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Darkness is all I see, all that surrounds me.

{Where am I?}

I look around but I can't see anything. I lift my hands and can barely make out their shape.

{How did I get here?}

I lower my hands back to my sides and slowly start to walk.

{The last thing I remember is fighting Billy.}

I continue to walk.

{I remember feeling Raven's energy.}

I start walking faster.

{She was in trouble.}

I start running.

{Raven's in trouble.}

I run faster.

{I have to save her and the others.}

I keep running deeper into the darkness.

{How do I get out of here? I need to get back to them, I have to help.}

I keep on running.

"Let me out of here!"

Everything goes white.

"Raven!" I scream sitting up fast.

I look around and immediately recognize my surroundings.

{I'm back in med room, I'm back in Titan's Tower? How did I get here?}

I look towards the window and see sunlight shining through.

{It's morning but it was almost dusk when I felt Raven was in distress.}

I close my eyes and focus on Raven's energy.

{She's ok. She's in the Tower. I need to go see her and find out what happened.}

I go to move but cords attached to me pull and keep me from moving very far.

"What's going on?"

I look down at myself and take in all the wires. The multiple colored wires under my shirt attached to my chest, and a wire attached to the pulse oximeter on my pointer finger. I lift my hand and feel the tube under my nose supplying me oxygen. My other hand has an IV attached to a bag of saline solution hanging from a hook in the ceiling.

{What happened to me?}

I look around again paying more attention to the pictures and charts on the walls and on the tables.

{Each one says Jade on it. There's x-rays, ultrasounds, CAT scans, and MRIs. Plus some imaging I've never seen before.}

I carefully reach for the papers closest to me and look over the charts on them.

{I don't understand. How did they run all these tests on me? When did they?}

I start reading over the paragraphs of information about me, flipping through the pages and pages of detailed medical information.

{These remind me of the pages I found in the building I was kept in, but something has changed.}


I quickly look up from what I was reading and see Raven standing at the doorway with a scattered pile of books laying at her feet.

{I didn't even hear the door open.}

"Jade." she says softly as her eyes start to glisten with tears.

{Why is she looking at me like that?}

Raven's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now