don't leave again.

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It had been a couple of months. A couple of months of not travelling, of being in one place and one timeline for longer than a week. It had been the worst couple of months of your life but you knew that needed it. Everything had happened so fast that you barely had the chance to reflect on what was going on, all you did know was that the current situation you were in wasn't healthy for you.

You lost had track of things that needed to be done at home, your parents were worried about you. You were coming home at random hours of the day and even the night, sometimes you weren't even appearing for weeks at a time. You knew that if you stayed with the Doctor any longer, you would either lose everyone that you cared about at home or you would wind up dead. Probably both if you were really unlucky. But you could only last a couple of months, six months max. Just until after your birthday, when you suddenly realised that you missed them. All of them.

You spend one birthday with an alien that a time machine and suddenly all other birthdays just ... aren't as fun.

So, here you were standing in front of the mechanics, watching the Doctor as she worked on the TARDIS, being exactly like the freaking weirdo that you are. Swallowing down the lump in your throat, you twisted your hands together and let them hang in front of your stomach. You didn't know if you should just stroll casually up to her and say hello or if you should make it known that you were coming. Call her? Message her? She always seemed to have that old phone on her, but would that be weird still? You went radio silent, not even replying to your best friend. (Which is Yaz by the way.)

Just dumped the Doctor cold turkey.

"You going to stand there all day?" Her voice caused you to jump slightly. Brain snapping back to the present and you couldn't help the yelp that escaped your lips when you noticed that the Doctor was no longer underneath the TARDIS, but instead standing right in front of you. God, she was like a cat, silent when she wanted to be, sneaky as anything.

She needed to wear a bell or something.

"Uh..." You stumbled over your own words. You weren't shy, you never had been shy but suddenly standing in front of her, in front of an alien who could be as old as the universe suddenly made you feel so incredibly small. The goggles that sat on the top of her head distracted you for a second. "No ... not if you don't want me too." Your eyes moved away from the goggles and caught her hazel pair, gazing at you with an expression you couldn't exactly figure out.

The Doctor tilted her head to the side, eyes narrowing just slightly. "Of course I do." She answered and surprisingly a breath of air escaped your lips. You didn't realise how much of her opinion, of her wanting you, was important. The pair of you stood there.

Letting your gaze linger over her person. Eyes that appeared to be older than her body. The blonde hair that would shine so bright when the sun would catch it right. Her ear cuff that hung from her left ear and then well ... you didn't want to think about the fact she wasn't wearing her coat and it was one of the lower cut shirts that you wore. Exposing her collar bones. You didn't know how long it was until you suddenly felt a surge of confidence flood your system. Maybe it was the silence, or maybe it was because the Doctor allowed you time to process why you were there, all you knew was that suddenly you were standing on the balls of your feet and pressing your pink lips against hers.

You had never been able to take the Doctor by surprise before but somehow you managed to startle her. The Time Lord froze underneath you and her arms shot out either side of her, she didn't know what to do. She knew that in order for you not to run away again, she had to give time but this ... wasn't exactly what she had in mind. But it didn't matter, because suddenly it all came rushing back to her. Though before the Time Lord could respond, you pulled away.

You swallowed and licked your lower lips. It was just a small, fleeting kiss, one that would say that you missed her. There were absolutely better ways to get that point across but you had no idea what to say. She tasted so much like you remember, just something so distinctly her it was hard to find anywhere else.

As much as you tried to look.

You cleared your throat and looked down at the ground, not being able to look her in the eyes as your cheeks flushed. Because what sensible person would kiss someone out of the blue after being gone for six whole months.

"God, sorry." You rambled placing your hands over your face, feeling the hot skin of your cheeks under your palms, shoulders hunching over. "That is absolutely the worst way to greet someone ..." you continued, you didn't even notice the Doctor as she let a soft laugh leave her lips, face scrunching up like she always does when she's happy. Your hands dropped away from your face. "I mean I should have just said the words ... I miss you, but I didn't know if I would fuck it ..." and you weren't even able to finish your sentence.

Because while you were rambling, the Doctor finally came to her own senses. They kicked into overdrive and suddenly reminded her that this was why she missed you, liked you, kept you around. Her arm snaked around your waist, pulled you closer to her and dipped your body ever so slightly as she pressed her lips back to yours and a surprised moan crawled its way out of your throat.

It was passionate and almost hungry. You had no idea the Doctor was capable of this. There hadn't really been any downtime, maybe that's why you left. Your emotions played a bigger role in your decision than you'd like to give them credit for. Your hands floated for a second before they came to rest on her shoulders - fingers digging into flesh, leaving half-moon indents on her pale skin. The Doctor's other hand buried itself into your hair, tugging against it slightly. Your eyes slid shut and your lips pulled into a smile.

"I should go away more often." You mumbled against her lips, the Doctor let out a low growl, and it caused your body to push against hers.

"Don't even think about it."

"Greet me like this every morning and I'll think about it."

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