6 vs Numerous

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Robin frantically types on the keyboard pulling up the map and zooming in on the red dot that is blinking on the screen. A video starts playing showing multiple store windows broken and people running around frantically.

"What are we dealing with?" Cyborg asks studying the screen.

"I don't know. I can't get a shot of what's going on." Robin explains.

"I guess we'll have to find out when we get there." Beast Boy smiles.

"Alright, let's move."

They all take off running I follow behind staying on Raven's heels.

{This is it. I have to show them that I can be a Titan, that all the training I've done hasn't been for nothing.}

We all get into the elevator and head to the garage. Once we get there Robin gets on his bike while Cyborg gets into the T-Car as the doors open.

"Shotgun!" Beast Boy yells running and jumping into the passenger seat.

I look over at Raven as she shakes her head pulling up her hood. I do the same while also clicking the device behind my ear making my glasses appear.

"Are you guys coming?" he yells poking his head out the window.

"I prefer the sky." Starfire explains levitating and flying out the door with Robin right behind her on the bike.

I look over at Raven, "What about you? Are you flying or riding?"

She looks over at me and smiles before her eyes start to glow, "Cyborg go, we'll be right behind you."

The T-Car's tires squeal and it shoots out of the garage.

"Raven why did you tell them to go? I can't...." I start as I feel energy surrounding me, I look down as my upper body starts to glow with dark energy.


I look back up at Raven and she is levitating, "Let's go."

My feet leave the ground as the energy clings to my body.

"Raven, what are you doing?" I ask worried as I get a few feet from the ground."

She doesn't answer as we fly towards and out the door. We are moving fast while getting higher. I close my eyes as objects fly by and start to become ants. I feel the wind on my face and then a mist mixes in with it.

"Jade it's ok, open your eyes!" I hear Raven yell over the wind in my ears.

I slowly open my eyes, my glasses protecting them from the air pressure. I open them and see myself staring at me.


I look around more and realize we are flying over the water towards the city.

"I figured you've never been flying before." I look over at her, "So I decided to give you a ride to the city." she explains watching me intently.

I look back at my reflection moving fast across the water. Then we start to move up again, my reflection getting smaller and smaller. Then the buildings start and we are soaring over the city.

{It's beautiful.}

I look around at all the skyscrapers and all the buildings. Looking down at the ant sized people and toy sized cars moving around on the ground.

"I had the same look when I flew above the city for the first time."

I look back over at her as she looks away. "It is breathtaking."

Raven's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now