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**I have altered Gizmo's personality so that he is nice to his teammates.

"Do you still have it? The necklace I mean." I ask curious.

Jinx nods before lifting her hands to the top of her shirt. She grabs onto the top of her shirt to pull it out some as her other hand grabs onto a chain. She slowly pulls on the chain and I can see the charm attached to the end of it.

{It looks just like how she explained it.}

The clear crystal heart hangs off the chain with the green clover safely inside.

"I never take it off. I always keep it close to my heart."

She lowers it onto her shirt, coming to rest in the middle of her chest.

{Shadow was a really romantic person.}

"I kept the note too." She reaches into her pocket, "It always stays with me as well."

She pulls out an old folded up piece of paper before handing it to me. I gently take it not wanting to rip it. I carefully open it and see those three special words.

{This is my handwriting. Even after everything that has happened I still have some remnants of who I used to be.}

I look up at Jinx as she stares at the paper in my hands.

{I loved her.}

I slowly fold it back up and hand it back. Jinx places it back into her pocket.

"Wait, I don't understand what just happened in the main hall." Raven speaks up.

Jinx takes a deep breath before speaking, "Lex Luthor requested one of the students from H.I.V.E. and Headmistress picked Shadow."

"But why me?"

Jinx shrugs, "I don't know why or what they wanted you to do. I just know that you left that day and never came back."

"What happened?"

"It was graduation day when they finally told me."

"Where is she? She promised she would be back for graduation."

I pace back and forth in Shadow's room clenching the necklace she gave me in my hand against my chest.

"It is almost time to get our badges."

I walk over and sit on Shadow's bed, that I have been sleeping in every night since she left, along with one of her hoodies. I grab onto the hoodie that sits on the pillow bringing it up to my chest as I squeeze it in my hands.

"Where are you?"


"Shadow!" I stand up quickly.

The door opens before Gizmo walks in.

"Sorry Jinx, it's just me." He comes in and shuts the door behind him.

"Oh, hey Gizmo." I sit back down on the bed.

"Have you heard anything yet?" He asks as he comes and sits on the floor in front of me.

I shake my head, "Not a word."

"Have you tried talking to Headmistress?"

I nod, "She won't tell me anything. All she says is, is that what Shadow is doing will help H.I.V.E. be stronger."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I have no idea." I stand back up and start pacing again, "I have a bad feeling Gizmo, like something is wrong. The knot in my stomach hasn't gone away since she left and the aching in my heart is stronger. Shadow should have been back by now. Why isn't she back?"

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