you'll be fine.

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All three of them were lined up in a row, balancing precariously on the edge of the sink. Teeth sucked in your lower lip as you paced back and forth the length of the rather large room, hands clenched in front of your stomach, as you tried not to let yourself have a major break down. You didn't know how exactly soundproof the TARDIS walls were, but you know you didn't want to risk letting anyone know that you were having a moment.

Two of the pregnancy test showed that small tiny plus sign. While the other spelled it out in pink lettering, mother fuc- They were now pointing out that there was now a tiny living person inside your stomach. Okay, well they don't technically live inside the stomach, but that's close enough. You had all just come back from helping Nikola Tesla save the world against giant scorpions, but you couldn't help but feel like you had slowed the group down the entire time. The cold that you had caught the last time you had visited home had somehow gotten worse. Turning almost flu-like you weren't exactly good at the running and the saving the world. Mostly you were just stuck in Tesla's lab throwing up everything that was in your stomach.

Poor Tesla, he was a little put out by your sudden dismissive attitude towards everything that was happening but, bless him, he tried his best at comforting you, even as you were throwing up into his many rubbish bins.

Running a hand through your hair you paused in front of the sink again and stared down at the pregnancy tests. You couldn't help but narrow your eyes at them. "Stupid things." You mumbled to yourself before you swiped them off the sink and onto the floor. "Not even accurate..." You weren't ready to be a mother and you certainly weren't ready to give up this lifestyle, not when you had just found it. Staring at the mess on the floor, a low growl escaped you before you stormed out of your bathroom, made your way through your room and out into the endless feeling hallway.

You didn't exactly want to go and join the others in the console room. You knew that they would be busy talking over what they had just been through, and they would start to question as to why you were suddenly in a foul mood and you definitely weren't ready for small talk. So instead, you shoved your hands into the pockets of your tracksuit pants and just started wandering down the hall, letting your legs and the TARDIS herself, decide where you were going.


It wasn't long until you found your way into the library. It was massive, just imagine the library from Beauty and The Beast and times it by twenty. There was always something about a library that calmed you down, maybe it was because you used to spend your days as a kid in the school library, reading during lunch when everyone else was out playing on the oval.

Then during your teenage years, the local library was where you went when home seemed a little too overstimulating.

Falling back onto the couch that you had claimed as your own when you all had first joined the Doctor, you stared up at the ceiling. Squinting slightly, you couldn't help but place your hand against your stomach. There was no bump, no feeling of something living in there, it was just ... well, your stomach. But you knew, it was like all the emotions that you had been experiencing previously all suddenly came flooding back making a lot more sense.

You were pregnant.

"This is bullshit." You mumbled to yourself. You hadn't seen your boyfriend in the last ... eight weeks. Scrunching up your face, you couldn't help but groan. Loud and annoyed as you fell face-first onto the couch. You had just broken up, he was complaining that he never saw you anymore, that you were hanging out with people that were not your type. That you should stop hanging out with them. 'What kind of name is The Doctor anyway. Sounds like someone wanting to sell you to a sex ring or something.' after that you promptly punched him in the nose and told him to piss on outta your home.

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