merry christmas to you.

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number four on the festive prompts list.
"I shouldn't be this attracted to an elf."

send me prompts on snowyspyro!


"I shouldn't be this attracted to an elf."


"What?" Shaking your head, you suddenly realised that Yaz was standing right next to you. A blush burst onto your cheeks and you were glad that the lighting in the ballroom was dark enough that it hid your embarrassment. The Doctor was dressed to the nines in what appeared to be a cheapish elf costume, but to be quite honest you wouldn't put it past her to say that it was from an actual elf, considering the amount of times she had let slip that her and Santa would team up every once in a while to deliver presents.

You and Yaz were attending the annual police department Christmas party, this year it was held in a lavish ballroom at one of the fancier hotels in Sheffield and you were kinda excited to get away from the alien lifestyle, not that you didn't love the adventures and space, but every once in a while you did sort of miss your home and your day job. It was just you and your best friend going, just the two of you with a designated driver, so you could have as many drinks as you'd like - the bar tab was generous and your captain said that the pair of you deserved it.

What you weren't planning on was the Doctor rocking up, dressed up as well (because what is a work Christmas party without a crazy costume competition), saying that you should both ignore her and that she was just double-checking around the place - nothing to worry about.

Not that the excessive amount of Huon particles were unusual and totally not supposed to be here.

"Did you just say that you shouldn't be attracted to an elf?" Yaz repeated taking a sip of her drink, holding the straw between her fingers, slurping as loudly as she could as she gave you a sidelong glance, keeping her head turned towards the Doctor, who had her sonic out and was focusing solely on a piece of equipment. A scoff escaped your lips as you shook your head.

"Pfft, no - no why ... why would I say something like that?" You stumbled over your words and you drowned the rest of your eggnog before you could make an idiot out of yourself even more. "Nothing like that..." Yaz gave you another look before she hummed softly and placed her glass on the bar.

"Right well ... guess I should call her over then, just to see what she's up too." Your eyes widened and you panicked slightly - eyes flickering up as you noticed that Yaz had conveniently placed you near the mistletoe.

"Yaz, no wait!"

"Oi Doctor!" She was slightly tipsy as well ... Yaz was generally louder than she normally was when she's sober. The younger girl stumbled over her feet slightly and held out her hand towards the Time Lord, who was giving her a look of amusement, the frown that had been there a few moments ago had disappeared. But the Doctor took her hand anyhow, grabbing a hold tightly, to make sure that Yaz wasn't going to fall over her own feet.

"You feeling alright, Yaz?" The Doctor asked and the girl beamed a brilliant smile and giggled slightly, adjusting her reindeer ears on the top of her head. The red that she painted on her nose had started to crack, but she still looked incredibly adorable.

"Never better - now!" She exclaimed shoving the blonde slightly to stand next to you. "You two stand there and don't move. Mrs Claus and her elf!" You could feel yourself get even hotter - maybe you shouldn't have worn the velvet dress, you couldn't even look up and meet the Doctor's gaze, which you could tell was now focused on your face. "You two look so adorable!" Pulling out her phone, Yaz raised a brow. "I want a photo, so stand there and say "I'm attracted to an ...!"

Before Yaz could even finish her sentence, you had gotten too embarrassed that you didn't even feel it anymore, your hands shot out and you grabbed a hold of the lapels of the Doctor's green jacket - pulling her forwards, you pressed your lips against the Time Lord's, having to raise slightly on the tips of your toes so you could reach her lips. You could faintly hear the snap of the phone camera, and you could feel the heat continue to rise up the back of your neck.

It seemed like everything else disappeared, the noise and the music all disappeared and all you could feel and hear and even sense was her. A few seconds passed before you both pulled apart slowly, eyes sliding back open and you couldn't help but swallow once you noticed the look in her hazel eyes. It took you a second to realise that she wasn't mad ... oh no but ... very very interested.

Clearing your throat slightly, you tried to step backward - but well, a pair of arms shot out and hands grabbed a hold of the fabric of your skirt, keeping you in place - pressed almost flush against the Doctor. You could see Yaz from the corner of your eye bounce on the balls of her feet. Snapping another picture, she turned on her heel and raced off, probably going to send the image to Ryan and Graham in your group chat.

"Sorry..." You mumbled and couldn't help but giggle slightly. The Doctor couldn't help the ridiculous grin that spread across her lips. "But ... I am just incredibly attracted to an elf at the moment."

The Doctor let a bark of laughter escape her lips. "Well for once I am glad I dressed for the occasion." before she leaned down and press her lips against yours again - it was so intense that you had to bend backward by the force she kissed you. You didn't know if it was because you had one too many drinks, or because it was your favourite holiday season but you were glad you had the courage to do something so incredible.

Merry Christmas to you.

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