kiss those tears away.

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holy shit - i'm back. well ish.
i'm sorry that it's taken me so long to update.
i just lost all muse and motivation for any kind
of reader insert. i miss doctor who so much dhfkjsd.

uhhh - i might be slow once more, considering uni has started up for me again.
but who knows, this will probably mean i post more frequently haha.

prompt: from jenny: 17 orrrrr 39 for kiss prompts B) dfjksdfk
39. kissing tears from the other's face.


you weren't really known as a crier. the tears didn't fall easily for you, it wasn't like you never cried before, or that you had no emotions what so ever, it was just - sometimes your tears were reserved for something else, for someone special. so you didn't really know why your emotions had escalated today - of all days really, why you had suddenly hauled yourself up in your room on the tardis, wanting to hide away from everyone and cry until you could cry no more.

the adventure the doctor had taken you on today wasn't exactly action packed but it was on more than one occasion overwhelming. massive crowds weren't exactly your thing, too many people in one space seemed to cause your heart to start racing and the palms of your hands to start sweating. you had managed to stick through it for almost ten minutes, staying as close to the doctor as you could, fingers gripping tightly onto the fabric of her lilac sleeve as best you could. but apparently, this race of aliens were a lot more physical than many of the others you had visited before.

they didn't seem to mind when shoulders would collide with one another, or that sometimes people, if you could call them that, would get taken off with someone they barely knew. they were almost like fish - like land fish and acted like them quite a lot. you didn't think you had let go of the time lord all that much, but remembering it now, you guessed that your clenched hand around the fabric of her coat had gotten numb and your grip slackened just enough, so that when the shoulder that bumped almost into your head (they were quite a bit taller than the average human) caused you to stumble backward. which then, caused you to lose your balance and fall to the ground and the back of your head almost smacked onto the pavement if you hadn't of caught yourself just in time.

a loud whine had escaped your lips - the alien race weren't hostile or wanted to cause you any harm, it was just ... the way they traveled. suddenly you had been separated from the doctor and the others and your heart was stuck in your throat and the tears had started to appear. it wasn't long before a pair of extremely long arms wrapped underneath your armpits and hauled you back onto your feet. looking up, you spotted the scaly face of marvin, the resident that you had all come to know and who had personally taken up being your tour guide for his planet. he gave you a toothy grin - not noticing the fact that you were on the verge of having a panic attack, that getting separated from the doctor and almost trampled on was enough to cause you to want to crawl back into your bed and never leave again.

he had started speaking - but you weren't really listening to the words that were coming out of his mouth. his webbed hand fell on your shoulder, as he started pushing you the way you had been traveling before you fell over. you suddenly guessed that he was taking you to where the doctor and the others had ended up. the rest of the trip had seemed like a blur and you were surprised that nothing bad happened. finally an actual quiet adventure. but it was strange how the human brain worked - you were fine, you didn't get hurt and you most certainly didn't die. so why then, where you curled up in bed - your blankets almost covering your face, with tears staining warm cheeks.

you must have fallen asleep - your back was sore from sitting up, leaning against the wall to the left of the bed and your neck felt stiff and almost like it would snap. it wasn't long until you realised that soft lips were pressing against one of your tear stained cheeks. stirring slightly, you stretched out your arms and your fingers managed to curl around the sleeve of the doctor's white undershirt. you noticed the concerned look in her old eyes and the dimple just next to her eyebrow was visible. she was worried.

" i'm fine. " your voice croaked out and it caused her dimple to deepen. her free hand, the one that hadn't automatically wrapped around your own wrist, came up and cupped the side of your face. tears suddenly fell down your cheeks once more and you had to look down, closing your eyes for a second, before opening them again when the tears had stopped. your fingers tightened their grip on the doctor. " i just ... forgot how much i hated crowds. "

" i'm sorry. " the doctor mumbled, before she leaned in closer once more and pressed a kiss to your other cheek - effectively kissing away the tears that had fallen again. " i seem to forget myself sometimes. " the doctor started and you shifted, letting your hand fall from hers and sat up straighter, shaking your head. " [y/n] i do - i get so caught up in the moment, that i forget to stop and listen to my companions. "

a sigh escaped your lips, as you fell back to your relaxed position. " it's okay. " a lazy smile crossed your lips as you stared at the time lord. her hazel eyes didn't cause you to blush so easily anymore - she had to work for that now. she was the one person in the universe who could make you feel better with just a simple smile and a touch of her hand. well - kisses don't hurt either. " i'm just glad that i found you. " your smile seemed to be infections, as the doctor's frown disappeared and a grin so bright forced your smile to stretch wider.

" i would be lost without you, [y/n] " the doctor mumbled pressing a kiss to your temple this time, before pulling away from you. but she didn't get very far, as your hand shot out and wrapped around her wrist once more. your smile disappeared, as the tears reappeared and you didn't even have to say a word. the doctor gave a small sigh before she nodded her head and sat back down on the bed. her back pressed against the headboard so that you could let your head fall against her shoulder.

hands intertwined and rested in her lap.

this made all the bad experiences worth it.

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