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I'm surrounded by darkness, the worst kind of darkness. I can't see anything, even when I close my eyes I can feel the dark reaching for me. I open them again but nothing changed.

"Hello?" I speak.

No one answers. I start walking very slowly, scared of walking into anything or falling off of something. As I walk the darkness feels colder.

{What is this feeling? It's so sinister.}

I stop frozen to the spot. The ominous feeling suffocating me.

{It's so evil, so scary.}

"Ahhhhhh!" I hear someone scream.

The scream repeats over and over, getting louder and closer. I cover my ears but the scream continues to echo in my head. The feeling of evil gets stronger as the seconds pass and the screaming gets louder. I pull my hands away from my ears because they aren't making the screaming any better. I start running as fast as I can trying to escape the threatening feeling choking me. I continue to run in the darkness, trying to find any light.

{I have to get out of here. I'm scared.}

As I run I can feel the evil on my heels, getting closer and closer no matter how fast I go.

"Leave me alone!" I scream.

I focus my energy around me and make a force field as I run.

{This will keep it out.}

"You can't escape me!" I hear a dark voice yell in the darkness.

My legs freeze and stop not being able to move.

{It feels like someone is holding my legs.}

I try to pull them free but can't break the grip that holds me.

"You're all mine!" the voice yells as my force field explodes.

The dreadful feeling starts to enter my body, suffocating me from the inside out.

"No! Get out of me!" I yell focusing my energy on pushing the evil out.

The screaming mixes with mine as I scream as loudly as I can.

"Jade!" I hear another voice yell.

The screaming stops but the darkness and evil stay.

"Jade, you're ok! Everything is alright!" the voice yells calmly.

"I'm stuck! It's so dark, so evil!" I yell back to the disembodied voice.

"Open your eyes! There's no darkness, you're not stuck!"

{My eyes are open.}

"Everything is ok, I'm right here."

The dread leaves and I can move my feet again.

"You're safe, I promise. Just open your eyes."

I take a deep breath and see light. I look around and see purple and blue.

"You're finally awake."

I realize I'm laying down in Raven's bed with Raven holding onto me.

"What happened?" I ask slowly sitting up.

"You were dreaming." she explains letting me go.

{Dreaming, it was another nightmare. More like the same nightmare.}

"You were screaming and crying."

That's when I feel that my face is wet. I wipe the remaining tears away.

"What were you dreaming about?" she asks worried.

"I guess I should've told you. I have really bad nightmares, or nightmare is more like it."


"I'm surrounded by complete darkness, the worst kind ever. At first it's ok but then something evil enters. I can feel it all around me, it's suffocating. Then the screaming starts. It's terrifying and continues forever. No matter what I do I can't block it out. I run away from the evil but it stays right behind me. I put a force field around me, but then something grabs my legs and holds me in place. A voice yells at me saying that I can't escape and that I'm his. My force field breaks and the evil enters me. Then all I hear is screaming. That's when I heard another voice telling me that I was ok and safe."

"That was me, I was trying to calm you down."

"It worked, the screaming stopped. Then the dread left and I could move again, that's when I woke up."

She looks at me with worry and shock.

"How did you know?"

"You were screaming like I said but what woke me up was your energy. You were giving off so much it was crazy, you started levitating before the screaming. I held onto you and calmed you down."

"I'm sorry I woke you. I was really hoping that being here with you knowing that I was safe would keep the nightmare away."

"It's ok, I use to have them too. Almost the same but mine had fire in it. The evil comes form the father DNA inside of us. It took me along time to realize that, that's all it was, that I wasn't evil. You aren't either, we can control it. We can push it and the fear away."

{The evil is Trigon?}

"Thank you." I say hugging her.

"For what?"

"Telling me what it is and that I'm not alone, that you over came this. That I can push it away." I say getting sleepy.

"You can control it, I'll help you. I will protect you and help you. You are not evil, you will never be." she explains holding me.

{I'm safe here, safe with her. She'll help me fight the evil feeling inside of me.}

Raven slowly lays me down and covers me with the blanket, but I barely realize because I'm too far gone.

Raven's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now