there's more than one? (jessica!reader)

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i love j!r with my whole heart.
please let me know if you love being her as well.
INBOX IS STILL OPEN (spookyspyro)


" you have got to be kidding me.. "

" i wish i were. "

" i wish we were. "

" it has happened more than once. "

you stared at them ... all three of them in slight annoyance and disbelief. you knew that the doctor was weird and slightly scary and so very alien at times that you never forgot it but this? this was just whacky.

the doctor, the blonde doctor, was standing next to the tall skinny man in a pinstriped suit that looked like he could fall over if a heavy breeze blew past him and a slightly shorter man with the ridiculous hair and bow tie, beaming at them like they were her long lost brothers or something.

" oh this is so very cool and slightly worrying but mostly cool," she said and the bow tie-wearing one gave her a similar smile back. standing next to the tall, skinny bloke was a gorgeous dark-skinned girl and next to the bow tie-wearing child was a very short brunette. " i always thought something like this would happen again. " the doctor spoke and her hands raised, one reaching out towards the brown coat wearing man and poked him in the chest.

" oi. " he mumbled rubbing at his chest. " the last time this happened something not so good occurred as the result. " he replied. " i suppose if there are more of me in the future, the universe would start to feel a little crowded. "

you stared for a little while longer before you turned on your heel and looked at ryan, yaz and graham. two of the three looked interested and excited, while the last one (graham of course) just groaned and looked like he didn't want to babysit another version of the doctor.

" are you telling me, doc... " he spoke up and all three heads turned towards him. he visibly flinched at how in sync they were. " that these two ... blokes are you? " the blonde turned on her heel and moved towards the four of you.

" i am graham. well, they're younger versions of me though. sometimes when i well ... when i'm injured enough that i cannot heal ... my body regenerates. " she rambled suddenly. " i literally change my whole appearance and personality. a new me appears in my place. " a look suddenly flashed across all three faces and you wondered if it was hard for them to even look at each other - knowing that ... they were eventually going to die one day. " but they are from a very long time ago. never thought i'd see these faces again. "

the bow tie-wearing one looked over to his companion and gave a slight shrug, before fixing his bow tie. " well - i guess it must be something big if we're all here together. "

you just stared once more, before looking up at the sky and then back down at the three doctors. " i need a drink. " you mumbled turning on the heel of your boot, making a beeline for the tardis. you blocked out the voices around you, it had been a hard week emotionally. this was the first time you had seen the doctor and the others in months, the last couple of cases had taken a toll and you just wanted a relaxing break from it all.

not having to deal with three energetic doctors.

but suddenly the lights dimmed and the tardis felt a little colder and a little less familiar. the orange hue of the console room you were used to now shone a deep green and coral-like columns surrounded you.

" wrong tardis. " his voice sounded near your ear and suddenly you remembered that he wasn't that much taller than you. [e/c] eyes lifted and looked at the doctor who's hair also defied the laws of gravity and he gave you a soft smile. " but she is very good at accommodating people. " a snort left your lips but you didn't move.

" i don't suppose she'd have an endless cabinet of alcohol ? " the doctor looked down at you and raised a brow. before he looked back up at the ceiling of the tardis and then back down at you.

" well ... " he started dragging the word, hands shoving into the pockets of his pants. " if you ask really nicely she might find something. " this time a proper laugh left you and your arms folded across your chest.

" and this isn't even the weirdest thing to happen to me this week," you mumbled shuffling in your spot before you moved to lean back against the coral columns. you could see out the corner of your eye your doctor and the bow tie-wearing one in a rather deep conversation - hands seeming to fly in every direction, while the other five companions all huddled together like they were trying to make friends. your eyesight shifted back inside the tardis.

the doctor smirked slightly. " and what's the weirdest ? " he questioned suddenly very interested in watching you. a brow of your own raised and you licked your lower lip.

" husband suddenly very distant from his wife. she came and hired me to find out why. " the doctor took a breath in and nodded his head.

" so you're a pi then, miss [l/n] ? " a slight roll of your eyes but you nodded.

" turns out the husband has a very weird horse fetish. " your brain to mouth filter had disappeared when you were a teenager. but you were amazed at how well the doctor took that in his stride. " awfully into bdsm as well. "

" well he wasn't jocking around. " your eyes narrowed so fast you didn't have time to think. the doctor wore a stupid grin.

" my god you don't actually change," you replied but couldn't help the slight laugh that left you. it wasn't funny. " all that talk about personality and it's just ... the same. "

" oi, you two ! " the shout came from outside and caused you and the doctor to turn towards the bow tie-wearing doctor standing in the doorway. he seemed rather hesitant to step inside. " clara and martha found something. " he gestured then he disappeared. both you and the doctor suddenly met each other's gazes. and then followed after bow tie.

well, this adventure was sure to get interesting.

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