Telling them Again

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*Kind of a short one and it has a lot of repeated stuff but it's important

Jinx continues to stare at me as tears roll down her face. Her eyes stare into mine, flickering back and forth.

"How is it possible?" She asks quietly.

"I don't know but I swear it's the truth. I remember everything about my time in H.I.V.E.." I take her hands into mine, "I remember all of our time together."

I squeeze her hands and give her my signature smile, Shadow's smile. Her eyes grow as her cheeks turn red.

"Shadow!!!" She lets go of my hands before wrapping her arms around my neck.

I pull her against me into my arms. I hold onto her as she cries happy tears.

{I don't know how I got my memories back but I'm really glad that I did, especially for her sake. I found what my heart was telling me and maybe now we can get to the bottom of everything.}

"Is everything okay in here?" A voice asks as the curtains fly open.

Jinx and I let go of one another, she sits beside me as we look up at Raven and Caitlin standing at the bottom of the bed. Raven is without her cloak or shoes and Caitlin is wearing a set of light blue pajamas with clouds on them, both looking as if they just woke up.

"What's with the yelling? It's six in the morning." Caitlin asks as she wipes her eyes.

"Are you okay Jade?" Raven asks worried.

{Am I Jade or am I Shadow now?}

Caitlin walks up to the side of the bed that Jinx isn't sitting on.

"You took your leads off." Caitlin grabs a hold of the different colored wires before placing them on top of the monitor.

"Sorry, I needed to be able to move better and they were in the way."

"It's okay, it seems like you are feeling a lot better so I guess you don't need them." She takes my hand with the IV, "Let me just take this out."

I nod as she gently takes the tape off and tubing out of my hand.

"Thank you." I put my hand back on the bed.

Jinx slides her hand under mine, I look over at her and smile as I squeeze.

"Something seems different." Raven speaks up.

I look back at Raven as she looks at Jinx.

"Your emotions have changed." Raven says to Jinx.

Caitlin walks over to stand by Raven.

"You are happier, there isn't as much despair in your heart as there was earlier." She explains as she takes a step closer.

"That's because I am happier. I'm happier than I have been in over two years." She looks over at me and smiles, "Shadow came back to me just like she promised."

I smile back at her, my heart fluttering in my chest.

"What do you mean?" Raven walks up beside us.

{How is she going to take this? Is she going to be glad that I can remember some of my past or is she going to be upset that I can.}

I take a deep breath as I look up at Raven, "It's going to sound crazy."

"I've probably heard crazier." Raven gives me a small smile as she sits on the other side of me.

"While I was asleep I dreamt about everything that Jinx told me yesterday."

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