don't die on me. (oc!ana)

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it was hard to focus on what was happening around her let alone what the hell HAD actually happened. ana remember distantly that there was a bomb involved or at least the alien equivalent of a bomb. she could also remember faintly remember that she had just wandered into the ballroom, trying to find one of the many waiters, to see if they had heard anything about the rumours floating around the massive mansion, but she hadn't gotten the chance when the explosion had occurred almost directly next to her. so when she came too almost five minutes later, it was like the world was crashing down around her and nothing seemed to make sense. her ears were ringing and the voices and sounds were muffled - making the screams and shouts sound like nothing, it was hard for ana to truly figure out what was happening. it took her a couple of seconds before she groaned and rolled herself over onto her stomach. none of the guards, guests or hell even the medics had noticed her yet - they were focused on the regulars and the natives. of course, the moment she had decided to split up from the doctor and the others was the time that shit went down. it was on her stomach that ana couldn't help but cry out as the wound was pushed against the ground, dirt, and rubble surely getting caught.

" son of a bitch. " she hissed through her teeth before she pushed herself up onto her knees. hair was plastered to her forehead, blood coating brown locks and ana couldn't help but let a humourless laugh escape her lips. " i - just one day, i wish everything was normal. " she mumbled to herself, pressing a hand against the wound on her stomach and winced as blood started to seep out through her fingers.

it was warm and sticky and the australian felt like she was going to throw up. reaching out to the closest thing to her (which was a table, which had somehow managed to survive the explosion) she pulled herself up onto her feet. her left pant leg had been torn completely away, leaving her leg exposed, she didn't have to look down to notice that the skin had been badly burnt and was bleeding as well - her stomach churned at the thought. she was a midwife, not an er doctor, this much blood wasn't what she was use too. well - not with the missing skin going with it.

" ana ! " the voice that called her name sent a shot of relief through her body. opening her mouth to reply and take a step forward, her legs all but buckled underneath her and she started to tumble towards the floor again.

" doctor ! " that must have been ryan, or ... or someone, because the next thing ana knew she was on the ground once more, but this time arms had caught her and wrapped around her waist before she truly hit the ground. another cry left ana's lips as the wound on her stomach made contact with the doctor's coat. green eyes snapped open and immediately found the time lord's hazel gaze. filled with worry and concern and a hint of the oncoming storm. someone had targeted the ballroom - she didn't know exactly who was the target but ana had been present when it detonated.

that was a seriously bad move.

" hey - hey ana look at me. " a frown rested on the eldest companions forehead, she thought she was. but her eyes snapped open again - oh she must have dozed off, a concussion, that's probably what she had. the brunette couldn't remember, but later on, the medics would tell her that she had struck the table, the nasty cut on her forehead was deep enough that they had to give her stitches. but right at that moment, ana moaned and winced, reaching her hand up and clasping onto the doctor's forearm. " why are you bleeding ? eh ? thought i told you to be careful. " ana noticed that yaz, graham, and ryan were looking over the doctor's shoulder down at her, with a similar expressions on their faces.

she wondered if they were alright, she knew that they had been nowhere near the ballroom, but who the hell knew what this terrorist had planned.

a laugh tried to escape ana's lips, but instead, it turned into a cough and another groan. the brunette tried to curl into herself, moving the hand that clasped onto the doctor's forearm, to rest against the blonde's chest. the doctor then shifted in her spot on the ground and physically placed her butt on the floor, still holding ana in her arms. her free arm came up and brushed ana's fringe away from her face. " come on bear, don't die on me, please. " ana hadn't remembered a time the doctor had looked so distraught - maybe with river but even then he hadn't known her very well back then.

" doctor, we should get her back to the tardis. " yaz suggested and ana watched as the blonde shook her head, reach into her pocket and pulled out her sonic screwdriver.

" no time. " she mumbled, mostly to herself than to the other companions. " come on, bear you do not get to die on me here. " the doctor stared down at her oldest companion, who in turn tried to keep the tears out of her eyes. it was impossible because she could feel the blood continue to seep from the wound - soaking the doctor's lilac coat into a deep red.

" i - i can't... " ana spoke and the doctor shook her head. " i'm sorry, theta. " rarely did the brunette call the doctor by her academy name - but she knew that it was the only way to get the doctor to listen to her. " but ... i guess this is it. "

" no. " the doctor snapped in return before she shifted and stood with ana still in her arms and the strength of any man. " i am not letting you die. not here and not now. " the doctor then turned her heel towards the others. " yaz i'm gonna need to borrow your scarf. ryan - get the medic, graham help me stop the bleeding - we are not going to let her die. " moving ana onto the still standing table, the doctor pulled off her coat and bunched it up and placed it under ana's head as a makeshift pillow. " i won't allow it. "

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