let me worry. (oc!ana)

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reader prompts just aren't working with me atm
so here, have another ana and thirteen one. please
love her and read the idea of you as well???

ana hadn't really had a decent experience when it came to pregnancies and babies in general. it was a miracle that she had four kids who had survived, on the surface it seemed like she had her shit together. but the truth was, that over the last decade, ana had very nearly given up trying to have any more kids. losing two babies and having one taken from her at an early age really left an emotional scar, almost a physical one as well. but ana wasn't really one to back down from a challenge.

oliver, grace's father and a time lord himself, was more than willing to try again - after the death of his sister, all he had left was the family that he had made. the more the merrier he had actually said those words to her when she asked. the young lieutenant had been separated from the doctor for almost a full year by then - that it seemed like the perfect time to fall pregnant once more. though - it wasn't. about four weeks later, ana's life would change once more, falling back into the old routine with a newly regenerated doctor and adventures that seemed to be a lot more dangerous.

their time on the tsuranga had been a little more confronting than some of their previous trips, it was - in actuality when ana learned that she was pregnant again. astos calmly explaining to her that the fetus was still small enough that the sonic mine hadn't done any permanent damage, and she was grateful to have been the first one to wake up.

" you can't tell anyone else. " she had exclaimed, looking up at the nurse with wide green eyes. he looked slightly alarmed that ana wasn't willing to tell her companions the good news.

" i'd thought they'd be happy to know you and the baby were healthy? " his questioning grated on ana's nerves, but she knew that he meant well, however, he didn't know well enough. she knew that her history of traveling and pregnancies - nothing was going to end well. the doctor would take her home and never speak to her again if only to keep her and the baby safe. it seemed she was slightly overprotective in this body as well.

" just don't mention it. " astos had reluctantly agreed just prior to the others waking up. however, it wasn't long until they reached kerblam. the full body scanner wasn't exactly something the brunette had been expecting and she almost turned tail and bolted right then and there - but she knew that in the next couple of weeks, she would start showing and there was only so many food baby jokes she could pull before someone got suspicious.

it would have been yaz, who then would have told ryan. who would have gossiped to graham and then eventually graham would have told the doctor - because he knew that she would be the best person to tell this sort of thing too.

" oh looks like you're just human... " the head of basically anything human, judy, had spoken up. sounding rather relived - the doctor's two hearts seemed to have miffed her just slightly. " one heart ... oh no wait hang on, " even when ana knew it was coming, she still winced. " two heartbeats. " she could basically feel every one's eyes on her face, though the doctor's seemed to bore into her face the hardest. " oh how lovely ! " judy exclaimed, ana had a hard time deciphering if it was genuine or just that ... fake voice you put on when you're at work and have to act even remotely interested in something. " you're pregnant ! "

it had been a long and hard battle to fight against the doctor, especially after how things ended with kerblam. it may have ended on a happier note to start with if yaz hadn't of asked if they could visit one of the worker's daughters. the time lord had kept up a stormy appearance afterward. she had been angry that ana hadn't mentioned it at all - the other companions were worried that they wouldn't speak to each other again.

" you do not get to keep something like this from me! " they had never heard the time lord raise her voice before. hands on her hips - the little dimple in the centre of her brows deepened as the conversation continued on and it seemed like ana wasn't listening. her coat had been discarded a long time ago and the kitchen was almost in chaos.

" i didn't really think it was any of your business ? " ana had almost shouted back. for ana, however, it wasn't the first time the doctor had raised their voice at her. it had been a common thing when they were in their twelfth face (and on the rare occasion with eleven), ana turned on her heel and stalked out of the kitchen.

" none of my business ? " she could faintly hear the time lord mumble to herself before she followed after her human. the pair of them all but exploded into the console room and two out of the four human companions present, jumped at the sudden appearance. " you're on my tardis. you live here, which makes it my business. " the pair of them stood almost a centimeter apart and ryan was tempted to get his phone out and start recording - that was until his plan was foiled when yaz reached over and shoved his arm away from his pocket.

" this is why i never told you. " she was hardly showing and the doctor was overreacting.

" overreacting ? " oh crap. green eyes slid shut and she shook her head.

" no ... that's not what i meant. "

" you almost died the last time, tanaka. " her voice dropped a pitch and the australian almost stumbled backward. she remembered. " that is why humans and time lords should never try to have children. it's why it's been impossible for the last millennium. " oliver and her had been extremely lucky with grace, their hybrid daughter was almost on the same level as river song, if not higher - she only had one heart but she had all the abilities of a time lord. she could even regenerate as well. the doctor rested her hands on her hips once more and in that moment, ana felt like a little kid. a hand placed over the slight bump of her stomach before she heaved out a sigh. yaz tugged on ryan's arm, he almost groaned but allowed yaz to shove him out of the console room to give them some privacy. " i worry about you. "

ancient and old eyes shifted to the floor as her whole body slumped. ana felt the tug in her heart and surged forward. wrapping her arms around the time lord's shoulders, burying her face into the crook of her neck, fingers gripping onto the fabric of her pink shirt. she felt the doctor hesitate for a moment - ana had a feeling that this wasn't exactly over but she knew that the doctor hated staying mad. her long arms finally came up and wrapped around ana's waist, holding the human against her. " i'm sorry. " ana mumbled, pulling back slightly, keeping her hands firmly placed on both the doctor's shoulders. " i should have told you. i know. "

" the adventures we have done with the gang... " ana couldn't help the huff, but still let her eyes focus on the floor. her stark white converses, a stark difference to the doctor's brown boots " that sonic mine could have killed you, ana ! " she was starting to work herself up again. lifting her eyes, ana all but pulled the time lord in for another hug. " the baby..."

" the baby was small enough. astos assured me. " arms shifted and ana felt the doctor move to place her hands either side of her head. green eyes came to rest on hazel, old eyes. slender fingers tangling through strands of brown hair. " i'm here and the baby's fine. "

she knew that the doctor wanted to say more - but a beep from the console beside them rang through the silent room. the doctor stayed fixed in her spot, eyes flickering between ana's and then her stomach. it wasn't until the beeping sounded once more, that the doctor pulled away, giving the brunette a hard stare for a couple of seconds before the beeping sounded again. the doctor moved away fully this time and started to fiddle with the controls, the human heaved out a sigh and placed her hands on her hips

saved by the bell. they moved to rest over her stomach. more like the beeps.

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