irresponsible. (whittaker!master)

538 16 2

You didn't know if it was the planet or the alcohol but you were certain that you could hold your liquor longer than what you had currently drunk. The music was loud and unfamiliar and you were surprised that the Doctor actually agreed to let you linger around here alone. He needed to go do something on the other side of the planet, you didn't particularly feel up to running around today, so you did your best to look cute and ask him in the nicest way possible, which of course he saw through right away but agreed anyway.

"Don't get into any trouble," He had pointed a finger at you and you had narrowed your eyes at him. Mouth dropping open ever so slightly to argue back that you never got into trouble, but he pointed again as he lingered in the TARDIS doors. "I mean it [y/n]." Crossing your arms over your chest you sighed and shut your mouth. "Good, now, I'll be back in about an hour or so. If not ..." He stepped inside, before poking his head back out. "Do come looking for me."

That had been about three hours ago. Or something, you had lost track of time after your third drink. You know you should have gone looking for him, but he didn't tell you where he was going, so the next best thing was to just stay where you were. And keep drinking and people watching. The aliens on this planet came in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours. There were humanoids, fish people on legs and occasionally you spotted a creature that looked like a giant slime ball. Though, that one you had to double-take, considering it could have just been a hallucination due to all the drinks you had been sculling.

"What's a pretty human-like you doing in a place like this?" The voice grated at the back of your head, looking up from your fancy drink, you spotted an extremely tall rather startling bright fish person leaning closer to you. "We don't get a lot of your kind around here." Wincing slightly you leaned back and took another sip of your drink.

Looking around you, you spotted many other humanoids lingering around. Most in the booths to the back of the club but some on the dance floor. You looked back at the fish guy and raised a brow. "That is a rather shitty opener." You retorted moving back to face him. It's lips pulled into a wide smile and once again you tried not to gag at the smell.

"You're clever..."

"I'm taken..." You continued to try your best to be polite. It seemed to have gotten the message after the third time it tried to use a pickup line. There was no fuss or swearing or calling you a bitch, actually, it went a little bit too smoothly. Though you knew you shouldn't have been so lenient, you should have continued to keep your guard up.

It had cornered you in the alleyway, the Doctor had finally messaged you - the phone in your back pocket buzzed every thirty seconds, you had read one message and then realised that you were too drunk to even see the screen properly.

Doctor Know It All. 10:40pm

Got into a sticky situation. Took longer than I thought but all good now...

Another buzz to the phone.

Doctor Know It All 10:45 pm

Right so ... not good. I'll be five minutes.

One more buzz...

Doctor Know It All 10:46 pm

Maybe ten.

You weren't coherent enough to even realise what was going on as your back hit the disgusting wall to the opposite side of the club, it's breath smelt disgusting and its hands were slimy, you couldn't remember if you had protested or you were going to vomit, either way, you felt it's lips on yours and a sob escape from the bottom of your chest.

It felt like minutes, hours even - hands roaming over your body as you tried to squirm away but the bloody wall was blocking you in. That was until you finally felt the cool air of the evening rush against your skin, but it caused your head to whack back against the wall. Disorientated for a couple of seconds, you almost missed the hand that appeared around the giant fishes neck, knife held firmly. Slitting the fish's throat and his green blood splattered across your face.

"Fuck!" You called out as you watched the alien fall in a heap on the ground. Watching it's twitching form try and fight to stay alive, but eventually, it stilled and the fish was no more. You were so focused on that, that you didn't notice who it was that actually saved you from being violated even further.

"A thank you would be nice." You tried to swallow the lump in your throat, you didn't know if it was due to what you had just witnessed or because she was suddenly standing in front of you. It was automatic that your tongue came out to lick at your lower lip, but you forgot what was splattered all across your face. Grimacing at the taste of metal, which you realised now tasted a lot like your own, you shook your head. Letting your eyes wander upwards, you caught her wide hazel gaze as it looked at you. It moved from amusement to giddy, to annoyed all under three seconds and you tried to step backward, only to collide with the wall once again. "I mean really? Did he have to leave you at this bar of all places?"

The Master stepped over the dead fish and grabbed a hold of your forearm. "It is absolutely irresponsible. Leaving his pets to be violated like that." She was muttering more to herself now, dragging you along towards her TARDIS that you had only just noticed was there. "Guess he loses a pet tonight." Snapping open the TARDIS doors with her fingers she pushed you inside, causing you to stumble into the dimly lit space ship and trip over your feet.

The Master didn't take a second glance at you as she made her way to the console and put the ship into flight. You heaved out a sigh and didn't bother getting up off the floor, lying down, even more, you let your head fall against the grating. Your hand came up and rested against your forehead, feeling rather clammy and sick. Closing your eyes, you couldn't help but moan once more when you felt the warm sticky substance still covering your face.

It was silent for at least a couple of minutes, you trying to calm your brain down and sort through everything that just happened and the Master, well - she was too focused over her console. Suddenly, your eyes snapped open and your hand moved to your pocket, fumbling and trying to pull out your phone.

Heels moved across the glass before you heard ... "What are you doing?" just above you, but you didn't take any notice.

"I've gotta call the Doctor." You mumbled frantically trying to open your phone, but the blood was screwing with the face ID. "Let him know what happened and that I'm okay." That was until your phone was ripped from your hands. "Hey!" You complained looking up and almost gasping as the Master stood over you. Oh, okay.

Swallowing you tried to keep your gaze focused on her face but ... well, her legs are right there.

"You don't need the Doctor..." She snapped before chucking your phone over her shoulder. You heard it clatter against the glass floor and you couldn't help but wince, snapping out of your thirsty bit.

"I just got that..." You whined. The Master rolled her eyes before she leaned down and hauled you up off the floor. "Let me go..." You thought the murder right in front of you would have snapped you out of the drunken state you were in. Guess you were wrong. The feeling of her arms wrapping around your waist and torso caused a shiver to rush down your spine, this wasn't exactly the position you had seen yourself in at the start of the day.

"No." Was all she said, before hauling you down the hallway. "You'll end up getting yourself killed." She had said something else, but you were fading fast. Luckily you weren't present enough to realise you had fallen asleep in her arms, forcing the Master to lift you up and carry you to the med bay.

That would have been embarrassing.

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