Round 3: Meditation Raven's Story

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*Sorry it took so long guys, works been rough.
I know a lot of you already know Raven's story but I added it for those of you who don't and for Jade. Hope you enjoy it.*

Everything is quiet and calm but dark. I can feel Raven with me, her energy all around me.

"Just stay calm and keep breathing. Allow our energies to stay connected and flowing. I don't know how long we will be able stay like this because your energy was exhausted so it will be hard for me to keep a hold on it."

{I can't tell if her voice is in my head or if I'm hearing it. Maybe both.}

I take a deep breath and do as she says. I focus on my energy and wrap it around her energy flowing around me. I can start to see our energy in my mind.

{They fit so well together. Mine is a little darker though, I wonder why.}

"You still have some of Trigon's power within you that's why yours is darker. When I destroyed Trigon's physical body and sent the rest of him back to where he came from, it also ridded me of my connection to him."

{You can hear my thoughts?}

"We're in each others heads, so yes I can hear what you are thinking. Same way you are going to be able to see my memories. Are you ready to start? Our energy is flowing perfectly right now so it's the best time to begin."

{Where are we going to start?}

"The beginning. Well at least my beginning, as much as I can remember."

The darkness around me begins to shift and a figure slowly comes into few. Raven comes into focus and then a distant floating city.

"This is Azarath, an inter-dimentional world. The place I was born and raised, where mother and I hid from Trigon."

The island gets closer and we are then inside the magnificent city. People smiling and enjoying themselves, everything peaceful.

"Arella was brought here after she tried to commit suicide because of what Trigon did to her." a woman appears behind Raven walking through the city with another woman.

{That is mother.}

"The Azarthians helped her and taught her their ways. I was born on Azarath not long after. The people knew of my heritage and the prophecy that was given when I was born. That I would be Trigon's portal back and he would destroy everything."

{You did become his portal.}

"Fear led some to do something that they strongly believed against. Juris a magistrate of Azarath tried to kill me when I was an infant but because of the power I held inside of me he was the one that was killed.

{How could someone try to kill a baby?}

"Many of the Azarathians feared me even more, but one was brave enough and kind enough to help me. Azar the spiritual leader of the temple."

The woman that was with Arella come into few more clearly.

"She took me under her tutelage and told me the truth about my parents, all of it. She then continued to teach me pacifism, meditation, and helped me control my emotions so I could resist Trigon's influence. She helped me with my teleportation, astral projection, and empathic healing abilities. She raised me since mother kept her distance from me."

{I remember you saying you didn't see mother that much when you were young and said that, that could've been when Trigon got to her again somehow and got pregnant with me.}

"I still believe that. I don't know when else it could've happened."

The setting changes again and Raven is young, afraid, and alone somewhere not as bright as the other settings.

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