss against your forehead.

" come on, i think everyone wants to spend the new year in rio. " the doctor pulled away from you properly, but only to reach out and grab onto your hand, pulling you towards the tardis. there was a slight tug against your heart as you left your home once more - but you knew that you wouldn't miss an opportunity to be with the doctor ever again.

what a way to start the year.

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