Training Room

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            Sorry this took so long. I was going through some stuff.
     Here it is though, I'm going to try to write more frequently. Again I'm sorry, I hope you all will still read.

"Well now that we all have had breakfast. Why don't we head to the training room and see where we're at with your abilities Jade?" Robin asks as he stands and stretches.

{Can they really help me unlock more of my power?}

"I can help you focus on your energy and learn to control it and maintain it longer. Meditation helps me so we can try that for now." Raven explains.

"She also needs to know how to defend herself. I can show you some moves if you'd like?" Robin offers looking at Raven and I.

"Actually, I already know some different fighting moves." I explain blushing.

"We'll go a round or two and see how much you know." he says folding his arms.

"I can help you become stronger." Starfire says jumping up and floating over to me.

{Did I forget to mention my super strength?}

"Actually I think she's good in the strength category. Isn't that right Jade?" Robin explains with a smirk.

{How does he know?}

"What do you mean Robin?" Starfire asks looking from me to him.

"No normal human could have caught me like she did the other day or carry Raven the whole way across the city. She would have to have some abnormal strength levels."

{He really doesn't miss anything.}

"How strong are we talking here? Starfire strong or stronger?" Beast Boy asks getting excited.

They all look at me waiting for an answer.

"I honestly don't know how strong I am. I know I'm stronger than any regular person I just don't know by how much."

"I can't wait to see how strong you are." Beast Boy says grinning.

"I guess there are some things that you have that I don't. My strength is a little above the normal level but that's just because I use energy to help, but I definitely don't have the kind of strength you do." Raven explains getting interested.

{I figured we didn't share this ability.}

"Let's get to the training room people. I want to see this strength." Beast Boy says excited before changing into a cheetah and running towards the door that leads to the elevator.

"Alright lets go." Cyborg smiles.

Robin leads the way to the elevator but presses the G button this time. The elevator moves down this time and I hear the chimes again as we pass different floors.


The doors open up into a giant room filled with different work out equipment. There are weights, treadmills, an area with fighting mats on the floor, a target practice area, another fighting area with weird looking poles, over in one of the corners is a machine that has giant metal things hanging on it, in another corner there's a small space with candles laying in a circle, and there are little door ways in the walls.

{This place is huge. I don't even know what some of these things are.}

"Pretty cool huh?" Beast Boy says appearing from behind one of the treadmills.

We all walk into the training room and I look around in amazement.

"We each use different parts of the training room to practice our individual abilities. I use the area with the mu ren khuang or the wooden men, it helps practice my hand to hand combat. Sometimes we have matches with one another on the regular training mats. That will be where you and I can go a round and see what you've got." Robin explains pulling up his gloves.

"I use this bad boy here. I change into different animals and run. Helps me with my strength, speed, and my changing ability." Beast Boy says with a smirk as he hops onto the treadmill.

"I use the weight machine to get stronger, by pushing my body passed its limits." Cyborg explains pointing towards the machine with the giant metal things.

"I fly around and shoot at the targets or the little robots that come out of the portals in the walls." Starfire says as she starts levitating.

"The area with the candles is where I meditate and work on focusing and centering my energy by levitating different objects. That's where we'll meditate while down here. I also use the living room in front of the large windows." Raven explains as the candles magically light.

"So where do you want me to start? Strength, combat, or meditating?"

"Wherever you wish to start." Starfire smiles.

"We also have an outside obstacle course if you want to try that." Beast Boy explains as he starts the treadmill.

"I better stick with this stuff first before I try any obstacle course."

"So which do you want to try first?" Robin asks.

{I probably shouldn't drain myself too fast so I should save the weights till after Robin evaluates by combat abilities.}

"I guess we can go a round."

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