a violet bruise.

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it wasn't the ideal situation you all wanted to be in, but well when the universe dealt you cards you just had to see where they laid. usually, when it comes to the doctor, however, she would normally take the cards and just chuck them out the window - hell chuck them into the time vortex and never see them again. but today was a different kind of day, today was the day that the four of you had lost the tardis, again, and were stuck on an alien planet about twenty thousand light years from earth.

yaz and graham had gone off in search of something to eat - something that wasn't alien and that you would all enjoy, being the fact that you all had hunkered down at one of the many tables in the little street market - it was eerily similar to earth, though it made it that much easier to blend in and relax a little. ryan was sitting opposite you, fiddling with his phone, who knows who he was messaging at that moment. all you could remember from that morning was the doctor had told him he was only allowed to use his phone during downtime, something a mother would say to her child that spent too much time on the thing and not enough looking around their surroundings. while you sat with your back facing the busiest part of the market, leaning against the back of your chair and buried in the doctor's coat, with an ice pack resting against your left eye.

" i did say that you shouldn't have wandered off. " even with the doctor focused on creating something, she knew when a lull in a conversation was going to occur and she had the opportunity to step in. a lecture, however, wasn't exactly what you had wanted. the time lord had explained to you what it was she was working on earlier, something to find the tardis with, but since your little 'accident' you hadn't really retained any kind of information in the last hour or two. " didn't i say she shouldn't have wandered off? " the question was directed towards ryan. your good eye focused on your younger friend, who was still entranced with his phone - a smirk crossing his lips before the doctor, well you took a guess, whacked his shin with her booted foot underneath the table.

he jumped slightly and frowned. " ow. " he complained looking at the doctor with a glare, they stared at each other for a couple of seconds, before you spotted the doctor tilting her head in your direction, she wasn't very good at being subtle. ryan sighed and looked at you, a sympathetic look falling across his face. your nose twitched and you couldn't help but roll your eyes. it hurt to do so but you persisted. " uh - yeah, yeah she did [y/n] " your mouth dropped open and you huffed, tugging the lilac coat around your body as best you could with one hand.

" oi, i didn't hear such a thing from her. " you complained, noticing the fact that the doctor had gone back to fiddle with the small remote, the sonic screwdriver whirring away - to be honest it was starting to get on your nerves, but you chalked it down to the growing headache from the bruise that was forming around your eye. " she does this kind of thing all the time ! " you knew you wouldn't win this argument but you had to try anyway. so you fell back against the metal chair, pulling the ice pack away from your eye and chucking it on the table in front of you.

the rather indy sounding music that was being played just to the left of you and down the street even sound human. if you didn't know any better you would have assumed you were somewhere in australia. thousands of people milled around, buying food or clothing or other things from booths and vendors, it was like a rather upscaled version of eat street in brisbane. you loved it - well you would have if you hadn't gotten involved in a sticky situation involving a bunch of kids and their rather angry parents.

a solid punch to your left eye caused you to tumble to the ground and hiss through your teeth. it had almost knocked you unconscious and in the end did so when you had heard the doctor's voice, practically yelling down the alleyway between vendors. she wasn't very happy when you came to and graham had to physically pull her away when she started scolding you. you knew that she was worried and concerned, that without the tardis she didn't have the right things to help you with - that herself felt rather scared of being left here, but the sonic had told her that nothing too serious had occurred and all that you would be sporting was deep violet eye for a couple of weeks.

it was amazing that you had gotten away without a concussion. still annoyed that you seemed to attract trouble even though there shouldn't be any around, the doctor had slid her coat off her shoulders and wrapped it around yours when you had started to shiver. the others all basked in the rather cooler weather finally, but you guessed the shock and the pain of what the punch was getting to you. so you basked in the warmth that was the doctor's signature lilac coat. (still, the one that rosa parks, herself, had mended.)

" she's the cat's mother. " the doctor mumbled, a snort escaped ryan as he went back to typing away on his phone, you wished that you had your phone - but the doctor had taken it off you. she needed it for the small device she was creating and you begrudgingly handed it over to her. this phone, however, was something the doctor had ... bought him ? considering she fried his old one. your eyes focused on her as she placed down the sonic and stood from her seat and moved to sit in the chair closer to you - shifting forward and lifting her hand, her fingers dancing across your bruising skin. " if i had the tardis... " she sounded slightly bitter. " i would be able to give you something that i picked up from risa. it'll help with the swelling and bruising, make it not so obvious that someone assaulted you. " she wasn't meeting your gaze - hazel eyes focused intently on making sure that your eye was alright, it was slightly easier to open it now but you still had difficulty seeing out of it clearly and you couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed about the whole situation, this planet was kinda like a holiday destination - nothing bad ever happened here. but you're only on the planet for three hours and were already breaking that vibe and someone steals the tardis and you all but wind up injured. her touch sent a shiver down your spine, it didn't help that you were also surrounded by her smell - you had no idea if she does this on purpose but you know for a fact that the doctor doesn't just give anyone her coat.

" guess i'm just going to have to live with it for now, " you spoke up and the doctor's dark gaze looked up at you - a brow raised. your breath caught at the back of your throat and you leaned forward opening your mouth, wanting to say something...

" hey ! " but graham's voice cut you off and you all but pushed yourself away from the blonde and back against the chair. the doctor watched you for a couple of more seconds before she stood back up and took one of the grey bags from graham and peered inside. " look what we found. " graham and yaz moved to place the three other large grey bags on the table and sat down in their respective seats - yaz between you and the doctor. you felt relieved for some reason - like you didn't want to have the conversation that you knew was going to happen before they returned.

" they've got something that looks and smells exactly like fish and chips. " yaz beamed as she pulled hers out and the sudden smell of salted chips assaulted your nose - was this planet just ... new new earth ?

" oh yes ! " the doctor exclaimed as she sat back in her seat and pushed her sleeves up her arms, before she all but tore into the bag, you hadn't seen her act so hungry in a while. you imagined it had something to do with the fact that she had been working nonstop for almost eleven hours already. " i love chips. " the words were already muffled by two golden chips that were in her mouth. " i haven't had any in almost a thousand years. "

" thousand years ! " yaz exclaimed and the doctor shot her a bright look. " how haven't you had chips in a thousand years ? " the brunette seemed slightly offended by that. you couldn't help but huff out a sigh before tugging the hood of the lilac coat over your head, successfully muffling yaz's voice a certain degree. you reached over and grabbed the ice pack (which was one that HAD come from the doctor's pockets. never defrosted and always stayed cold that one) and pressed it back against your assaulted eye. ignoring your own bag of alien fish and chips, you crossed your arm across your stomach and closed your other eye. you were just content listening to the others talk and bicker back and forth.

you knew that eventually, the doctor would have the talk with you like you were a child, but at the moment - sat on an alien planet, eating alien fish and chips and wearing an aliens coat things just seemed ... peaceful. that's how you wished they had stayed.

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