drunk & loud. (whittaker!master) (disaster!reader)

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i apologise for like disappearing for three months. but the motivation has been hard to find. have this to tie you all over until i start my master x oc series.


You were drunk and loud, a combination the Master didn't like. Especially when she had to bail your ass out of the current situation you had found yourself in. You had said you could handle it on your own and somehow you had forgotten that she wasn't the Doctor, that the Doctor would have argued with you and not let you go alone. The Master, however, was different, she just didn't care.

"This is typical of the Doctor," You swear you heard her mutter under her breath. You couldn't really tell considering you were singing some Disney song at the top of your lungs. Everyone was staring and you knew you should be worried considering you were supposed to be the distraction while the Master went and did something devious. "Leaving me with the human that can't hold her alcohol." This time you did hear her mumble. You twisted in her grip to face her and snap back at her, but all you managed to do was fall against her. A soft growl left the Master's lips, as she pulled you away with one hand, you had no right to think that it was as sexy as it was but well - you had no control over your brain at the moment.

"Hey !" You yelled and the Master's hazel eyes bore into yours once more, which caused you to swallow. "I resent that statement." You finished in a hushed whisper. "I can absolutely hold my liquor." You really couldn't. "It's just alien alcohol is on another fucking level."

"Can you be quiet for just one second." The Master had pulled you to a sudden stop and you stumbled over your feet, of course, you couldn't tell where your head was and the next thing you know, a hand slapped over your mouth cutting off the sentence you were going to fling back at her. You were then being dragged back into an alleyway. A squeak escaped your lips as your back was pressed up against the Master's front and your stomach launched upwards. Oh, you didn't feel good.

Stilling for a second, allowing your stomach to calm down, because you really didn't want to throw up on the Master - because she really wouldn't give you back to the Doctor after that. She would murder you and bury you out in space if that happened. It wasn't until you finally shut up that you realised that sirens could be heard in the distance. A group of five men ran past the alley. Oh, you guessed that the Master finally did her devious plan and that you no longer needed to be a distraction. Tilting your head backward slightly, you rested against the Master's shoulder - you were going to ask her what the hell she did but you noticed that she was staring intently at the mouth of the alleyway, probably listening to hear if the men would come back. You knew that in the morning you wouldn't remember what the hell happened here, so you said fuck it and turned around, your head still resting against her shoulder.

"What did you do?" You managed to get out after a soft hiccup. The Master heaved out a sigh and looked down at you before her hand slowly fell away from your mouth. She didn't say anything for a couple of seconds until the sirens silenced and the voices around you died down. Well - you guessed then that she was waiting until no one was actively looking for them. "Master?"

"What we came here for." Was all she said before she crouched slightly and moved an arm underneath your legs.

"Hey what are you...!" You exclaimed as another squeak left your lips as the Master stood up straighter and held you in a bridal hold - your arms shot around her neck. "I can..." Another hiccup. "Walk you know?"

"I do. But you are more likely to fall flat on your face and slow me down." Was all she said before she set off to the other end of the alleyway. "Besides, I would like to get you back to the TARDIS in one piece." It was then that the sudden motion of walking was lulling you to sleep. You really didn't want to, but your body had other plans and your forehead fell against the side of her head.

You knew that you would have a killer headache in the morning and probably remember none of this. Somehow, you knew that you didn't want to go back to the Doctor - not just yet anyway.

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