a door closing. (jessica!reader)

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well - hello ... it's been well over six months since my last fic and i just feel so bad about that. so here is my attempt at TRYING to get back into the swing of the things since the teaser for season 13 dropped a couple of days ago. everyones favourite reader is back and she's just as hungover and depressed as ever. i hope y'all still enjoy my content sjakdhsl.
warnings: alcoholism, withdrawal symptoms. typical j!reader swearing

tumblr: jonasquinns


It had been a whole year. a year and three days. a year, three days and four hours since you started traveling with the doctor and her friends. the adventures had been odd, to say the least, but it was nothing that you couldn't handle. hell, you had been handling cheating spouses and upset mothers for the past three years, a change of pace had been nice for a change. you hadn't thought about home for the last six months, the idea that the world wasn't your problem anymore seemed to lift the weight off your shoulders and you felt a lot better about your situation.

But when you had asked for a trip back to your apartment, to make sure that you had everything in order before you disappeared again, was of course the wrong thing you could have done. The Doc had said it'd been only a couple of weeks since you had left and the amount of mail shoved underneath your door almost caused you to panic slightly, apparently, people still wanted your help with finding lost animals, children or catch their cheating husbands, wives in the act. The Time Lord was trailing behind you (Yaz and the others had decided to explore downtown New York.), she was rambling something about one of the times she was in New York. The Empire State Building had been overrun by Daleks, wanting to make human hybrids or something like that - truly you had tuned out when she said that they had created pig humans. That was a little too much for this early in the morning, that's when you reminded yourself that you should grab some Red Bull before you disappeared again. It wasn't until you were close enough, that you noticed your front door was cracked open slightly and your hand shot out behind you - waving around slightly until your fingers gripped onto the sleeve of the Doctor's coat.

Coming to a standstill, your head tilted to the side ever so slightly - you may not have super hearing but you did know your level of the apartment practically had no one living on it anymore - so the rustling and the slamming of cupboards had to be coming from your place. "Planning on having visitors?" The Doctor questioned and looked back at you, the excited expression she had been wearing earlier was gone and replaced with a much more serious look. You knew that she had better hearing than you did and you now had to rely on her to give you the go-ahead to step foot inside your home.

"Not that I remember," you mumbled back - fingers gripping on her sleeve a little tighter until you pulled her to stand next to you. Letting go, you looked over at her. "Unless I planned an appointment while drunk." Hazel eyes narrowed down at you and you couldn't help but shrug your shoulders. "I need employees." The sound of glass smashing coming from inside your home caused your heart to jump in your chest, it was times like these that you carried something other than your strength and fists. Shaking your head slightly, the pair of you made your way to the front door. A deep breath in and your eyes caught the Doctor's one more time before she nodded her head and you pushed the door open and the pair of you stepped inside.

You were certain that you hadn't left it in such a terrible condition, even if your home was sparsely filled with furniture, you knew that you did take care of the few items you owned. "I remember it being tidier than this," You mumbled mostly to yourself, but the Doctor hummed in agreement as she stepped out in front of you, the light buzzing of her sonic screwdriver filled your ears as she moved down the corridor, making her way down to the even sparser living room. You took a left and stepped inside the small kitchen, eyes automatically landing upon the empty bottles of booze that were spread across the counter. The crunching sound underneath your foot caused you to look down, well - there's the broken glass. Your hand started to twitch at the loss of the booze, brows furrowing deep on your brow, as a whine escaped your lips. "Who the hell got rid of my booze!" You exclaimed picking up the empty whiskey bottle that was precariously leaning just over the edge of the counter. Your lip curled upward and you had to close your eyes for a second. The twitching of the hand caused your cheeks to flush and press it into your stomach. It was a little sad that the thought of no alcohol in your house was triggering your withdrawal symptoms. Letting your eyes open, after taking a deep breath in, they wandered over the bench until they noticed a piece of paper to the left of the sink. The white paper, with thick black marker on it, was damp in a few places (either the alcohol or water) Shoving the rest of the bottles out the way (a couple falling off the bench and smashing to the floor as well), you picked it up and squinted - the writing was eerily familiar.

humanity sucks and they don't deserve saving.
                           why don't you join me instead, detective?
- O

your brows furrowed even deeper on your forehead but before you could even comprehend the note, the sudden slamming of a door off to your right caught your attention, paper falling to the floor instantly as you turned on your heel. Whiskey bottle clattering into the sink as you made your way out of the kitchen. "Doctor!" You called out, looking down the corridor, you couldn't see her signature lilac coat and it was suddenly quiet no whirring of the sonic screwdriver. "Doc?" You called once more, cursing under your breath when she didn't reply again. Shaking your head, you squared your shoulders and made your way down the corridor, only to turn into the bathroom - which connected to your bedroom. It was only until you came to the opposite door inside your bathroom, that you heard voices.

"And here I thought you only chose pets with a pure heart." The voice was deep and oddly familiar like you had heard it somewhere before and your eyes narrowed, as you tried your best to remember where it is you had heard this voice before. "This one - well she could fall off the wagon any second now."

"What are you doing in her home?" That was the Doctor and she didn't sound too happy - more shuffling around your bedroom, a bed creaking and you had to stop yourself from barging in right then and there."How did you even find her home?"

"It wasn't exactly that hard," the other person continued. Your name fell off his lips and a shiver ran down your spine, you didn't like the way that he said your name. "...one of the most notorious private detectives in the Hell's Kitchen and Manhattan area." A whir of something, that sounded like the screwdriver but you weren't too sure. "She's got quite the reputation around here and well, wasn't exactly that hard to find." You shoved past clothes that were still strewn on the floor, pressing an ear against your bedroom door. "Well, that is until you decided to intervene and taken her away."

"What do you want with her?" The Doctor questioned and there was a manic laugh and suddenly the door you were leaning against was no longer underneath you and you were falling forwards, your eyes snapped shut as you just accepted the fact that you were about to fall flat on your face.But when you didn't hit the hardwood floors, your eyes snapped open and you were suddenly staring into dark brown eyes.

"You!" You gasped and had to fight to get out of the grip he had around your waist. His lips pulled into a manic grin and the laugh returned, you saw the Doctor shift in her position just behind the pair of you but she didn't intervene - at least not yet.

"Me." The Master stared down at you and your heart couldn't stop itself from beating overdrive. "Oh, this is going to be so much fun!"

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