I'm Your Sister

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"Do we know who it is?" a voice asks in the darkness.

{I still can't move but at least I can hear them.}

"Whoever it is saved Raven from Slade." Beast Boy explains.

{They haven't figured it out yet but once I'm conscious Raven will figure it out.}

"How is Raven?" Starfire asks worried.

"She's awake. I think she went to her room." Robin guesses.

{Good she's not in here with us.}

I try to move but all I can get to move are my fingers.

"Whoever it is saved me too." Robin confesses.

"When?" Cyborg asks.

{Great now they're going to think I'm stalking them. I mean I am but just so I can get to know more about Raven.}

"When we were fighting Plasmus yesterday. He threw me and I would've missed the roof and fallen but this person caught me."

I try to move again and manage to move my head.

"Look." Starfire speaks.

I slowly open my eyes to bright lights and four shadows surrounding me. I slowly sit up and they back up not knowing what to do.

"Are you ok?" Starfire asks.

I nod my head and survey the room. We're surrounded by monitors and another bed across the room.

"This is our medical room for when one of us get hurt." Cyborg explains seeing me look around.

I turn on the bed so my feet are hanging off the side.

"You shouldn't move. You've been out for awhile." Robin explains setting his hand on my shoulder.

I look up at him and he smiles. I look around at the other Titans and they do the same.

{They aren't mad at me.}


"Raven must be coming to thank you." Beast Boy laughs.


I stand up really fast and start for the door. All the Titans are too surprised to stop me.

{I change my mind I'm not ready to talk to her.}

I'm almost to the door when it slides open. I stop fast in my tracks before I run into Raven. She steps in and the door closes behind her.

"Raven look your savior is awake." Beast Boy chuckles.

Raven and I just stare at each other. She looks at me from my feet to my head looking confused.

"It's impossible." Raven speaks shocked.

{Oh no.}

"What's wrong?" Robin asks as he walks up behind me.

Raven walks up to me and studies me more.

"Please take the glasses and hood off." she asks.

"Raven what's going on? This person is the one that saved you." Cyborg explains also walking up behind me.

"Please, I need to know if its true. Please?" Raven begs.

"Raven leave it be, it's ok." Beast Boy speaks as him and Starfire walk around me to be beside Raven.

She continues to stare at me waiting for me to do what she asks. I take a deep breath and nod. I push a button on my glasses and the cord unclips from my hood and goes back into my glasses. I press another button and the glasses pull apart and form back into their hearing aid shapes behind my ears. Raven takes a little step back and all the Titans stare at us. I slowly remove my hood and all the Titans gasp at my purple hair except Raven.

"Does that mean what I think it means?" Beast Boy asks.

"I think it does." Cyborg answers.

"Explanation, now." Robin demands.

I'm not paying attention to any of them, I'm only looking at Raven.

{I can't tell if you're mad or sad.}

"I'm sad." Raven answers responding to my emotions.

"I didn't mean for you to find out like this. I wanted to tell you myself but when Slade was going to take you I had to save you." I finally speak.

"Someone explain what's happening, please?" Starfire asks.

Raven looks at me waiting for me to tell them and her.

"Raven is, she's my, I'm her.." I start.

"She's my sister." Raven interrupts knowing I can't finish.

All the Titans gasp and stare at me.

"Raven, I'm sorry. I was scared, I wanted to meet you so badly but.."

Raven reaches out and wraps me in her arms before I can finish. I stand there frozen, then I wrap my arms around her and squeeze.

{She's not mad, she's happy.}

"I am happy but sad too because we've been apart for so long." she explains letting go.

"I know and I'm sorry."

The others still stand around us staring.

"So what's your name?" Robin asks kindly.

"How old are you?" Cyborg asks next.

"Where have you been?" Beast Boy asks.

"Why have you been hiding?" Starfire asks next.

Each question they ask they step closer to me.

{Too many questions.}

Raven steps between me and them and holds her arm out in front of me.

"Guys give her some space, she's scared." she says softly.

{She's protecting me, she's already treating me like an older sister would.}

They back up a little but still continue to stare at me. Raven turns around and puts her hands on my shoulders.

"Are you able to answer some questions before bed? Are you strong enough?" she asks me sincerely.

I nod to her and them.

{I don't know what all I can tell them. I don't remember much.}

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