fire escape.

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" you doing alright ? " you almost curse the fact that she had incredible hearing. just one other thing time lords LIKE to forget to mention to 'potential' companions. you thought you had been sneaky enough when expressing your want for just a couple of hours on your own. you needed some time ... some space. away from the tardis and the team. but, well you somehow forgot that the doctor would always be concerned for ALL their companions.

even ones who have been there for a while.

especially those ones.

you couldn't exactly remember what time it was ... but you pretty certain that the clock that hung on your kitchen wall read one thirty am. your back was to the window, as you sat on the fire escape. that was one of the many things you LIKED about your current apartment. the fire escape faced the busiest part of the city, you could hear the cars and waves of the river. for some - the city was too noisy, too loud. but for you ... it was perfect. the bright PURPLE neon light that spilled from the latest TELEVISION COMMERCIAL billboard was on the other side of the street, one of the many reasons you were able to get this apartment so cheap. the light bathed you in a BRIGHT lilac colour, one of your favourites.

the bottle of whiskey was knocked by your elbow as you jerked upwards. your eyes popped open before you whacked your head against the railing. a hiss escaped through your lips and you were too busy focusing on saving the alcohol that you missed the doctor's rather guilty face as she caused the pain. the bottle teetered on the edge slightly, you managed to save it (and yourself) from a rather nasty fall, six stories down. [e/c] eyes found the doctor, as she came to rest against the window frame. you gave her a glare, as one of your hands came up and rubbed at the spot just on the back of your head.

" i swear i just got RID of that bump, " you grumbled.

" sorry, " she replied, but you couldn't help the smirk at the corner of your lips that immediately took over your face. you'd been with her for too long to even THINK about staying mad.

though - you'd been traveling just as long, to even THINK about lying. again.

" no. i'm - not alright, " you mumbled. the hand already at the back of your head moved and brushed your [h/c] hair away from your face, as a sigh escaped your lips. the alcohol was already at your head, you suddenly remember why you came out here. " what - " you suddenly wanted to change the subject, as the doctor climbed through the window and sat down at the other end of the fire escape. you wondered if she could hear the buzzing of the neon lights above you, you thought you would be able to hear it if the city was quite - wondered if she could ... hear a lot of other things as well. like your heart as it raced whenever she was near. the rain was making the air smell like the city. it's strange but there was that freshness in the air, also brings the pasta and the pizza from the little italian restaurant that doubled as a bar and seemed to never close. you never liked living in the city - until you experienced your first night like this. " what are you doing here? "

she hummed softly. taking her time to answer your question. she'd done this once before ... back when she had floppy hair and a bow tie, he wasn't as smooth as thirteen, but suddenly you couldn't help your heart as it deflated just a tad at the thought of eleven. you missed him. the doctor then lifted one of her arms up and you couldn't help the small, sluggish smile that crossed your lips, suddenly pushing the taller time lord out of your mind - you shuffled forward slightly, wincing at the fact that your arse had gone numb and you were definitely going to hate yourself in the morning. your back hit the brick wall before you slid underneath her arm and rested your head against her shoulder. the doctor let her arm fall across your shoulders. squeezing your shoulder, before resting her head on top of yours.

this was a common position for the two of you. " the others were worried about ya. " the whisper almost confused you, but you didn't linger on the thought as you felt her lips press against your forehead. there was a soft breeze that came and ruffled your hair slightly, sprinkling your hot face with the coolness of the summer rain. you then felt the doctor pet at your hair, just as common and your face flushed an even darker red. " i know where you like to go when you need some space. " it was never anywhere IN the tardis - sometimes that was the root of the problem. you loved that ship - you loved the doctor, but sometimes ... remembering that you have a normal life, friends and family that love you and care for on EARTH always seemed to hit you when you least expect it. " oh [y/n] if you need to stay ... i'm not going to stop you. you know i'll be fine ... "

" no ! " the word was slurred slightly, but your voice raised, almost in competition with the cars that continued to whiz past. it wasn't the city that never sleeps but you supposed that any working city was going to be busy any time of the day and night.

even when it was AFTER midnight.

you shot back up into a sitting position. the doctor's face pulled into a frown (as her arm slid from your shoulders and rested just around your waist) as you looked back at her. green eyes dimmed - almost BLACK with the lilac light shining on her features. " no ... no i - i don't wanna leave. "

" [y/n] i didn't say leave. though with everything that's happening here... " you couldn't remember a time when she was so ... quite. " you need to be with your ... family. "

god, and you knew how hard that was for the doctor to say. she hated it when you left her. a day - a month, it didn't matter, because you had made her promise that she would take the LONG way to get back to you. no skipping in the time stream.

" you know me. don't you doctor ? " a brow raised on the time lord's forehead. right - what a stupid question. " so you know ... even if - if i wanted to stay home. THEY don't need me here. " shifting then, your head was now placed in the doctor's lap. that statement was true. your family never really ... truly appreciated you. SURE they loved you and on occasion even mentioned it, but they - were better off without you.

your heart sunk again. but the rain, the soft glow and the continued combing of your hair by the doctor ... well it was putting you to sleep. " you need me though. " you mumbled. " you always need someone. "

you felt her body shake. a laugh. lips pulled into a smirk - making her laugh always meant that she'd stop stressing over what your were feeling, well for the time being. she'd just enjoy the moment. " 'course i need you [y/n] ... " you heard her say, along with an exhale, you loved how her whole body moved when she spoke. " i'll always need 'ya. " hell, you guessed you just loved her.

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