Slade's Threat

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Where I am sitting I can see all the action going on in the street below.

{I wish I could join the battle but I'm not ready for them to find out who I am, especially Raven.}

I watch as the Teen Titans fight against Plasmus. Each Titan fighting with their own unique gifts. Robin the leader, using his fighting skills and tools to take down any villain that threatens civilization. Cyborg, the half human, half robot fighting machine. Beast Boy, the green little comedian with the ability to change into any animal. Starfire, the alien princess with the power to shoot pure energy from her hands and superhuman strength. Then there's Raven, my long lost sister. She has the power to manipulate dark energy, telekinesis, and she's empath.

{I wish I could turn off my emotions so I could get closer to her without her finding out we're sisters. I think that's something that I should tell her not something for her to feel.}

The battle below is getting really intense, I haven't seen a battle where it looks like the Titans will lose in a long time. Beast Boy and Starfire are out cold while the other three are fighting with everything they got.

{I guess it would be tough to fight a big blob of purple plasma.}

Cyborg gets knocked down unconscious but Robin refuses to give up. Raven keeps throwing objects at Plasmus hoping that something will work. Robin wraps a line around one of Plasmus's arms trying to hold him down while Raven levitates a manhole cover to cut it off. Before she can bring the cover down Plasmus lifts his arm and throws Robin right towards me.

{Oh crap}

He flies towards me but not high enough to where he will land on the roof. I quickly click the button on the machine behind my ear and my high-tech sunglasses form in front of my eyes as I pull up my hood to hide my purple hair, the same color as Raven's. I hurry and lean over the side of the roof I'm on and quickly grab Robin's hand before he misses the building. I pull him up to safety which is easy thanks to my super strength, gift from my father. Robin stands up and quickly looks me over, not seeing any of the resemblance I have to Raven.

"Thanks for the save, but you should get out of here it's dangerous." he explains before pulling out his grappling hook and jumping of the roof.

I look back over the side of the building as Robin lands safely back on the street where the rest of the Titans are back on their feet. Raven has Plasmus wrapped in a street lamp using her mind to hold it around him. Cyborg has his sonic cannon ready and Starfire has her energy bolts glowing around her hands. Robin pulls out his explosive disks.

"Give him everything you got Titans!" Robin screams taking aim.

{The only way to take down Plasmus is to knock him out. His real body is human, he can control his powers only when he is unconscious.}

Raven backs up as Robin, Cyborg, and Starfire throw everything they have at him. They keep going until the smoke cloud around Plasmus is too thick to see through. Cyborg keeps his sonic cannon ready as Robin and Starfire take a few steps towards the smoke as it begins to clear. I press a button on the side of my glasses and they scan the smoke, I press another button and the glasses thermal settings activate. Inside the smoke lays a human shaped heat signature.

{They got him, he's unconscious.}

I click the same button and the glasses return to normal sunglasses. The smoke clears and Plasmus's human body lays in a pool of purple goo.

"We won!" Beast Boy yells.

"We are victorious." Starfire smiles.

Cyborg's sonic cannon turns back into his hand and he turns his arm over as a screen appears on his forearm.

"The containment team is on it's way." Cyborg explains as he types on the screen.

The screen on his arm turns off as he puts his arm to his side and walks over to Robin. I look over at Raven as she pulls her hood down.

{Every time she puts it down I'm reminded that we're sisters. Well that and the emotional connection I feel when she's in trouble. Thanks to our father Trigon we both got burdened with powers. I'm not as powerful as you sis, but then again you are the oldest. Only powers I have or at least can use are my super strength, my ability to tell when someone is lying, and the ability to make small force fields if I really concentrate and use a lot of energy. Unlike you though I wasn't trained to use my powers. I can still barely control them.}

"Great work Titans" Robin says as they all walk towards him.

They all smile except Raven.

{I guess we both have to suffer when it comes to emotions though. Neither one of us can allow our emotions to run loose without something bad happening.}

"I'm up for some pizza, anyone else?" Beast Boy asks with a grin.

Starfire claps her hands in agreement as Cyborg licks his lips. Raven rolls her eyes at them both. I look at Robin and watch as he slowly starts to turn towards me. I hurry up and duck before he can see that I didn't listen to him and leave the roof.

"What's wrong Robin?" I hear Starfire ask him.

I peek up a little and see that he is turned back towards his team. They are all looking at him waiting for an explanation.

{If he says anything they might come looking for me.}


I pull out my phone as the Titan's communicators go off.

{Glad I hacked into their communicators. Anytime they get a call I get it too.}

I open my phone to see Slade, the worst villain of them all. I turn up the volume so I can hear what he and the Titans are saying.

"Well done Titans, it seems you were able to stop my pet."

"I figured you were behind this Slade. What are you planning?" Robin asks with anger in his voice.

{When it comes to Slade, Robin always gets angrier than usual.}

"I guess I can tell you now since you've taken down my distraction." Slade explains.

"Distraction from what? What have you done?" Robin yells.

"Somewhere throughout the city I have planted five bombs, each at a location that would kill many innocent people."

Starfire gasps.

"Where are they Slade? Tell me now!" Robin screams.

"Patience Robin. What fun would that be if I told you where my toys were?"

Cyborg lifts his arm up and the screen appears. He starts typing frantically.

"I can't get a pin point on Slade or the explosives." he explains still typing.

"You won't be able to find them that way Cyborg, you'll have to go look."

Cyborg puts his arm back down and the screen disappears.

"Better hurry though, they will go off around sunset."

The screen goes black. I close my phone as Robin puts his communicator back in it's spot.

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