spiders are a pain in the arse.

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spiders could absolutely go to goddamn hell. you wanted to have seen the rest of the adventure through, but the little bastards had TAKEN you - well almost taken you, one of the mini ones stabbed you through the leg with one of their ... many legs, if it hadn't of been for yaz who had seen the whole thing - you were certain that YOU would have become spider food. the doctor had wanted you to go back to the tardis, but THAT was on the other side of town, down a hill. but the more you started to bleed out the MORE you realised that you couldn't walk. the blonde had looked extremely distraught, trying to figure where to put her focus mainly. you had told her that the hotel and everyone else was more important, that you'd just haul yourself up in the kitchen and ... try and not die from bleeding out.

" that's not funny. " you had heard her snap once and that was to an alien that had to threaten the rest of them. the smile had fallen off your face and you coughed, clearing your throat - those blue eyes hadn't exactly changed. just a DIFFERENT colour. sorry. you had mumbled.

but now, back ON the tardis with everyone in tow, THE sudden high of adrenaline had dissipated, with you in the infirmary, you suddenly realised how much it hurt like to be STABBED in the leg again. you were almost on the verge of tears. the spider hadn't been deadly - in the poison sense, but you guessed that no one REALLY knew what those chemicals could have done to their insides. the pain came and went, but you knew it was from the fact that you weren't trying to SURVIVE and you had relaxed a hell of a lot more.

" how 'ya doing ? " the doctor questioned as she came to sit in the chair closest to the bed. moving to lean against the mattress, she placed a slender hand against your forehead, fingers then stroking your hair back from your face. wincing slightly, a surge of pain shot up your leg, but you managed a sleepy smile to spread across your features.

" never felt better. " a small smile soon pulled across the doctor's lips.

" i've given you something for the pain, but you're going to 'ave to wait it out, [y/n] " she started, squinting up at her, you shifted upwards in the bed slightly, only coming to a stop when dragging your leg felt like RIPPING it a new one. she had bandaged your leg, but then the white gauze was already patched with blood.

" why ? " you questioned. blue eyes looked back at you with sympathy and you raised a brow, already guessing what she was going to say. " dermal regenerator shit itself again ? " you couldn't help your choice of words, because THAT is exactly what it always did. she frowned at your choice of words but nodded her head anyway. " god - we really need to BUY new stuff, doctor. " the time lord huffed out a laugh.

" gotta look after you first and foremost. " patting back your hair once more, the doctor stood from the chair and looked down at you, a smile on her lips. " the pain relief should start to work in a couple of minutes, which means YOU need to sleep. " you winced again - this time the pain came from your back. though the slight tug in your chest, had your breathing deepening. " i mean it, [y/n]. rest and when you wake up you'll be good as new. "

a roll of your eyes (trying to cover up the fact that you DIDN'T want the doctor to leave your side), before she turned away. it wasn't until she stepped from the bed that you let your hand snap out and wrap around her wrist. you hardly initiated the contact between you and the time lord, mostly it was to grab her hand or AT LEAST tug on the sleeve of their her coat when they she wasn't paying attention. the doctor turned back, a soft smile had found itself on her lips, as she rested a hand over yours - she gently pried your fingers from around her wrist. " i won't be far, [y/n]. just sleep. " the feeling in your chest disappeared then, you believed her - of course, you did. that's when you could hardly keep your eyes open, they dropped closed and all you could do was listen to was the light mumbling of the doctor singing in galifrayean.

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