accident prone (disaster!reader)

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Everyone knew that you were accident-prone. The amount of times that any member of the fam had to save you from something stupid was too many to count on one hand. It had been endearing at the beginning, the idea that you could do something with the best intentions but ultimately have it backfire on you but the longer you had to be saved was starting to wear a little thin.

You know that it's not any of their faults. The Doctor once said that trouble was something that followed her throughout the universe, that it would attach itself onto anyone that it found vulnerable and you just happened to be that person. But then it started getting serious, the times you jumped in to save the Doctor from being injured or killed was starting to get recognised by the Time Lord herself.

It's not what she wanted standing in front of her friends whenever there was danger was something that she was known for, she was older so she knew the consequences of her actions and the actions taken by the villains.

"You need to be more careful!" You didn't mean for it to blow so out of proportion. Recent adventures have been stressful for the blonde and you knew that but in the end, you decided to stir the pot, even more, it didn't take long for the Doctor to raise her voice and put her foot down. "You need to listen to what I'm saying and to stay out of danger! When I tell you to run, when I tell any of you to run, you do so." Lilac coat laid hanging over one of the crystal pillars and the sleeves of her dark blue jumper were pushed up to her elbows.

This latest adventure didn't exactly end up like the others. For starters you didn't die during the previous trips, this time, however, was different. A jungle planet, with a race of beings that basically looked like Wookies. Their King had been murdered and the Queen kidnapped, they needed someone to help, someone that the bad guy didn't know. So of course, the Doctor had to help, be the hero and save the day.

But, of course, everything went to shit almost immediately, a couple of would-be Wookies were killed which allowed for Yaz and Graham to be captured, while you, the Doctor and Ryan had to figure out a way to defeat the bad guy and rescue the Queen. And for that to happen, one of you had to die. Obviously, it was the Doctor that offered up her life for the Queen, who had cheered and clapped and you were ready to leave the bitch to die. But, you and Ryan weren't having it. You tried your best to get her to think of another way but when she set her mind to something, you can never get her to budge.

Unless, you intercept her plan - drink the poison that was intended for her and die at her feet.

The hows of coming back to life are a bit blurry but Yaz tells you that the bad guy actually was true to his word and submitted defeat once you ... died.

Yaz, Graham and Ryan were sat on the hexagonal steps on the other side of the console room. Keeping out of the way and keeping quiet. They knew what would happen if the Doctor lost her temper anymore than she already had. But you, on the other hand, you didn't want to be treated like a child. If you wanted to do something and if that something meant saving someone's life, well fuck anyone else's opinion. You were going to do that.

"You stay in the TARDIS next time and you wait for my okay." The Doctor was hunched over the console now, shoulders tense and her head bowed. If you weren't blinded by your own annoyance, you would notice that she was struggling with the fact that you died. Even coming back to life didn't help her relax, she still allowed you to die for her. You scoffed and folded your arms, but she hadn't finished. "When I said this wasn't a flat team structure I meant it. When I tell you to do something, [y/n], you listen to me!"

"I know, you've said. Multiple times!" You snapped back, arms crossed further over your chest. You didn't notice that the other three companions had now stood up, almost like they were preparing to separate the pair of you if needed. You didn't like the way this whole ... conversation was making you feel. Heavy heart and short breaths - an even shorter temper, you knew that once everything calmed down - you would regret everything you had said. "But I'm not a child, Doctor! What I do is not up to you."

That made the Doctor straighten up. Hazel eyes burned into your own and you tried not to let your sudden rush of emotions show on your face - but the tears that had started to form were making it rather hard. Swallowing, you didn't want to show the Doctor that you knew she was right. That if anyone knew their way around the universe it was her. You weren't a disaster for nothing, your whole life you had been screwing up. School, home life, even your work, there were just too many times you couldn't get anything right and it hurt and it sucked, but you managed to get over it and keep on going. Keep on growing. So this whole argument? Was nothing you couldn't overcome.

The blonde then turned away from you, walking to the other side of the console and started plotting in a course. Pulling the lever, the whole TARDIS shuddered and you stumbled slightly - for about ten seconds before the TARDIS landed and the Doctor was right in front of you again. You tried not to flinch as you looked at her.

"Fine," Her voice was cold and her eyes were hard. "If what you do is not up to me and you don't want to be treated like a child..." Her sentence ran off and you were almost certain you saw her eyes flicker slightly, almost like she was second-guessing herself and that she was being too irrational. But that changed when she straightened again and her lips pouted ever so slightly. "Go have fun."

"Oi Doc," You heard Graham.

"What are you doing?" That was Yaz but you didn't look at them. You didn't want to break eye contact with the old God.

The TARDIS doors sprung open and the sudden burst of hot air flew over your body. Oh no. "Good luck, [y/n]."

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