your true family.

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well, it hadn't actually gone as planned. you thought you could handle this on your own, as you had with other tough situations, especially the time you wanted to drop out of uni because you just weren't ... doing well. your dad was disappointed but understood, you had needed time, it was your mother who had thrown a fit.

it was that night you had found the doctor. bright green eyes, floppy hair and that ridiculous bow tie. he needed help, said that his friend, clara, was stuck and that boy he was going to be in so much trouble when they found her. an alien that to be quite honest, was basically mister freeze from batman in a nutshell.

the doctor had been impressed by your talents and quite frankly your ability to banter in a fight, that he offered you a trip of a lifetime. just one. you had said and well had turned into two, which then turned into four, then six.

it was heartbreaking when he regenerated, but you had found him again in the form of an angry scotsman a little while later. and it stayed like that until he took you back home again. said that you needed A LITTLE time on your own, that he would COME back - but he never did ... at least for you that is.

shaking your head, you pulled yourself out of your thoughts, wiping the tears that had fallen onto your cheeks away with the sleeve of your jumper, hoping that you weren't TOO red in the face for anyone to actually notice something was wrong. you then shoved your way into the TARDIS. a little bit harsher than you normally would, you would apologise to her later for that.

and to your shoulder, which BRUISED upon impact.

you could hear laughter and you wondered if it had been ryan telling a rather interesting story again, or graham cracking one of the WORST dad jokes you had ever heard and you had to keep your rather .. depressed self OFF your face and force a smile on there.

" there you are ! " yaz announced and you tried not to wince at the volume of her voice. the doctor looked up from the monitor on the console and she grinned down at you, which almost caused you to break down right then and there. you had missed hi - her ... so much, that you had forgotten how much they made you HAPPY. " how'd it go ? " of course you had told the four of them that you were GAY before your actual parents. it ... a lot easier to tell them. then came the day and you knew that if you had backed out now you would NEVER tell them.

stepping up closer to the console, you shrugged your shoulders. " uh - yeah, yeah good. " you were a terrible liar. blue eyes focused on you, which caused you to look somewhere else in the TARDIS and not the time lord that knew you rather well.

" y/n ? " graham was watching you like the grandad he was. concerned when you shifted on your feet and ran a hand through your hair and rested it against your forehead. " what happened ? "

a hand wrapped lightly around your forearm, pulling you into them. you didn't even notice that the doctor had wandered from her spot and over to you. so you let yourself wrap your arms around her neck, burying your face into her shoulder. you didn't cry but you were almost on the verge. the hug was nice though.

" i take it, it didn't go well ? " she questioned, lips pressed against the shell of your ear and you turned your buried face into her neck, breathing in deeply before shaking it slightly. the doctor then pulled away, placing her hands on either side of your face. self-indulgent you in the eyes, the breath you had taken it was let out slowly and your lips tugged downwards.

" no, " you mumbled. your e/c eyes moved to look over the doctor's shoulder then and focus on her new companions. " uh mum ... she uh ... " a heavy sigh escaped your lips before your face crumpled and your whole body fell forwards and the doctor wrapped you in an embrace again. one hand coming to rest against the back of your head, stroking your hair. and then other, rested in between your shoulders.

" why don't we go see elvis? " graham suddenly spoke up after a couple of seconds of silence. you lifted your head, and rested your chin on the doctor's shoulder, as she continued to sooth your hair and hum slightly in your ear. WHO knew she could calm you down so QUICKLY. you were certain though, that your eyes were red and puffy. you shifted in the doctor's arms. " i heard you and ryan talking the other day. "

pulling away from the doctor, who then repositioned her arms, so that a hand could rest against the small of your back. " elvis sounds great. " they didn't get the chance to SEE him when they were last in the area. 1955 was a rather HARD year for them.

yaz cheered and it placed a smile on your lips. ryan grabbed for the other woman's arm and gestured her down the corridor, towards their rooms. turning your head you spotted the doctor giving you a worried look. you raised a brow, but she kept on staring, head tilted to the side slightly and a frown on her brow. " stop it. "

" when you're ready, we can talk about it, " she said and the tears you had managed to cry out, pooled back into the corner of your eyes.

" thanks doc. " the time lord let her free hand raise and rest gently on the back of your head.

" it's what i'm here for, y/n. " she leaned forward and pressed a kiss against your forehead. before she let you go and you tried not to feel disappointed at the sudden loss of her body temperature. " right ! elvis... " she announced bounding off towards the console once more. " better call ahead, otherwise he might run late again. "

one family didn't seem to accept you but the one that truly mattered did.
that was enough for you at that moment in time.

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