save her (jessica!reader)

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someone asked for more jessica!reader x 13 interactions.
and i hope that this is okay ! because wowee i love this reader
so much x


you didn't know how long they had been waiting there. standing outside your apartment, in the stingy and quite frankly shitty hallway. looking at nothing but a boarded up front door, covered in cardboard instead of glass. it was a serious safety risk - but you could handle yourself. the major headache that had decided to make its presences known in the last hour, was doing its best to beat the ever-loving shit into the side of your skull. the dark sunglasses sat on the bridge of your nose and the coffee cup was held in your right hand. you had paused for a couple of seconds, once you saw the two figures at the end of the hall, trying to make a decision of whether you should just press the down button and leave or too suck it up and face them.

heaving out a deep breath, you made your way out of the elevator - only for the thing to start closing on you. lightly pushing against the side of your body, however you didn't know which way was up at that moment, so it caused you to stumble over your own feet - slamming the other side of your body into the door frame. " jesus, shit. " you mumbled in annoyance, though at least you managed to save your coffee.

it was the commotion that you caused, which alerted yasmin khan to your sudden and very much wanted appearance. she almost fell over herself as she stood up from the ground, and walking fast down the hall - just to meet you halfway. " she's gone ! " the young woman let out in a flurry of heaving breaths, ryan was a lot calmer behind her, but you could tell that he was worried about something too. " they're both gone. " a huff left you this time.

" whose gone? " you prayed that your voice didn't sound the way it felt leaving your throat. pushing your sunglasses up onto your head, tired, slightly red eyes flickered over to look at ryan. his teeth biting into his cheek. he was bouncing on the balls of his feet, looking like he was ready to leave you here and just go by himself.

" we were snooping around this place just down the road from here. " he started and you could tell yaz wanted to interrupt but she kept quiet, hands wringing together in nervous energy. " the doctor and graham. they went off together and when we came to meet up with them, they were gone. " you cursed under your breath, the last time you had seen any of them had been over three months ago. a lot of shit has happened since then and you were tired. really tired. but well ... the doctor had saved your life - multiple times. so you kind of owe her.

plus it was a way to force you to sober up a hell of a lot quicker.

" goddamnit," you said aloud before stepping around the two teenagers and making the rest of the way down to your apartment. yaz and ryan looked at each other and then towards your retreating form. you hadn't technically said no and shoving open your shitty front door with just your shoulder and leaving it open once you had stepped inside was more than enough of an invitation to follow.

so that's what you did for the next hour or two. putting pieces together to see where the doctor and graham would have been taken. your heart was heavy, you didn't know why. the palms of your hands were starting to sweat and you had to grab one of the biggest redbulls you had in your fridge, otherwise, you would just drink yourself drunk again - the coffee forgotten on your desk.

it didn't take long. with your rather genius brain and a way to narrow down the places where the doctor would have been taken to a lot quicker, considering yaz had found her sonic screwdriver - the three of you were off. you leading the group, of course, stalking down the streets of hell's kitchen. coming across the run down and abandoned bar. the irish had been making quite the commotion for the last couple of months, something about another ... special person running around the suburb.

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