you don't believe me? (jessica!reader)

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to think that the day was going to get any better had been the biggest understatement of the century. it hadn't exactly been your fault that you had all ended up in this situation, but you knew that if the doctor and the others hadn't brought you along, everything would be fine - well to a certain degree, someone still would have ended up dead. your detective skills seemed to get you into a lot of trouble even when on an alien planet. a royal family and a plan to dethrone the king and queen led to you being placed under arrest for plans on assassinating them yourself.

you had fallen into the trap that the prince had set, their only son and there had been no way that you could prove it, the evidence that you had collected (you knew it was a good idea to bring your camera along with you) had been taken from you. burnt to a crisp and your camera was no more - you had wanted to mourn the loss of your device but you had to focus on the situation at hand, which was that no one was believing you - the prince was an incredibly good actor and had denied the accusation against his name, causing you to be thrown into jail - with a trail and a hearing to be seen through by the end of the day. you hated feeling useless but you had quickly learnt that you were probably weren't cut out for this space gig.

you could understand that the others wouldn't believe you - but the doctor didn't either and that's what hurt the most.

it was like the prince had put everyone under his spell and had spread the biggest lie in history. you were the only one that could see through his plans - see through the fact that his innocent act was just that ... an act. maybe it was the many hours and days that had you following different types of people, watching them and their lies - you knew how humans worked and somehow that translated to alien body language as well.

managing to escape from the cell, you had cornered the prince, found him talking to someone dressed in a black rob, its face hidden from view - almost like he was the emperor himself. you had sprinted down that alleyway yelling ! the black figure had disappeared in a blink of an eye, but you didn't really question it. you had told him to give himself up, but he had put up a fight and you had found yourself just behind the castle on one of the hills, overlooking the purple ocean with the prince by his shirt, and your other hand wrapped around his forearm and every single royal guard pointing their weapons towards you. the prince was really out there, giving one hell of a performance, wide eyes - red from the tears and his sobs felt like they could be heard from earth. but you smelt a rat. you were never wrong when you did your research. the doctor was watching you with narrowed eyes, you could tell that she was contemplating whether or not it had been a good idea to allow you on her tardis. near her friends and giving you all of her trust.

you were a drinker, a heavy one at that and you spied on people and learned their most deepest, darkest secrets. you knew that your work lifestyle would one day come back and bite you in the ass. the king was furious and the queen looked like a mother who was afraid for her son's safety, you guessed that you might have been as well - since you were standing on the edge of a cliff.

" [y/n] ! " you started slightly at the sound of the doctor's voice. " don't you make me come over there ! " god she didn't believe you. your mouth dropped open and you almost let your grip on the prince relax.

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