In the Dark

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**While in H.I.V.E Shadow is a few inches taller than Jinx. Now they are the same height.

We stand against the building beside the lobby doors that lead into Mercury Labs, both of us in our suits.

"Did your plan tell us how to get into the building without getting caught?" I ask as I peek in the door and see a security guard sitting at the welcome desk.

"Wouldn't be much of a challenge if they told us how to do everything, now would it?" she smiles at me before pulling me back so she can peek into the door.

We stand there for a minute as Shadow continues to stare inside. She turns back around and leans against the wall.

"Well I have a few ideas but they're all pretty risky."

"What are they?"

"Option one, we can lure him outside and attack him out of view from the cameras. While I'm attacking him you can use your powers on the cameras from here and destroy them, hopefully making those watching think they just malfunctioned, before anyone watching notices he left."

"That plan doesn't seem so bad."

"Maybe not but if we alarm him in any way, while trying to lure him out here, he could call for backup. Or if someone realizes that he is gone from the time he walks out the door to the time you take down the cameras, they could sound the alarm. Which would announce to everyone that we are here. And this is a stealth mission, no one can know we were here until after we leave with the tech."


"Option two, one of us goes in there and pretends that we're lost and afraid, distracting him from the other one coming in and destroying the cameras. Then once the cameras are delt with, we'd deal with him."

"That doesn't sound too bad."

"Problem is though, he might not fall for it and would become suspicious. Or he might not care, so he'd be ignoring whoever goes in there and would see the other come in a few seconds later."

"Anything else?"

"The most risky. We go in fast and hard. I'd use my dark energy to cover the cameras, so they'd only see black, before taking down the guard. If I miss even one of the cameras or he reaches his radio before we get to him, they will know that we are here."

"Are those our only options?"

"Only ones I can think of in a short amount of time," she glances down at her watch, "We're running out of time. We have to move soon."

{There has to be another way, these can't be the only plans we can come up with.}

I peek my head around Shadow to look at the security guard at the desk. He is leaning back in the chair with his arms crossed over his chest watching something on the desk.

{His full attention is on whatever he is staring at.}

I glance around the lobby, located a few feet beside the desk, seeing all the usual things you would see in a lobby. I look at the ceiling, finding all of the cameras pointed towards the door. I look around once more and a lightbulb goes off in my head.

"I have an idea." I speak up as I go back to my original spot beside Shadow.

Shadow glances at me puzzled before moving away from the entrance.


"All the cameras are pointed this way, towards the door."


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